AutoAnimate FormKIt Documentation Issue - React - reactjs

I really love the way autoAnimate with formkit does this component on their website.
However, I cant find the example code for their animated list per the above?
Yes you can go to their github, however all the examples are in vue. Is there an example that exists for react?

The only thing I was able to find regarding react is this example:


Storybook and React route

I'm going through an impasse, I would like to know if there is a possibility to integrate the storybook as a route in my react app, if so. How can it be done? Could it be done as micro frontend?
I've done a lot of research on this but I can't find any answers to any of the questions.
I saw some discussions on github but none reached a correct conclusion or revealed any examples

Is it Possible to Create like Elementer App (Wordpress) in React js?

I am trying to create like elementer app (Wordpress) in react using react dnd (npm) , there is lot of problems came when creating Html Elements , any one can suggest for creating way or any packages to to this app .
Thanks in advance
Your question is very vague.
But I'll give you a bit of a starting point. explains how to create a block in a plugin.
Then have a look at the entirety of this: - and you might kind of know where to start.
In general you can use react components anywhere with gutenberg. However mostly in the backend. Using them in the front end does often not make that much sense - then you are better off working with wordpress as a headless CM (via RestAPI).
Hope this helped you.

Tag inside textarea in ReactJS

I have looked at all packages/plugins available for ReactJS but couldn't find anything like it. I'm trying to tag users in the <textarea> of my app something like the attached screen:
I understand this is for coding issues but I'm lost trying to figure out where to even start. Some direction would really help.
check this check this. It has that feature. If you want pure custom one let me know.

Who can verify my implementation of react menu?

I’m studying REACT on official documentation and on the course at Udemy. I want to create an online store, first I made a small template for the site menu. Who can check the code and give feedback so that I could make the menu and the online store better? Thanks. - production - build

How can one use a polymer component inside a react component ? Is it possible?

I have used google's polymer to make web components but i am also very interested in giving react a try. So i want to know whether it is possible to use the polymer component from inside the render function of a react component ?
Yes it is possible !
I did it using a method thats kinda bit complicated but i would love to share it.
if you have already used polymer then just directly use the polymer the way you use it any other polymer element.
all you have to do is convert this react folder to a js.
You can follow this tutorial in order to convert a jsx to js. and use any polymer element without a problem.
This is not my tutorial but something i saw on youtube .
all credits for this tutorial go to codingwithjesse
As asked by WiredPraire , i would like to show you with an example
this is my index.html :
This is poly-react.html the polymer element:
This is my polyreact.jsx which also has polymer element inside
and the polymer inside above jsx started working with this transformation which can be done using the tutorial:
The index file also has to be changed like this:
hope this helps!!!!!!!!
