How can I use a 3d scene in a React Web App? - reactjs

I need a piece of advice. I want to create a React web application with React using typescript and I want when clicking a button to show a new page with a scene of a town. What is the best way to make it possible, I mean to integrate the scene in the React Project. I saw recently that I can use ReactVR to create a 3D scene. Is this the best way to do this or there is another way to do what I want. Please give me a piece of advice.
Thank you for reading this and for your interest.

I suggest to use a mixt between react-babylone and a simple canvas.
react-babylone support react hooks you will not found a problem with react versions .
There are a good community and you can find answers quickly in case of difficulty.

I actually recommend we go with Google's Model Viewer library as it is the easiest if you want to 3d viewing assets. there is some other's Three.js and Babylon.js as well


Implement Slider for resizing windows inside REACT project

I'm trying to find some information on how to implement a resize windows REACT component for a project. I posted a picture and would love a resize windows option here, but I can't find a good resource to research how to implement this. I'm not sure if I'm using the correct terminology. Could you please point me in the direction to research this?
Thank you
Ended up using this and the implementation was very easy.

How to integrate Go.js's floorplan with React.js

I wanted to create a react project allowing a user to annotate floorplan thanks to Go.js's floorplanner here is the link If you look visit that link and down below you will see the scripts that were used to create floorplanner. But instead of creating the floorplanner with vanilla JS I wanted to use React.js. Can someone help with the integration of Go.js's floorplanner with React?
This question is too vague for an easy answer. You should look at the react example:
And modify it to your liking. This can involve taking large parts of all of the floor planner sample, though if you have no practice with GoJS this it may be worth taking the time to learn everything involved in the sample, before any integration.

Can i use Lottie animation in Codenameone apps

I am wanting to render a short piece of animation on the splash screen of my CN1 app but am struggling.
The Lottiefiles website contains a lot of good animation content, but the closest example i can find to using it is within XCode. I have the downloaded JSON file, of the animation, but am wanting to know if anyone has figured a way of incorporating into a CN1 Java app?
I can see that developers have used in Java, but CN1 wouldn't allow the LottieAnimationView component on it's layout manager i would guess.
Any pointers appreciated. Thanks
The "right way" would probably be to wrap the native implementations for the various OS's in a cn1lib so you can use lottie in a cross platform way. There's a long tutorial about wrapping native code in the developer guide and Steve did a 3 part video series on the subject a few years back:
It's mostly mechanical so it shouldn't be too hard. If you want to take a shortcut you can probably use the web version of the API in a BrowserComponent and call it a day.

Is there a graph library for Burtin’s Antibiotics sample in React Js?

I have a sample data that I want to visualize by a graph like this in React Js:
And this is the link to the JavaScript code:
Burtin’s Antibiotics Protovis
Does anyone has any idea that which React graph library I can use for having exactly this?
Thanks in advance
The library that this example is taken from is deprecated:
Protovis is no longer under active development.
The final release of Protovis was v3.3.1 (4.7 MB). The Protovis team
is now developing a new visualization library, D3.js, with improved
support for animation and interaction. D3 builds on many of the
concepts in Protovis; for more details, please read the introduction
and browse the examples.
So you should continue your investigations into D3 and React. Here is an article about it:
When one talks about rendering charts or any kind of data
visualization in the web, D3.js is the de facto standard. So, if we
want to build beautiful and reusable charts, we should definitely
leverage the power of D3.
How do we integrate it? But we have a problem, our web client is built
in React and this library doesn’t get along well with D3: both use
very different approaches to update the DOM. While React uses a
virtual DOM and a well defined lifecycle to calculate and optimize DOM
updates, D3 uses the browser DOM and data attributes.
If we want to build nice charts, with neat animations and don’t have
our heads burst when dealing with SVG elements and their positioning,
using D3 is a must, so we need to find a way so these two libraries
can play well together.

React,Redux drag selection

everyone. How can I implement such thing(jQUery Selectable) in my react&redux app? I need to know what items were selected and change my store respectively. I have read about D&D but have no idea, how to do it in react&redux way. Thank you.
You can use the following library , i've used it couple of times, it served the purpose
check the article React DnD Intro for the Redux developer
for built in drag&drop functionality
or you can include some good library to do the task they are many that you can find check or
