Microsoft Graph API - User Delta Query Challenges - azure-active-directory

User Delta -
Question: Is it possible to get manager as part of user delta during every call even if there is no manager update
a) $select=accountEnabled,ageGroup,manager,surname,usageLocation,userPrincipalName,
b) Prefer: return=minimal is NOT used and it is
returning all attributes mentioned in $select other than manager
c) Currently User delta query returns manager only if it is update
Question: As there is limited support for $filter in user delta (only for id and that too with 50 objects), is there any other way
to pass filter to delta to retreive updates for the filter used in

As for the first question I can see it is working for me it is also returning the manager values event if request header is not set to Prefer: return=minimal
Result query
As for the second question i think as of filter only supports only for ID ,This feature is currently not available , if you want this feature to be there , you can raise a feature request - .


Query users with a filter and expand results in unsupported query

I am trying to fetch a list of users from the Microsoft Graph API.
A lot of users don't have an email address, those users are systems users that I don't need.
So my query looks like /users?$filter=mail ne null
For another overview I need to show the manager of each user so I tried to add &$expand=manager. But doing so will result in an Unsupported Query.
When I remove the filter parameter it does work.
How can I only fetch relevant users and their managers in a single query?
Optionally I'd like to only receive the ID from managers, as an optimization. I only need the ID because I already fetched all users and their data. /users?$expand=manager($select=id) is what I was trying but I get the error Invalid $select properties.
If you want to use $select inside $expand to select the individual manager's properties, the $levels parameter is required, such as expand=manager($levels=max;$select=id). For more details, please refer to here
For example$expand=manager($levels=max;$select=id)
If we want to use Not equals (ne) operators on the $filter query parameter, we must set the ConsistencyLevel header set to eventual and, with the exception of $search, use the $count query parameter (either as a URL segment or $count=true query string). For more details, please refer to here
For example$filter=mail ne null&&$expand=manager($levels=1;$select=id)&$count=true

How to get salesforce Activity id

I have a salesforce query that extracting users time report
SELECT ID,Logged_Date__c ,CreatedBy.Email,, CreatedBy.Name, Time_Spent_Hours__c, Activity__c, CaseId__r.CaseNumber,, CaseId__r.Account.Name , Utilized__c
FROM Time_and_Placement_Tracking__c
The Activity__c returns with the activity text.
I was trying to use Activity__c.Id, Activity__r etc. but all returns with error.
Is there a way to get the Activity id?
Verify these
You need to get to the object definition and see the field info. You can use workbench or any other API tool if you are familiar with and get the object and field def's.
Check the data type for Activity__c field. It should be a lookup/master relation. If it is not, find the field which ties to Activity object.
Open the field to get the API name and use that in the query with a '__r' extension.

CakePHP 3.x Specify a Different Count Query for Pagination

I am trying to customize the pagination query for CakePHP I am using a Model based around a view. The view has some complex calculations in it and when the pagination runs it takes about 3 seconds to pull the 20 rows or so. Then it is running the same view wrapped in a count for the count used in pagination. I can run a simple table count on another table which would cut the load times in half but I am unable to find a simple way to customize a seperate query to run for the counts. Is this even possible?
I know another user asked this question but it was never answered.
Cakephp 3.x Custom Query Pagination
I have tried the way that is used to work in 2.x using a custom paginateCount function in both the entity and the table and neither works I dug through the API a bit but couldn't find anything related to the count specifically.
One option would be to use the query builder's counter() method to provide a callback that returns the number of records based on your custom query.
$query->counter(function (\Cake\ORM\Query $query) {
// assuming $this uses \Cake\ORM\Locator\LocatorAwareTrait
$OtherTable = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Other');
$otherQuery = $OtherTable->find();
// ...
return $otherQuery->count();
The $query argument will be a clone of the query itself. You can either modify that one, or construct a completely new query.
See also
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Returning the Total Count of Records
API > \Cake\ORM\Query::counter()

Salesforce Junction Objects

To all salesforce experts i need some assistance. I have my contacts and a custom object named programs. I created a junction object using to master detail relationships with contacts and programs. I want to avoid relating the same contact to the same program. I tried triggers but I couldn't create the testing part to use it outside sandbox.
I went back to the basics and created a Unique text field. I tried to use default value but EVERYTHING i write in that crap is wrong -_-. I tried Contact__r.Email & "-" & Program__r.Name but to no avail.
I tried workflow rules with a field update but my field update NEVER runs.(Yes I did activate the workflow rule) and I didn't know what to write in my rule's code.
The workflow firing condition could be simply a formula that says true. Alternatively use "every time record is inserted". It also depends whether your master-details are set once and that's it or they will be "reparentable" (option introduced in Summer '12 I think). Maybe post a screenshot / text description of your firing condition? Also - is your unique field set to "case sensitive"?
As for the formula to populate the unique field - something like Contact__c + ' ' + Program__c (or whatever the API names of your fields are) should be OK. Don't use Contact__r.Email etc as these don't have to be unique...
You'll have to somehow fill in the uniqueness criteria for all existing records (maybe that's why you claimed it doesn't work?). If you can use Apex for data fixes - something like this should get you started.
List<Junction__c> junctions = [SELECT Contact__c, Program__c
FROM Junction__c
WHERE Unique_Text_Field__c = null
LIMIT 10000];
for(Junction__c j : junctions){
String key = String.valueOf(j.Contact__c).left(15) + ' ' + String.valueOf(j.Program__c).left(15);
j.Unique_Text_Field__c = key;
update junctions;
Keep rerunning it until it starts to show 0 rows processed. The Ids are cut down to 15 chars because in Apex you'd usually see full 18-char Id but workflows use 15-char versions.

How to filter rows with null refrences in Google app engine DB

I have a Model UnitPattern, which reference another Model UnitPatternSet
class UnitPattern(db.Model):
unit_pattern_set = db.ReferenceProperty(UnitPatternSet)
in my view I want to display all UnitPatterns having unit_pattern_set refrences as None, but query UnitPattern.all().filter("unit_pattern_set =", None) returns nothing, though I have total 5 UnitPatterns, out of which 2 have 'unit_pattern_set' set and 3 doesn't have
print 'Total',UnitPattern.all().count()
print 'ref set',UnitPattern.all().filter("unit_pattern_set !=", None).count()
print 'ref not set',UnitPattern.all().filter("unit_pattern_set =", None).count()
Total 5
ref set 2
ref not set 0
Shouldn't sum of query 2 and 3 be equal to query 1 ?
Reason seems to be that I added reference property unit_pattern_set later on, and these UnitPattern objects existed before that, but then how can I filter such entities?
This is described succinctly in the docs:
An index only contains entities that
have every property referred to by the
index. If an entity does not have a
property referred to by an index, the
entity will not appear in the index,
and will never be a result for the
query that uses the index.
Note that
the App Engine datastore makes a
distinction between an entity that
does not possess a property and an
entity that possesses the property
with a null value (None). If you want
every entity of a kind to be a
potential result for a query, you can
use a data model that assigns a
default value (such as None) to
properties used by query filters.
In your case, you have 3 entities that don't have the unit_pattern_set property set at all (because that property wasn't defined in the Model at the time those entities were created) - therefore those properties doesn't exist in the database representation of that entity, therefore that entity does not appear in the index of that property for that kind of entity.
Dan Sanderson's book Programming Google App Engine explains this in great detail on ~page 150 (unfortunately not available in the Google Books preview)
To fix the models you already have, you'll have to iterate over a query on UnitPattern (I've not tested the following code, please check it before you run it on your live data):
patterns = UnitPattern.all()
for pattern in patterns:
if not pattern.unit_pattern_set:
pattern.unit_pattern_set = None
Edit: Also, the Updating you model's schema article discuss strategies you can use to handle schema changes such as this in future. However, that article is quite old and its method requires a web browser to keep hitting a url to trigger the next job to update more records - now that Task Queues exist, you could use a series of Tasks to make the change. The article on using deferred.defer has a framework you could utilise - it does a small amount of work, catches the DeadlineExceededError, and uses the handler to queue a new task which picks up where the current task left off.
