Tag inside textarea in ReactJS - reactjs

I have looked at all packages/plugins available for ReactJS but couldn't find anything like it. I'm trying to tag users in the <textarea> of my app something like the attached screen:
I understand this is for coding issues but I'm lost trying to figure out where to even start. Some direction would really help.

check this check this. It has that feature. If you want pure custom one let me know.


AutoAnimate FormKIt Documentation Issue - React

I really love the way autoAnimate with formkit does this component on their website.
However, I cant find the example code for their animated list per the above?
Yes you can go to their github, however all the examples are in vue. Is there an example that exists for react? https://github.com/formkit/auto-animate/blob/master/docs/src/examples/dropdown/dropdown.jsx
The only thing I was able to find regarding react is this example:

how can access to the cell edited in tabulator with react

I'm using react tabulator, displaying the data works perfectly, but I need to allow that the user can add tags in some cells, it's not clear to me how to achieve this because the docs only have concise information about this and using the standard (vanilla js) library, I can't find a reacts way to achieve this
I'd like to connect the event with a redux dispatcher because I need to run an action when the user add or delete tags, but not sure if it's possible with this lib
I'd appreciate any help, guide, or clue about how can I achieve this, thank you so much
Use react-tabulator instead of tabulator

How to append views in react native

I did a web app for the meteo in jQuery and HTML/CSS and I appended the days of the week with that :
enter image description here
And now I would like to do the same in React native but I don't know how to append Views in react native
Has somebody an idea about this ?
Thank you very much !
Welcome! For the record, in the future, please keep all the images attached to the post and make sure that you add more code to your question. It makes it easier to help.
Anyway, if I understood you correctly, one thing you could do is:
let components = [];
That should work and you can "append" views.
As for the text that is pretty much like any JS app. You can do this:
<Text>`Days ${days}`</Text>
To understand this I suggest you read the get started guide for react and react native.

Will admin on rest play nicely with cloudinary/postgres on the same tab?

Before i start looking down this road i have different datasources that would need to be updated in the same tab if i was to attempt to use react-admin, wondering if i'll be able to modify it to do what i need?
For anyone else who happened to land here and had as little experience as i did when i asked this.... you can use the cloudinary widget in your react-admin app and pass the returned url off to your mutation no problem.

Integrating noflo and AngularJS using the-graph

I'm working to integrate noflo into AngularJS. For some reason, I've only been able to find an old answer that seemed to direct users wanting to do this to "the-graph", but wasn't super-clear: github.com/noflo/noflo/issues/286.
I am working to attempt to integrate into AngularJS; if anyone has a working example of doing this, a plukr or fiddle would be appreciated.
Secondly, the "left-click" option that allows editing node properties doesn't appear functional in the-graph example. It seems to work here, but not here. I was wondering how to get the search/properties edit box for each node to function when including inside an existing UI.
So, in sum,
How can I get the "left-click" node properties to show up in a custom UI?
How can I best integrate noflo into AngularJS? The-graph has a ton of other libraries that appear to need to be added (React, Polymer, HammerJS, KlayJS, KlayJS-NoFlo, etc..)
Thanks for any help!
It is not clear what you hope to achieve. Do you want to:
Program webapps using NoFlo and AngularJS?
Make an app (using AngularJS) with a node-editor like the one used in NoFlo UI (the-graph)?
Or something else?
