Implement Slider for resizing windows inside REACT project - reactjs

I'm trying to find some information on how to implement a resize windows REACT component for a project. I posted a picture and would love a resize windows option here, but I can't find a good resource to research how to implement this. I'm not sure if I'm using the correct terminology. Could you please point me in the direction to research this?
Thank you
Ended up using this and the implementation was very easy.


How can I use a 3d scene in a React Web App?

I need a piece of advice. I want to create a React web application with React using typescript and I want when clicking a button to show a new page with a scene of a town. What is the best way to make it possible, I mean to integrate the scene in the React Project. I saw recently that I can use ReactVR to create a 3D scene. Is this the best way to do this or there is another way to do what I want. Please give me a piece of advice.
Thank you for reading this and for your interest.
I suggest to use a mixt between react-babylone and a simple canvas.
react-babylone support react hooks you will not found a problem with react versions .
There are a good community and you can find answers quickly in case of difficulty.
I actually recommend we go with Google's Model Viewer library as it is the easiest if you want to 3d viewing assets. there is some other's Three.js and Babylon.js as well

How to style mgt components

I'm using the MGT with React. I am trying to style the component in the same fashion as the rest of my application (reactstrap).
I've found the custom CSS properties you can set, which has got me 90% of the way there, but I need to be able to adjust the margins of the control (margin-left: -3px) and I can't seem to do this no matter what I try.
I think the answer to my problem lies in using the templating functionality but the documentation is a bit lacking for this.
Any ideas where I should start with this? Am I on the right track? Does anyone know of an example of using templates with the PersonPicker component?
Without specifics, there definitely might some css properties that we haven't exposed yet. I don't think there would be any recommended code to use here, instead I'd highly suggest opening a an issue on our github repo as a feature request. We can then work with you on improving the toolkit with these properties.

React,Redux drag selection

everyone. How can I implement such thing(jQUery Selectable) in my react&redux app? I need to know what items were selected and change my store respectively. I have read about D&D but have no idea, how to do it in react&redux way. Thank you.
You can use the following library , i've used it couple of times, it served the purpose
check the article React DnD Intro for the Redux developer
for built in drag&drop functionality
or you can include some good library to do the task they are many that you can find check or

Creating charts with Netzke

Does anyone knows the way to create ext js charts with Netzke? I guess there is no such component right know, but maybe someone have an idea.
What are the basic steps to connect using Rails and EXT JS, without Netzke?
I have looked at that gist and this
But I still can't figure it out. Is there a chance to see, no matter how simple a working version of the simplest chart in the Demo app or anything else? I understand the EXT side but I am having a real problem in putting it together with Netzke. I know I am missing something really simple.
A chart component is too application-specific, but it's surely possible to create one using Netzke built-in client-server mechanisms. Here's a demo: (try selecting different dates on the calendar to see the charts updated on the fly). Here's a gist for the LineChart component used there: - hope, it can give you an idea (Netzke 0.7.x).

Any good solutions for an integrated help system in WPF applications?

I'm just starting up a new, big project that will be using WPF for the front end. I'm looking for some kind of solution for an integrated help system. The basic use case for this is that the user needs to be able to reach context sensitive help at any time when using the system. The help content should be localized and displayed within the application (not popup an external .chm file).
I'm looking for real world experience in creating and/or using a third party system that can handle the complete flow for this, including a work flow for localizing the help content. Any input is appreciated! Thank you.
One suggestion is to compose help as FlowDocuments. They're simple to compose (and you can whip up an editor using RichTextBox. They can be stored as resources in your assembly and you just use a FlowDocumentReader to view them. That basically lets you fully integrate help into your app the way you want it without needing any external tools or controls.
How about using tooltips ? Wpf tooltips can have any kind of content... can't think of a more integrated help system ;o)
Here is an article by Pete O'Hanlon Easy help with WPF
I suppose you can customize this solution to fit your needs.
Is there a particular reason that you can't popup an external .chm file, or is it for aesthetic purposes? If you must wrap your own implementation, you might want to look at this article on Code Project. It's not WPF specific, but it should serve as a real starting point for you.
