Trouble with iterative addition in C - c

I have several huge matrices of data to process, 1000 x 1000 x 400,000. I usually use Matlab, and my Matlab script takes 9 hours to process one data set. So I'm trying to put it into C.
The problem is, when I calculate the standard deviation of my data, C and Matlab don't match. They are not even close.
Stan[j] += ((1-Prob[j])*(1-Prob[j]));;
else if(dist>(GoPair[j].dist+PREFACTOR))
Stan[j] += ((0-Prob[j])*(0-Prob[j]));
stnDev[j] = sqrt(Stan[j]/Ndat);
The idea is that Stan[j] should have (1-Prob[j])^2 or (0-Prob[j])^2 added to what ever is already in that array position each time the loop runs, but it's not returning the same values that Matlab does for virtually the same script.
Do any of you see basic errors or have any idea why this isn't working for me?


QS5026 - The variable cannot be reassigned here

I'm following tutorial from the official Microsoft learning page ( about quantum entanglement.
Basically, I copied an example posted there and I am getting error:
QS5026 The variable "numOnesQ1" cannot be reassigned here. In conditional blocks that depend on a measurement result, the target QuantinuumProcessor only supports reassigning variables that were declared within the block.
I understand what it says but it's just a copy from the official Microsoft tutorial. Am I missing something simple like imports, wrong settings? If not, how can I in other way set variables declared outside conditional blocks that depend on a measurement result?
Here is my code:
namespace Quantum.QuantumDream {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
operation GetRandomResult() : Result {
use q = Qubit();
return M(q);
operation TestBellState(count : Int, initial : Result) : (Int, Int, Int, Int) {
mutable numOnesQ1 = 0;
mutable numOnesQ2 = 0;
// allocate the qubits
use (q1, q2) = (Qubit(), Qubit());
for test in 1..count {
SetQubitState(initial, q1);
SetQubitState(Zero, q2);
// measure each qubit
let resultQ1 = M(q1);
let resultQ2 = M(q2);
// Count the number of 'Ones':
if resultQ1 == One {
set numOnesQ1 += 1;
if resultQ2 == One {
set numOnesQ2 += 1;
// reset the qubits
SetQubitState(Zero, q1);
SetQubitState(Zero, q2);
// Return number of |0> states, number of |1> states
Message("q1:Zero, One q2:Zero, One");
return (count - numOnesQ1, numOnesQ1, count - numOnesQ2, numOnesQ2 );
operation SetQubitState(desired : Result, target : Qubit) : Unit {
if desired != M(target) {
This tutorial code is only supposed to run on a local simulator (using %simulate magic commands in a Jupyter Notebook). From the error message, it looks like you've tried to run it on one of Quantinuum targets, which have some limitations on the kinds of things you can do in the code. To run equivalent code on Quantinuum, you'd need to define an operation for just the body of the loop (preparing a state and measuring it) and run it as a job - the cloud targets will take care of the loop themselves, running your code multiple times and returning to you a histogram of the results. For an example, you can see the QRNG sample in the samples gallery in Azure Portal.

looping multiple vectors in a for loop

I'm programming an objloader and this is a small part of its code.I want to be able to loop through different vectors in a single for loop.The for loop doesn't work here but is it possible to implement this concept somehow? make the (for ((GLdouble* val : container)&&(GLdouble* val2:NContainer)) condition work somehow?
aclass e;
std::vector<GLdouble*> container = e.function();
Nclass n;
std::vector<GLdouble*> Ncontainer = n.function();
for ((GLdouble* val : container)&&(GLdouble* val2:NContainer))

SwiftUI Large Array (over 30K elements) taking forever to iterate over

I'm so confused as to what's going on but basically, this is my code. Maybe I just am stupid or do not enough above swift or something but I feel like this should take less than a second, but it takes a very long time to iterate through (i added the CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent) because I wanted to see how long each assignment took and they take around 0.0008949041366577148 seconds each, but over the span of 30K that adds up obviously. This is just test code but what I'm really trying to do is implement Agglomerative Clustering using a single linkage in Swift, at first I thought that my algorithm was written poorly but then I just tried to iterate over an array like this and it still took a long time. Does anyone know what's up?
I'm also aware that printing out statements in the console takes time but even after removing these statements the onAppear closure still took a while to finish.
Also sorry this is my first time ever posting on Stack Overflow so if please let me know if I should write my posts a certain way in the future.
#State private var mat: [Double?] = Array(repeating: nil, count: 30000)
var body: some View {
.onAppear() {
for i in 0..<matrix.count {
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
mat[i] = 0
let diff = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - start
print("HAC_SINGLELINK.init TIME: \(diff), ROW \(i) of \(matrix.count)")
I believe the time is caused by the number of modifications you do to your #State variable, which cause a lot of overhead.
With your initial code, on my machine, it took ~16 seconds. With my modified code, which does all of the modifications on a temporary non-state variable and then assigns to #State once, it takes 0.004 seconds:
.onAppear() {
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
var temp = matrix
for i in 0..<temp.count {
temp[i] = 0
let diff = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - start
matrix = temp
print("HAC_SINGLELINK.init TIME: \(diff) \(matrix.count)")

Printing number of items in a range from an array in Kotlin

Currently working on a little school assignment, trying to figure out if there is a specific way to print items out of a randomized array. Teacher wants us to generate 200 random numbers in a range of 1 through 100, store them, and then print them with the amount of each range(10s, 20s, 30s, etc). I've gotten the randomization and storage down, but I'm having a little issue trying to figure out how to properly display these.
We should have them separated by how many random numbers are 1-10, 11-20, etc etc, but also with a histograph to the side. I think I can figure out the histograph well enough, but I could use some help on how to display the numbers for each range! I hope this makes sense, any help is appreciated!
What I have so far is very simple, just having a rough time figuring out what goes in the println()
fun main() {
val rnds = (1..200).map { (1..100).random() }
println() // <-- ???
it should look something like:
1 - 10: # // <-- number of randomized numbers in that range here
11 - 20: # // <-- number of randomized numbers in that range here
21 - 30: # // <-- number of randomized numbers in that range here
etc etc, all the way until 91 - 100
I should also mention that I'm VERY new to kotlin, and still pretty green to programming in general. The easier the solution, the better, at least until I have a better understanding at what I'm seeing.
You can create your range buckets by using the map function on a range of each starting number of a bucket, and then associateWith to sort the original lists into these buckets:
val byRanges: Map<IntRange, List<Int>> = (1..100 step 10)
.map { it..(it + 9) }
.associateWith { range -> rnds.filter { it in range } }
Then when you want to convert this to text, you can use the joinToString() function on the map entries to format each item as text:
val asText: String = byRanges.entries.joinToString("\n") { (range, list) ->
"${range.start} - ${range.endInclusive}: # ${list.size}"
You can increase the "for" loop by range value and filter the list with desired condition to get the item count.
fun main() {
val randomRangeStart = 1
val randomRangeEnd = 100
val list = (1..200).map { (randomRangeStart..randomRangeEnd).random() }
for (i in randomRangeStart..randomRangeEnd step 10) {
println("Range $i - ${i+9}: ${list.filter { it >= i && it <= i+9 }.count()}")

R, Integrate at each point of array

I'm stuck with computing the integral at each point of an array. The idea is first to create a function ("Integrand"). Then, create a second function ("MyConvolve") that computes the necessary integral.
Here's what I did up to now:
Integrand = function(s,x)
{ 1/4*(abs(x-s)<=1)*(abs(s)<=1) }
MyConvolve = function(func,data)
{ return( integrate(func, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, data) ) }
Now, running the code with some array, I get an error message:
SomeMatrix = replicate(10, rnorm(10))
MyConvolve(Integrand, SomeMatrix)
Which ends up with the following error message:
Error in integrate(func, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, data) :
evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length
I already tried vectorizing the function, but still ended up with error messages.
Thank you very much for your help!
I am not sure I understand what you are trying to compute,
but if you want to evaluate MyConvolve(Integrand,s),
where s takes all the values in SomeMatrix,
then apply is sufficient.
sapply( SomeMatrix, function(s) MyConvolve( Integrand, s )$value )
However, the dimensions of the matrix are lost.
You can recover them as follows:
result <- SomeMatrix
result[] <- sapply( SomeMatrix, function(s) MyConvolve( Integrand, s )$value )
