React image gallery custom button for thumbnails - reactjs

i was wondering if it's possible to create a delete button for this library on each thumbnail.
I was looking at the documentation and i could not find any mention to this issue.
Would appreciate your help!


How to create button with dynamic width in Skia React Native

I want to create a button using Skia library in React Native. The width of button should expand acconding to text or content in it.
If you're aiming for creating a button with the Skia library in React Native you probably have some drawing magic on your mind. If you really need this for a button then I would advice to check out the excellent tutorials of William Candillon:
In the example shown here at Shopify you can already find some tips towards building the button you would need:

How to invoke the Flow, On Button Click from LWC(Salesforce)

I have requirement where I have to load flow having different screens, on click of button in LWC.
I found only one blog related to this is :
but not working for me. Please help me on it, how we can achieve it.
Have you tried using the lightning-flow-support LWC component?
The component documentation.
I've also found a usage example.

click on card to open 'details' view in ionic

I cannot find an example on how to make a ionic card clickable. The behaviour I want to implement is to be able to click on each card my app has (and has lots of them) and get a modal view open with more detailed information referring to the card contents.
I would prefer some kind of semi-transparent modal with a close button than a full screen one, but I cannot find a satisfactory method to do so also.
Can you please, post me some code to get some insight on how to do this?.
Thanks in advance,

Getting Started with AngularJS and Material Design

I am trying to play around with the Material Design stuff for AngularJS. The Project can be seen here. I'm trying to do a basic project. This has led me to two questions about material design.
How do I use an icon for a button? I ran git submodule update --init per the docs. I have the icons directory. However, I do not understand how to actually use a button. For instance, I want to use the refresh icon (/icons/system_icons/av/res/2x_web/ic_loop_24dp.png), so I'm trying the following:
However, the icon is off-center. How should I fix this?
How do I setup navigation up in the app?
Thank you!

Angular UI Modal is opening under the IFrame with a PDF inside

I have this issue here with the IE/Safari browsers, I have an IFrame with a PDF as it's content, and when i try to show a modal dialog it opens under the IFrame not above it, I tried to change the IFrame z-index/Position with no luck, and it seems to be an issue with the PDF plugin itself because I can see the IFrame borders behind the modal dialog
Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)
I have an update:
Ok, I am now positive that this is a PDF plugin issue not the IFrame, the IE put the PDF on top and no other component is allowed to overlay it
While i was searching I came a cross the PDF.js, it's very nice and doesn't rely in the browser PDF plugin, the only issue is that you cannot give it a stream to display!!! you have to provide a path to the PDF file on your server, which won't work for me
will keep you guys posted :)
I've ended up using the ViewerJS plugin to view the pdf documents inside the IFrame, it's very simple and you can embed it in your application, mine was MVC, you also can pass a stream or an url to your document, here is the link for their website, forgot to mention that it's for free :)
