How to append views in react native - reactjs

I did a web app for the meteo in jQuery and HTML/CSS and I appended the days of the week with that :
enter image description here
And now I would like to do the same in React native but I don't know how to append Views in react native
Has somebody an idea about this ?
Thank you very much !

Welcome! For the record, in the future, please keep all the images attached to the post and make sure that you add more code to your question. It makes it easier to help.
Anyway, if I understood you correctly, one thing you could do is:
let components = [];
That should work and you can "append" views.
As for the text that is pretty much like any JS app. You can do this:
<Text>`Days ${days}`</Text>
To understand this I suggest you read the get started guide for react and react native.


AutoAnimate FormKIt Documentation Issue - React

I really love the way autoAnimate with formkit does this component on their website.
However, I cant find the example code for their animated list per the above?
Yes you can go to their github, however all the examples are in vue. Is there an example that exists for react?
The only thing I was able to find regarding react is this example:

Is it Possible to Create like Elementer App (Wordpress) in React js?

I am trying to create like elementer app (Wordpress) in react using react dnd (npm) , there is lot of problems came when creating Html Elements , any one can suggest for creating way or any packages to to this app .
Thanks in advance
Your question is very vague.
But I'll give you a bit of a starting point. explains how to create a block in a plugin.
Then have a look at the entirety of this: - and you might kind of know where to start.
In general you can use react components anywhere with gutenberg. However mostly in the backend. Using them in the front end does often not make that much sense - then you are better off working with wordpress as a headless CM (via RestAPI).
Hope this helped you.

Tag inside textarea in ReactJS

I have looked at all packages/plugins available for ReactJS but couldn't find anything like it. I'm trying to tag users in the <textarea> of my app something like the attached screen:
I understand this is for coding issues but I'm lost trying to figure out where to even start. Some direction would really help.
check this check this. It has that feature. If you want pure custom one let me know.

Gatsby, GraphQL & Apollo caching issue

I've just rebuilt a new portfolio site using Gatsby, which dynamically displays my projects, using Apollo and GraphQL.
I'm really happy with the performance, however I've noticed that the project items page will sometimes show the previously loaded content for a split second before displaying the correct content.
My approach was based on this demo -
Does anyone know how I prevent this issue from happening please?
Thanks in advance,

Navigating to new page with new content and new css in react

I'm a complete beginner in ReactJS. I'm currently designing a website using it and currently working through localhost.
My main page is on localhost:3000 and I want to navigate to localhost:3000\University(I have designed a separate file University.js for this).
On navigating to the content of this file, it overlaps with the existing content (ie that of localhost:3000). Is there any way to show the new content without overlapping as well as with separate CSS. Any help would be really appreciated.
Actually, I'm not getting what you mean by "overlapping content"! For the css part maybe you are looking for something like "local stylesheets" aka "css modules".
This answer has an example of using local stylesheet for each component. Also, there are various libraries, as mentioned in this post, which can come handy for you.
Go through this article, and pay attention at method 4 there. CSS modules is one of the best solutions in case you are experiencing CSS overlapping.
PS: react-native and react-js are two different tags!
You can understand react routing here, if you have some doubt over it. (Mentioning this because of tag!)
