PrimeNg file upload hide or customize error message - primeng

I use PrimeNg file upload in my Angular project and I use custom template inside its content for drag and drop and ..., I want to hide uploader's error message when like file size is larger than maxFileSize, or its type,... and show the message in something like a toast(notification), or if I can not hide it, at least I hide other contents when it is showing error to keep its content inside its border and don't let it loose its shape.
So I want these things:
1- Hide error and show its error(or my own error) in a toast(notification)
2- When It's showing error message, I can hide other content like texts,button,... (access to a boolean indicating that error is showing)


NSOutlineView spring loading exits over NSImageView but not NSButton

I have an NSOutlineView subclass that implements the NSSpringLoadingDestination.
The outline view is populated with NSTableCellViews. Each table cell view has an NSTextField and NSImageView. It looks just like the name column in the Finder window: icon and text.
When I drag a row over the text field in another row everything works fine. When the cursor goes over the NSImageView, however, the spring loading exits.
The outline view also loses the highlight for that row.
If I replace the image view with an NSButton containing the image, the spring loading does not exit. And the outline view maintains the highlight.
Can anyone tell me why an NSControl does not interrupt the spring loading but an NSImageView does?
I have tried overriding some different NSView methods but I can’t get the image view to behave like the button.
Even when an image view is uneditable it apparently still handles drag & drop. To fix this call the image view's unregisterDraggedTypes method.

binding ng-model to ionic popover

Need help on this.I created the following code
When the user click on the search button after typing in some text,if the text is present in 'myArray' then it should be displayed in the popover otherwise nothing
Implemented example whenever text field contains more than 4 characters, it shows popup and hides popup when it is empty.
Following is the link

How i get that message (Please fill out this field) using selenium-webdriver- java

I am unable to handle the context text of an Username and Password fields.
Whenever I Click the Login button without entering Username and Password, I am getting text 'Please fill out this field' in a context box. I couldn't handle that using webdriver. HTML code for the Username field as below.
I want text of the marked context box.
I want to print the text of the context box.
#saiKrishna: I do not know how did you implemented your code, for me i would have tried
Step1: On Leaving a Username field blank or Directly clicking on Login Button I assume that the Context message is thrown. Perform any action that will open context menu.
Step2: Manually move the header to the pixel postion id the context menu position is not changing , then handle the context menu pop-up and take header on it.
Step3: One we get the control of context menu we can easily get the context text by gettext method.
Please let me know if there is any other condition or change which we cannot implement.

Tipsy +Views Tooltip is not working

I want to show Tooltip inside Views UI. I installed following two modules:-
Views Tooltip
I have following fields in the Views UI:-
Now add field "Global: Tooltip" inside Views UI. I gave a simple "Hello" in the "Tooltip text".
My requirement is to simply show the hello text as tooltip for snaps inside View.
Tipsy Configuration are as follows:-
Please let me know what am I doing wrong as tooltip is not being shown.
Try checking "child" under content class and check that your page output (use firebug or whatever) does not place the tooltip content class as a sibling (same level) as the tooltip class.

How to display error message if the text box is empty on button click in WPF

I want to show an error message when the text box is empty on button click. I don't want to display error in tool tip. Show error message in a separate text block.
This link should help you out
Implementing IDataErrorInfo is the most appropriate solution for error handling in WPF imho :)
