database in not working in flutter desktop (windows) - database

Want to store local data in flutter desktop application, I have used floor database for my mobile application.
It is working fine when we run in debug mode but when we make release build it does not work.
Or please guide if there is another way to achieve local storage functionality.
Please help me to solve my local storage issue for desktop application.
Thank you in advanced.

I think the root cause is, in debug mode, sqlite3.dll is bundled.
However, in release mode, you have to add sqlite3.dll in same folder as your executable manually.
See this:
You may find the sqlite3.dll download link in the page.


Is DotFuscator Community acceptable to Google Play Store?

Does anyone know if DotFuscator Community Edition is acceptable to Google Play Store? I'm asking because it's been futile for me. No matter what I do when loading to Play Store, it tells me that I should consider obfuscating. It seems to work locally fine. I can see the files it produces, and it provides relevant obfuscation. What's up with Google? I have tried both, manually entering the statements in Project file and the UI method as well. When using the UI mode I manually copied the obfuscated assemblies in the bin/release folder before archiving the bundle to no avail.

Codenamone project runs on simulator but not on device

I have built an app with codenameone. Tested on the simulator, everything appears fine. However when I build an app, it does not work well on the device. I use the sqlite database and the app is supposed to download data from the server and put into the local sqlite database. From the behaviour, apparently this is not happening. I have struggled to find a way to debug the app with vey little success.
What is the best wy to proceed?
I have the debug running now on Android Studio. I needed to install build tools version 27 and upgrade the gradle. I should be able to fix this.

Not able to find Windows.IdentityModel for windows 10 store app development

Is this dll not compatible with windows store app, Or is there any other way to achieve the same.
I tried adding it from nuget package also but not happening, I am getting this error:
"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'Solution'."
As far as I'm concerned, you need to intall the Windows Identity Foundation as well as the WIF SDK and then restart the application for the effect to work.
For Windows 10 device, Windows Identity foundation is not an istall but a Windows feature need to be enabled.
Enter Control Panel from Start menu
Click program and features
Choose turn Windows feature on or off
Choose Winodws Identity Framework, click OK
Restart your machine
A similar question here that could be helpful to you. As Moory said in the comment, he fixed this issue by adding the reference below to the csproj file:: ( .
Please also try it. Thank you.

SIlverlight XAP file not refreshing when debugging application

I work on a team building Silverlight apps (version 4). We use SVN and all work on separate parts of the code, and regularly update the project with latest code. The Silverlight app runs from an ASP.NET web app. We are having very frustrating issues when updating our code. It seems like old versions of the XAP are being cached.
Example: Francisco changes the wording of a popup dialog, and commits his changes. A very simple change, what could possibly go wrong? I get the latest code. I see the new code in my IDE (VS2010), and run it. When I view that dialog, it does not have the new wording, even though I can see the new wording in my files. I put a breakpoint on the code right where the change is, but when I run the app, the breakpoint is disabled!
I try Clean build of the Silverlight and the Web host. I kill my local ASP.NET development server. I run the app - same thing! I delete the xap from ClientBin. No good.
Each of us on the team are experiencing this issue. Now we occasionally solve it, but are never sure what exactly fixed things, which is not satisfactory.
There must be some setting or something that we are missing. You would think that deleting the ClientBin xap file would solve it, as the new XAP must come from compiling the Silverlight app, right?
If you've seen this problem before and have a real solution, please let me know. (The solution of "format your hard drive and re-install everything" will NOT be accepted!)
Thank you,
Daniel Wiliams
I recommend that you use IE for Silverlight development. See also this answer.
The problem with using Firefox for development is that Firefox runs plugins in a separate process (plugin-container.exe). When launching the debugger, VS doesn't know that Silverlight won't be running from the process it launched, so it doesn't attach to the correct process. The breakpoints in Silverlight code appear not to work because the VS debugger hasn't attached to any process running the Silverlight code.
I believe it's possible to disable the use of the plugin-container.exe process (see, for example, LIMPET235's post here), but that won't fix the apparent caching you're also experiencing.
I used to use Firefox for Silverlight development, but I found that things worked much more smoothly when I switched to using IE.
First of all, could you please check is your .xap file also included into source control?
it should not be included..., no need IMHO.
Most likely your xap file is set to read only.
go to that file location and make ClientBin folder not read only if is.
I've seen this before the XAP file is cached. Try emptying your browsers cache and then putting a query string on the XAP. So your XAP reference would look something like Foo.xap?1234
couple things to check.
Make sure your silverlight project's output path is correct.
Make sure your silverlight application has been added to your web app project.
Enable silverlight debugging in your web app project.
Set the silverlight project as a dependency in your web application's settings
The solution of "format your hard drive and re-install everything" will NOT be accepted!
Format your hard drive and install Linux (:
More to the point, configure the Silverlight Applications tab in the SomeSilverlightApp.Web project to copy the xap file from the SomeSilverlightApp project to the ClientBin folder which shows there by default.
The ClientBin folder is also part of the SomeSilverlightApp.Web project in my case and the xap properties are set to CopyToOutputDirectory: Always so that it also gets deployed.
This is probably not the right solution but it works here and I have not time to try to investigate this weird logic.

Debugging silverlight application problem

My VS2010 doesn't stop at breakpoints inside of silverlight application. It appears that no symbols for it have been loaded during debugging. When I hover over the break point it says "The braekpoint will not currently be hit, no symbols have been loaded".
I have tried all of possible solutions offered by google and have no success. The problem occurs even when I create brand new silverlight app hosted by an ASP .NET web project. All of my project configuration looks fine - silverlight debugging is enabled in the Web project.
I am using silverlight 4.
here a link to the sample project created out from the tepmlate.
Any thoughts ?
P.S I just tried to reinstall VS2010 and the problem still exists.
EDIT: I just tested the same project on another machine and it stops at the break point it seams that the problem is somewhere in the configuration of VS or silverlight.
with Matt Dotson's help I managed to attach the debugger manually. However this solution is not good enough for daily use.
Depending on my experience in Silverlight following these steps keep your project debug-gable.
Condition 1>
Firstly we need to be ensure that in Web Project's properties there is a Web section, as you see below Silverlight checkbox must be checked.
Condition 2>
Follow In Menu Debug => Attach Debugger>
Visual Studio sometimes can't attach debugging platform you need to lead the way :) . By this way you may debug other platforms,(also you may debug your product platform but pdb files must be sync and don't forget you may suspend your product platform using this).
Condition 3> Your default web browser may be Firefox,Chrome or other than IE.By Visual Studio default try to attach to IE. But when you run VS calls default browser,so you need to have a manual attachment in Condition 2 or set your default browser by right clicking on default page > Browse with .
Condition 4> There is xap file generally located in web project\ClientBin directory. Sometimes after build operations this file can't be replaced and your ProjectDll and your Project PDB files not be sync. This cause wrong line match while debugging or can't find a debugging file attached caution. I strongly suggest delete all generated files in Bus project and delete Clientbin\ProjectName.xap file. After rebuild all it must be ok!
Hope helps.
What broswer are you using? You need to be using Internet Explorer to debug silverlight projects.
I have had a similar frustrating experience with this but in my case the solution was very simple. It seems that somehow, and I really have no idea how, the debugger option for Silverlight had become unchecked in the properties on the hosting ASP.NET project.
I just assumed that as I had been previously debugging, this option was set and I didn't bother to make sure that this was this case. Just goes to show that one should always check the basics first; if I had done that it would have saved me some time.
To check this in VS2010, right-click on the project and select properties, change to the Web tab and check the Silverlight option at the bottom of the page, in the debuggers section.
Also see the debugger to a silverlight process
If that doesn't work, then
reset iis (if you are debugging in that)
delete temporary files (%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber\Temporary ASP.NET Files)
clean and rebuild your solution
The resolution came after 2 days of headbanging. It appears that the link which Malcolm gave covers exactly my problem but my I was narrow-minded enough not to pay it enough attention because when I run the debugger as long with the app my default browser was FF. So I thought that after the FF starts I can load the page from IE or Chrome.
Actually the problem is that the debugger cannot be attached to the silverlight project because of the FF. And when I load the app from IE or Chrome the debugger dis still not attached.
Thanks to everyone that tried to help.
if you have multiple project, Rebuild the project separately that you want break point. Its work for me
Try also picking internet explorer from browser list menu as your browser
