Does QuickBooks have any kind of audit log? - quickbooks-online

QuickBooks allows users to change posted periods. How can I tell if a user does this?
I actually don't need an audit log, but just the ability to see recently added/edited data that has a transaction date that's over a month in the past.
In a meeting today it was suggested that we may need to refresh data for all our users going back as far as a year on a regular basis. This would be pretty time consuming, and I think unnecessary when the majority of the data isn't changing. But I need to find out how can I see if data (such as an expense) has been added to a prior period so I know when to pull it again.
Is there a way to query for data (in any object or report) based not on the date of the transaction, but based on the date it was entered/edited?
I'm asking this in regard to using the QBO api, however if you know how to find this information from the web portal that may also be helpful.

QuickBooks has a ChangeDataCapture endpoint which is specifically for exactly the purpose you are describing. It's documented here:
The TLDR summary is this:
The change data capture (cdc) operation returns a list of objects that have changed since a specified time.
e.g. You can continually query this endpoint, and you'll only get back the data that has actually changed since the last time you hit the endpoint.


Handling large volume of data using Web API

We have a long running DB query that populates a temporary table (we are not supposed to change this behavior) which results 6 to 10 million records, around 4 to 6 GB data.
I need to use .NET Web API for fetching data from SQL DB and the API is hosted on IIS. When a request comes from the client to API, query runs minimum 5 minutes based on amount of data in different joining tables and populates temp table. Then API has to read data from DB temp table and send it to client.
Without blocking client, without loosing DB temp table, without blocking IIS, how can we achieve this requirement?
Just thinking, if I use async API, will I be able to achieve this?
there are things you need to consider and things you can do.
if you kick off the query execution as the result of an API call, what happens if you get 10 calls to that endpoint, at the same time? Dead API, that's what going to happen.
You might be able to find a different trigger for the execution of the query, so you can run this query once per day for example or once every 4 hours and then store the result in a permanent table. The APIs job then only becomes to look at this table, not wait for anything and return some data.
The second thing you can do is to return only the data you need for the screen you are displaying. You are not going to show 4-6 gb worth of data in one go, I suspect you have some pagination there and you can rejig the code a little to only return one page of data in one go.
You don't say what kind of data you have, but if it something which doesn't require you to run that query very often then you can definitely make some improvements.
<---- edited after report clarification ---->
ok, since it's a report, here's another idea.
the aim is to make sure that the pressure is not on the api itself which needs to be responsive and quick. Let the API receive the request with the parameters needed. Offload the actual report generation activity to another service.
Keep track of what this service is doing so you can report on the status of the activity : has it started, is it finished, whatever else you need. You can use a queue for that, or simply keep track of jobs in the database.
generate the report file and store it somewhere.
email the user with the file attached or email a link so the user can download it. Another option is to provide a link to the report somewhere in the UI.

How can I poll the Salesforce API to find records that meet criteria and have not been seen by my app before?

I am working on a Salesforce integration for an high-traffic app where we want to be able to automate the process of importing records from Salesforce to our app. To be clear I am not working from the Salesforce side (i.e. Apex), but rather using the Salesforce Rest API from within the other app.
The first idea was to use the cutoff time for when the record was created where we would increase that time on each poll based on the creation time of the applicant in the last poll. It was quickly realized this wouldn't work for this. There can be other filters in the query that might include a status field in Salesforce, for example, where the record should only import after a certain status is set. This would make checking creation time or anything like that unreliable since an older record could later become relevant to our auto importing.
My next idea was to poll the Salesforce API to find records every few hours. In order to avoid importing the same record twice, the only way I could think to do this is by keeping track of the IDs we already attempted to import and using these to do a NOT IN condition:
SELECT #{columns} FROM #{sobject_name}
WHERE Id NOT IN #{ids_we_already_imported} AND #{other_filters}
My big concern at this point was whether or not Salesforce had a limitation on the length of the WHERE clause. Through some research I see there are actually several limitations:
The next thing I considered was doing queries to find the all of the IDs in Salesforce that meet the conditions of the other filters without checking the ID itself. Then we could take that list of IDs and remove the ones we already tracked on our end to find a smaller IN condition we could set to find all of the data on the records we actually need.
This still doesn't seem completely reliable though. I see a single query can only return 2000 rows and only have an offset up to 2000. If we already imported 2000 records the first query might not have any necessary rows we'd want to import, but we can't offset it to get the relevant rows because of these limitations.
With these limitations I can't figure out a reliable way to find the relevant records to import as the number of records we already imported grows. I feel like this would be common usage of a Salesforce integration, but I can't find anything on this. How can I do this without having to worry about issues when we reach a high volume?
Not sure what all of your requirements are or if the solution needs to be generic, but you could do a few of things.
Flag records that have been imported, but that means making a call back to salesforce to update the records, but that can be bulkified to reduce the number of calls and modify your query to exclude the flag
Reverse the way you get the data to push instead of pull, so have salesforce push records that meet the criteria to you app whenever the record meets the criteria with workflow and outbound messages
Use the streaming API to setup a push topic that you app can subscribe to that would get notified when a records meets the criteria

Automatically push engine datastore data to bigquery tables

To move data from datastore to bigquery tables I currently follow a manual and time consuming process, that is, backing up to google cloud storage and restoring to bigquery. There is scant documentation on the restoring part so this post is handy
Now, there is a seemingly outdated article (with code) to do it
I've been, however, waiting for access to this experimental tester program that seems to automate the process, but gotten no access for months
For some entities, I'd like to push the data to big query as it comes (inserts and possibly updates). For more like biz intelligence type of analysis, a daily push is fine.
So, what's the best way to do it?
There are three ways of entering data into bigquery:
through the UI
through the command line
via API
If you choose API, then you can have two different ways: "batch" mode or streaming API.
If you want to send data "as it comes" then you need to use the streaming API. Every time you detect a change on your datastore (or maybe once every few minutes, depending on your needs), you have to call the insertAll method of the API. Please notice you need to have a table created beforehand with the structure of your datastore. (This can be done via API if needed too).
For your second requirement, ingesting data once a day, you have the full code in the link you provided. All you need to do is adjust the JSON schema to those of your data store and you should be good to do.

How do I sort events created by different clients based on a global clock?

I have a newsfeed program, and I've got many client applications (about 70) across a few timezones that generate events, for example when a secretary schedules a meeting it adds to the list on the server. This list is served to every client that wants to view it. Currently each record has the following metadata:
random unique ID
local timestamp (YYYY:MM:DD:H:M:S:ms)
How do I sort these events on the server, such that they appear in the correct order they were submitted in? Currently they get mixed up since local timing doesn't match. I don't have any UTC timestamps (can I calculate these locally?), so I'm wondering if I can make-do with the information I got... or should I be getting more information from each client? I noticed even clients in the same timezone get events mixed up because their system time is not synchronized (is it possible to know the exact global time, or synchronize the system time with a server on Windows?)
I'm not asking for code, I just need a pointer in the right direction.
When storing temporal values it is essential to always use UTC. Anything else and you're screwed. You really should also store the related timezone along with the UTC.

Get information from various sources

I'm developing an app that has to get some information from various sources (APIs and RSS) and display it to the user in near real-time.
What's the best way to get it:
1.Have a cron job to update them all accounts every 12h, and when a user is requesting one, update that account, save it to the DB and show it to the user?
2.Have a cron job to update them all accounts every 6h, and when a user is requesting one, update the account and showing it to the user without saving it to the DB?
What's the best way to get it? What's faster? And what's the most scallable?
12h or 6h, you have to do the math your self, you are the only one to know how many sources, how is your app hosted, what bandwidth you have....
Have a look at it is drupal based and does what you need (and much more). You can either use it or diving in the code and see how it is done.
