Scroll event for anychart resource - anychart

I'm currently working with AnyChart Resource -
My problem is that I have a bunch of data and I want to implement endless-like pagination (similar to the newsfeed of Facebook). Is there any way that you can listen to the scroll event of AnyChart Resource?


How to implement a vertical scroll indicator progressbar in React project

Please check the red marked area of the picture. I need to implement this thing in a React project. It's a vertical scroll timeline indicator of all posts coming from the database.

Point events for Sankey charts?

I am working with AnyChart Sankey charts, and trying to to get information for a particular clicked flow or node (i.e. the from and to nodes if a flow is clicked, or the node name if a node is clicked) in the Sankey chart which I need for a specific drilldown function. This is easily doable for other charts using pointClick.
Getting pointClick events on other charts is quite straight forward using chart.listen('pointClick', function(e) {});.
This, however doesn't work on Sankey charts. The pointClick event is never registered.
Is there any way to do what I am trying to do for Sankey charts?
The current version of the library v8.8.0 (summer 2020) doesn't pointClick event due to the specific architecture of the chart. But there's a workaround that implements the required interactivity. For details, check the sample of a Sankey with custom interactivity.

ASP.NET AJAX Calendar in Modal Popup with Update Panel

I am implementing a grid view edit and delete functionality using Modal Popup.
I am using ASP.NET Ajax Calendar in Ajax Modal Popup inside an update Panel, but calendar is not showing at the proper place, some it not even show at all, when i click on its TargetControlID (a Text Box).
i also tried to use, following scripts as i googled but NOT solved the issue -
Any Solution??

How to display the extjs chart and the extjs grid in one page

In my requirement I have to display the pie chart and the grid panel which should show the statistics data when we click on the commandlink. So I have developed the pie chart in 4.0.7 version and the grid panel which show data is 3.1.1 and i shown a command link above the chart when i click on the link the grid with the data have to show in the same page. but when i click on the link the grid with data is not showing. In error console i am getting ext_all.js is not supported is showing.
Salesforce uses extJS3 for some of their own stuff and if your page uses factory sidebar, etc, then you need to use extJS4 in sandbox mode. See here

Displaying spinner waiting indicator while loading web page

I have a WPF application that is loading web pages.
Some of the web pages taking long time.
I want to display an indicator like spinner
I have the spinner already and using it in other places of the WPF using the storyboard animation of the WPF.
The question is, can I use it in the web browser control?
Can you let the web browser control load in different thread than the UI thread?
Should I use Frame control or web browser control?
Yes, use a Frame and handle the LoadCompleted event. In other words, show the spinner until LoadCompleted fires.
There is no need to use a separate thread for loading: The Frame control already provides for loading the content in the background.
