How to Integrate 2checkout payment gateway with React.js - reactjs

I am looking for a code sample or well documentation for the integration of the 2checkout gateway in reactjs project. I was trying to use 2pay.js but it does not work for me,
could you please help me to provide good well documentation or a code sample?
Thank you


How to mention '#'mention integration with react webgifted chat

Im using react-web-giftedchat for my project.Still there is no proper documentation for that..can someone here help me to add mentions for the users.Thanks in advance

How to implement Google Places API in React JS?

I'm trying to implement Google Places API in React JS, but I am not able to do that, I don't know where I have to start, I was looking for some libraries, but everything that I get is about Google Maps, and those are 2 different APIs.
Could someone help me with this?
You did not provide much details but I think this tutorial may fits your needs, check it out:
Google Maps React Component
The entire module is available at google-maps-react
as indicated in the tutorial.
Hope it helps.
You can also use react-google-location npm package. it provide everything that you need such as current location,coordinates and google places also.

Twitter Api 1.1 , Get feeds using ngCordova

I have been working on twitter feed in cordova using angularjs.
I have created app in my account and have generated consumer key and secret key and also access token.
User cordova-twitter plugin
I have tried this few links but nothing working for me.
Please help me out with this issue as am beginner with this twitter and could'nt find any tutorial for beginners.
Thank you everyone.
I found it difficult to implement twitter in cordova. Hence i went in other way. I have used PHP to get feeds from twitter and then call that api in my app.
Integrating in php was much simpler. But still if some one has better idea please post it here, it might be helpfull in future.

Getting Started with AngularJs + Firebase

I am looking for good straight forward examples, tutorials, and books on AngularJs + Firebase that are up-to-date I have come across numerous tutorials on AngularJS + Firebase using simpleLogin.js which to my understanding is out-dated. I have read the quickstart documentation on which provides examples on how to get started using firebase but not how to utilize firebase with angularjs. I am now go through codecacademy's Firebase API course but again it's not DI the api with angularjs it's showing standalone use.
It would be of great help if anyone can direct me to books on AngularJS + Firebase that are structured in the same way the authors of A Smarter Way To Learning JavaScript or Learning Ruby The Hardway have done.
When I was starting to learn Angularfire, I found this tutorial to be incredibly useful: It shows you how to build a "slack clone" using angular and firebase, and I think it's still up-to-date. It was the best tutorial I found outside of what firebase has on their site.
Hope that helps.
There are some good AngularJS/Firebase examples on
I'm actually the author of the first example, "Wait and Eat". The app is open source, so you can learn a lot by just poking around in the code, and if you have any questions, you can ask me (my contact info is in the README).
I keep it up-to-date and it also follows best practices from the Angular Style Guide from John Papa.
If you want more guidance, I also have a video course where you build the app step-by-step as 22Ryann mentioned.

Is there any existing MEAN JS comment system available? or node modules for comment system

I am developing an web app using meanjs But it has no comment feature for articles. Can anyone please suggest me how to develop comment system or any tutorial for it, since am very new to MEAN.
Is is it possible to integrate Disqus with meanjs?
Thanks In advance....
