looping multiple vectors in a for loop - loops

I'm programming an objloader and this is a small part of its code.I want to be able to loop through different vectors in a single for loop.The for loop doesn't work here but is it possible to implement this concept somehow? make the (for ((GLdouble* val : container)&&(GLdouble* val2:NContainer)) condition work somehow?
aclass e;
std::vector<GLdouble*> container = e.function();
Nclass n;
std::vector<GLdouble*> Ncontainer = n.function();
for ((GLdouble* val : container)&&(GLdouble* val2:NContainer))


nested for-loops on an array

I'm using SpriteKit and Swift 3 to create a simple game.
I have an array of Rings/Circles:
mRings = [mRingOne, mRingTwo, mRingThree, mRingFour, mRingFive]
each object in the array has a different color, In some point in the game I want to change the color of each ring, but I have 2 condition for this to happen:
1. a ring should not have the color it had one iteration before.
2. each ring should be in a different color from the others.
for the first condition I did this:
func changeRingsColor(){
var previousColor: UIColor?
for ring in mRings {
previousColor = ring.fillColor
ring.fillColor = hexStringToUIColor(hex: mColors[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(5)))])
and it is working, however, I couldn't figure out a way to answer the second condition.
In Java I would probably do something like this:
for (int i=0; i<mRings.length; i++){
for( int j=1; j<mRings.length; j++){
if (ring[i].fillColor == ring[j].fillColor){
generate another color for 'j' ring.
but nothing I tried worked.
Hope you guys can help me, Thanks in advance!
btw, mColors is an array of 5 different colors, from there I pick the colors.
I'm going to ignore some of the implementation details and focus on the core of the question, which is:
Loop through an array
Within each loop, start a new loop at the current index to the end of the array.
Let me know if I'm misunderstanding the above. But I would do it like this:
for (index, ring) in mRings.enumerated() {
let remainingRings = mRings[index+1..<mRings.count]
for otherRing in remainingRings {
print("Now comparing \(ring) to \(otherRing)")
First, enumerated() gives you both the current ring, and the index, on each iteration of the first for loop. Then, we slice the array from the current index to the end (remainingRings), and loop through those.
It is possible to rewrite Java code in this way :
let mRings = ["mRingOne", "mRingTwo", "mRingThree", "mRingFour", "mRingFive"]
for (index, item) in mRings.enumerated() {
for item in index + 1..<mRings.count {
Something like this will work:
func changeRingsColor(){
// extract the previous colors
let colors = rings.map { $0.fillColor }
// the order in which the rings will pass color to each other
let passOrder = mRings.indices.shuffled()
for i in mRings.indices {
let previous = i == 0 ? mRings.count - 1 : i - 1
mRings[passOrder[i]].fillColor = colors[passOrder[previous]]
Using this implementation of shuffled
How does it work?
Instead of randomly choosing a color for each individual ring, I am randomly generating an order in which the rings will swap the colors (passOrder). Since every ring will pass its color to a different ring in that order, you can be sure no color will stay the same.

Make many dynamic variable (inctance name) with one loop

I have many class in my library almost 300, and I want to generate instance name by loop. In other words I wanna instead of this approach(witch has many code line):
X:This is my problem:
var cm1: Cm1 = new Cm1();
var cm2: Cm2 = new Cm2();
var cm3: Cm3 = new Cm3();
use like this approach (less than 10 code lines):
Y:I think this is solution:
for (var i: uint = 1; i < 4; i++)
var getChildByName("cm" + i): getChildByName("Cm" + i) = new getChildByName("Cm" + i);
but I know above code does not work, is there any way to make them !
-What am I actually trying to solve?
Make many variable by a few line code and save time and size app!
-Why do I have ~300 classes and why are you trying to create them in a loop at once?
This is about to data of request application!
-What do these classes do that you unconditionally need one of each all at the same time?
Because those data would show at first time!
First, it is better to store the classes in an Array or Object rather than an external variable for each item. if you want to access them by name, better to use object:
var classList:Object=new Object();
Then in your loop:
for(var i:uint=1;i<NumberOfClasses;i++){
classList["cm"+i.toString()]=new (getDefinitionByName("Cm"+i.toString()) as Class)();
getDefinitionByName is used to make Constructors using String;
Note: if your classes contain a package directory, you should include it. for example:
Then you can access them using Bracket syntax:
And don't forget to:
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
I Hope it will help.
to use Array instead of object, the loop should be:
for(var i:uint=1;i<NumberOfClasses;i++){
classList[i]=new (getDefinitionByName("Cm"+i.toString()) as Class)();
then to access them:
addChild(classList[0]);//0 or any other index;

Trouble with iterative addition in C

I have several huge matrices of data to process, 1000 x 1000 x 400,000. I usually use Matlab, and my Matlab script takes 9 hours to process one data set. So I'm trying to put it into C.
The problem is, when I calculate the standard deviation of my data, C and Matlab don't match. They are not even close.
Stan[j] += ((1-Prob[j])*(1-Prob[j]));;
else if(dist>(GoPair[j].dist+PREFACTOR))
Stan[j] += ((0-Prob[j])*(0-Prob[j]));
stnDev[j] = sqrt(Stan[j]/Ndat);
The idea is that Stan[j] should have (1-Prob[j])^2 or (0-Prob[j])^2 added to what ever is already in that array position each time the loop runs, but it's not returning the same values that Matlab does for virtually the same script.
Do any of you see basic errors or have any idea why this isn't working for me?

how do I loop through an arraylist of winforms?

I am currently developing a windows form application and I have a arraylist notificationList that contains notificationForms.
How do I use a for loop to loop through every single form in the arrayList to check if the forms are disposed through the isDisposed property?
int formDisposed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < notificationList.Count; i++)
if(notificationList.?????.IsDisposed == true)
formDisposed ++;
Usually by using
if for some reason you don't have this option: add the following line to your .cs file
using System.Data;
and Syste.Data and Syste.Data.DataSetExtensions so you will able to access xxx.ElementAt(i) method.
You can also use foreach:
int formDisposed = 0;
foreach (Form f in notificationList)
formDisposed ++;
ArrayLists are indexable with square brackets (notificationList[i]), but this isn't going to work without a cast to your type. ArrayList returns the type Object and Object does not implement IsDisposed. You may want to consider using a Generic List of Controls (List<Control>) instead, which would work the same but not need a cast.

Loops' iterating in ANTLR

I'm trying to make a Pascal interpreter using ANTLR and currently have some troubles with processing loops while walking the AST tree.
For example for loop is parsed as:
: FOR IDENTIFIER ASSIGN start = integerExpression TO end = integerExpression DO
-> ^( PARAMETRIC_LOOP IDENTIFIER $start $end statement )
(variant with DOWNTO is ignored).
In what way can I make walker to repeat the loop's execution so much times as needed? I know that I should use input.Mark() and input.Rewind() for that. But exactly where should they be put? My current wrong variant looks so (target language is C#):
start = integerExpression
Variable parameter = Members.variable($IDENTIFIER.text);
parameter.value = $start.result;
end = integerExpression
int end_value = $end.result;
if ((int)parameter.value > end_value) goto EndLoop;
parametric_loop_start = input.Mark();
parameter.value = (int)parameter.value + 1;
if ((int)parameter.value <= end_value)
EndLoop: ;
(Hope everything is understandable). The condition of repeating should be checked before the statement's first execution.
I tried to play with placing Mark and Rewind in different code blocks including #init and #after, and even put trailing goto to loops head, but each time loop either iterated one time or threw exceptions like Unexpected token met, for example ':=' (assignement). I have no idea, how to make that work properly and can't find any working example. Can anybody suggest a solution of this problem?
I haven't used ANTLR, but it seems to me that you are trying to execute the program while you're parsing it, but that's not really what parsers are designed for (simple arithmetic expressions can be executed during parsing, but as you have discovered, loops are problematic). I strongly suggest that you use the parsing only to construct the AST. So the parser code for parametricLoop should only construct a tree node that represents the loop, with child nodes representing the variables, conditions and body. Afterwards, in a separate, regular C# class (to which you provide the AST generated by the parser), you execute the code by traversing the tree in some manner, and then you have complete freedom to jump back and forth between the nodes in order to simulate the loop execution.
I work with ANTLR 3.4 and I found a solution which works with Class CommonTreeNodeStream.
Basically I splitted off new instances of my tree parser, which in turn analyzed all subtrees. My sample code defines a while-loop:
tree grammar Interpreter;
private Interpreter (CommonTree node, Map<String, Integer> symbolTable)
this (new CommonTreeNodeStream (node));
stmt : ...
| ^(WHILE c=. s1=.) // ^(WHILE cond stmt)
for (;;)
Interpreter condition = new Interpreter (c, this.symbolTable);
boolean result = condition.cond ();
if (! result)
Interpreter statement = new Interpreter (s1, this.symbolTable);
statement.stmt ();
cond returns [boolean result]
: ^(LT e1=expr e2=expr) {$result = ($e1.value < $e2.value);}
| ...
Just solved a similar problem, several points:
Seems you need to use BufferedTreeNodeStream instead of CommonTreeNodeStream, CommonTreeNodeStream never works for me (struggled long time to find out)
Use seek seems to be more clear to me
Here's my code for a list command, pretty sure yours can be easily changed to this style:
list returns [Object r]
{int e_index = input.Index;}
{int s_index = input.Index;}
int next = input.Index;
object list = expression();
foreach(object o in (IEnumerable<object>)list)
model[$ID.Text] = o;
$r += optional_block().ToString();
