Downloading the pkg installers from the official GST resource -
Install the pkgs and add the framework to sample command line project in XCODE.
When I try to run the app, I got this error
file not found: #rpath/lib/libgstnet-1.0.0.dylib for architecture x86_64
Tested with GST 1.20 / 1.18 on 2 Macs - same results.
Question: how to address the framework usage correctly?
I am very fustrated. The React Native CLI is failing when building the app.
The following build commands failed:
CompileC /~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/third-eknrlzcnsdfzrlhgyioqgsamgxub/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /~/Projects/reactnativetest/third/ios/Pods/Flipper/xplat/Flipper/ConnectionContextStore.cpp normal x86_64 c++
CompileC /~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/third-eknrlzcnsdfzrlhgyioqgsamgxub/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /~/Projects/reactnativetest/third/ios/Pods/Flipper/xplat/Flipper/FlipperConnectionManagerImpl.cpp normal x86_64 c++
CompileC /~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/third-eknrlzcnsdfzrlhgyioqgsamgxub/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /~/Projects/reactnativetest/third/ios/Pods/Flipper/xplat/Flipper/FlipperClient.cpp normal x86_64 c++
CompileC /~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/third-eknrlzcnsdfzrlhgyioqgsamgxub/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /~s/Projects/reactnativetest/third/ios/Pods/Flipper/xplat/Flipper/FlipperRSocketResponder.cpp normal x86_64 c++
(4 failures)
I did uninstall Xcode and install it fresh but did not make any difference, I got exactly the same error. The errors seem to be related with the Flipper library, but Flipper is installed as a pod in the ios/Pods directory.
Yesterday I tried Expo. The installation of the expo CLI took forever and it got hanging in the iTerm window, so I kill it. But then, when typing “expo whoami”, it gave me the asnwer of “Not logged in”, which means that Expo was installed. I was able to run the app in the ios simulator.
Today, when I tried to run the app again, I got the message that Expo was not installed. Weird, since I used it yesterday. I did the Expo cli installation again today and it did the same than yesterday. It has been more than 3 hours hanging in the terminal. But when I type “expo whoami”, I get the correct answer and I am able to run the app.
Also, today I did install the latest version of Android Studio 4.1.2 (I had version 1.3). After installation, Android Studio opens a window and then quits. I researched and it seems like Android Studio does not work on Mac version greater than 10.14 (Mac OS Mojave).
Why I am having so many problems just to run the app?. Anybody else having these problems?. Any solutions?.
If you are not using flipper just comment it out on the Podfile, that fixed the issue for me,
How to do it,
open podfile and make sure all this is commented,
# Enables Flipper.
# Note that if you have use_frameworks! enabled, Flipper will not work and
# you should disable these next few lines.
# use_flipper!
# post_install do |installer|
# flipper_post_install(installer)
# end
update pods
pod update
That will fix it,
If you need flipper you'll have to specify use_flipper!({ 'Flipper-Folly' => '2.3.0' }) version and run pod install
update: May 20--I just tried Realm 0.103.0 and received the same error when running a Cocoa OS X app using Realm.
I'm trying to install the latest Realm Database (0.102.0) to use with Xcode 7.3 I'm upgrading from Realm 0.98.
I receive the following runtime error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftIOKit.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/demo-timelines-eepbldhwvcbcmhhjqauxknfhzofv/Build/Products/Debug/
Reason: image not found
I decided to start with a fresh Xcode 7.3 project, but I get the same error. What I have so far:
New Cocoa App (for OS X 10.11.4) (using Swift language with a Storyboard)
Downloaded Realm database for Swift (Realm version 0.102.0)
Dragged framework files from OS X->swift 2.2 to the binaries section
Updated the path to the framework (in Build Settings)
Added a single line to the ViewController "import RealmSwift"
I get the same error when attempting to do the fresh install. I've done several Realm Database updates without incident.
I read this post (, so I decided to upgrade Xcode from 7.3 to 7.3.1 I'm surprised that it didn't automatically update . . . Anyway, the upgrade fixed my Realm (0.103.2)/Swift2.2 (on OS X) problem. –
I installed resently Xcode 5 with iOS 7 SDK on my Mac OS 10.8.
the problem is i can't any more run my iOS app from Xcode 4.6, here's the errors:
- when I run the app from Xcode, after build I have this message:
"can't find the existing path [ path]"
and the file exist in the specified path.
- when I generate the ipa and install it by iTune I have this message:
"not supported device".
my app works fine before installing the new Xcode (5 + iOS 7 SDK)
any one have a solution?
Easy solution!
Xcode 5 like any previous change some formats. To my knowledge the most common issues are:
1. changing the Xib/Storyboard file, You can check my answer here for solution: How do I fix a project opened in xcode5 dp3 by accident?
It can change the framework path format (you should get an error when compiling), To solve this check my answer here: sentestingkit/sentestingkit.h' file not found on Xcode 4.6.x
If those both doesn't work for you please add more details and I would love to help.
While there's no official support for Meteor.js on ARM architectures, I'm disappointed that my (new and lovely) Chromebook can't run Meteor within Unity (ubuntu 12.04 LTS) chroot via crouton -
I've tried the suggestions for the Raspberry Pi ARM here - - and for the most part, I'm using node v0.8.24 outlined here - - and the latest error I received was a Assertion Error: Unsupported architecture when building mongodb here, line 298 in ../mongo/src/third_party/v8/SConscript:
And ARMv71 isn't listed, so I wondered if anyone has found a way to get Meteor.js to run natively on their armv71 chromebook? I would prefer not to use cloud9 or, or amazon ec2 to do meteor development on the Chromebook. Thanks in advance.
If you know sh or bash you could try modifying the meteor install script for the ARM architecture.
As I know from other users, our meteor universal arm fork should work for you.
After installing the simulator I am not able to follow the instructions found here. I installed BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha B Simulator. The page asks to run "BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_ n_nn" but I cannot find any thing like that in my installation directory:
ls -1 BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_0_10-261/
I found "" in the bbm directory but running it does not actually run a simulator, I am not sure what it does.
$ls -1 BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_0_10-261/bbm
Can anyone help?
The simulator requires VMWare player, a free download.
Mac OS requires which is not free. Either bootcamp windows, install a linux distro or virtualize either to virtualize the emulator... (XZibit meme someone?) which is likely not going to work.
MAC OS requires VMFusion 30 day trial for installing the BB 10 simulator.
#russoue:- Once you install VMware Fusion Just open the **BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_0_10.vmwarevm** with VMware Fusion and you are done. it will take some 5 min to load simulator.