Getting Started with AngularJs + Firebase - angularjs

I am looking for good straight forward examples, tutorials, and books on AngularJs + Firebase that are up-to-date I have come across numerous tutorials on AngularJS + Firebase using simpleLogin.js which to my understanding is out-dated. I have read the quickstart documentation on which provides examples on how to get started using firebase but not how to utilize firebase with angularjs. I am now go through codecacademy's Firebase API course but again it's not DI the api with angularjs it's showing standalone use.
It would be of great help if anyone can direct me to books on AngularJS + Firebase that are structured in the same way the authors of A Smarter Way To Learning JavaScript or Learning Ruby The Hardway have done.

When I was starting to learn Angularfire, I found this tutorial to be incredibly useful: It shows you how to build a "slack clone" using angular and firebase, and I think it's still up-to-date. It was the best tutorial I found outside of what firebase has on their site.
Hope that helps.

There are some good AngularJS/Firebase examples on
I'm actually the author of the first example, "Wait and Eat". The app is open source, so you can learn a lot by just poking around in the code, and if you have any questions, you can ask me (my contact info is in the README).
I keep it up-to-date and it also follows best practices from the Angular Style Guide from John Papa.
If you want more guidance, I also have a video course where you build the app step-by-step as 22Ryann mentioned.


Can I use React for my UI on a Wordpress project?

I have been playing with wordpress lately and I managed to deploy a simple page via a web hosting company (whc) with a domain name and everything. I love working with React and I am looking to understand how it would work in order to use WordPress with React. I played a bit with the ReactPress plugin and went through some ressources online but I am still unsuccesfull. From my understanding they are two main ways to do such a thing and I think I am mixing them up. I was wondering if there is a clear way to do so. Any info will be very welcome
There's a React framework for WordPress. You may check that. have a look

AngularJS page takes long to load

I'm creating a page using AngularJS as front-end and SpringBoot as back-end. I'm completely new to AngularJS and I can't figure out why it takes so long for my page to load.
Thank's for any help in advance.
This is the link to my page:
All the modern JavaScript frameworks come with a learning curve you have to get over. For AngularJS, since you are new to it, I would strongly suggest you use AngularJS2. It's faster than 1.x.
Familiarise yourself with the build process - in production environment you want all your files packed and minified.
For a general approach have a look at this blog article (a little older, but you get the gist).
For Angular2 check out the Angular Seed project
Watching some tutorials on YouTube about the build process will help too

Twitter Api 1.1 , Get feeds using ngCordova

I have been working on twitter feed in cordova using angularjs.
I have created app in my account and have generated consumer key and secret key and also access token.
User cordova-twitter plugin
I have tried this few links but nothing working for me.
Please help me out with this issue as am beginner with this twitter and could'nt find any tutorial for beginners.
Thank you everyone.
I found it difficult to implement twitter in cordova. Hence i went in other way. I have used PHP to get feeds from twitter and then call that api in my app.
Integrating in php was much simpler. But still if some one has better idea please post it here, it might be helpfull in future.

Creating a mobile App with Laravel and AngularJS

I've been reading up on AngularJS lately (always used jQuery) and I'm starting to understand and like it. Normally I would build webapplications with Laravel. Now i'd really like to dig further and learn about connecting these two frameworks to build an awesome SPA. In this case, Laravel serves as a REST api and Angular handles the front end. This article and also this video helped me a lot, but still raises questions.
The biggest one (maybe very stupid) is: could the HTML/CSS/JS be converted to a native mobile app, for example with PhoneGap? Because that is what I'm wishing to achieve if possible.
Also, if this is possible, is it a good way or does it get too tricky?
This is still very new to me, just need some help on the way. I hope my question makes some sence, thanks in advance.

Laravel and Angular.JS - Web App Dev

I have started learning Laravel and Angular, for one of my project at university. I want to rebuild the website with these two frameworks but I cant figure out exatly the best way to do that. From Laravel I want the less posible, because I will focus on Angular.
Can someone with more experience help me?
For example, do I need to use routing on both sides? Which functions of the website I should cover with Laravel(Mailer, Auth, Routing...) and which using Angular?
I just need to understand a bigger image, not in details.
Tnx a lot.
All the best :D
There's quite some information on the net regarding Laravel and Angular, but this one in particular is one that I found useful:
You may also want to consider writting a front-end app in Angular and a separate back-end app in Laravel. The back-end app can then expose an API, consumed by the Angular front-end.
