Gitlab integration correct URL configuration - kiwi-tcms

I want to use Kiwi TCMS to publish Issues in Gitlab.
Have configured Gitlab to support API key for authentication.
Posting issue using curl is working fine, like below:
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <token>" ""
I'm having trouble in putting the right configuration in the Kiwi TCMS form (menu -> admin -> everything else -> remote bug tracker).
Filled in the form like in the image:
add new bug system form
Question is: what's the right syntax of the URL to put in there?
Have looked at documentation about configuring remote bug trackers:
Config is as follows:
Running Gitlab-CE (14.3.3-ee) and Kiwi TCMS (10.4) locally on the same VM (RHEL 8.4) using Docker-ce.
Because it's just debugging, the Gitlab is using plain HTTP

Your configuration URL is wrong! says:
Base_url: URL to a GitLab repository for which we’re going to report
Api_url: URL to GitLab instance. Usually!
If base_url is then api_url should be adds examples to make the docs more clear.


React + redux app deployed on heroku but backend/api not working

here is my app link and here is my Github repo . The app work perfectly in localhost whit express, MongoDB Atlas, and node server as a backend and react-redux as a frontend but when I am trying to run this on Heroku my says's failed to fetch whats the problem.
I have mentioned the base url as localhost:3000 in my client so should i have to add heroku app link to base url? can you please help me what to do. And also when i am trying the app with backend localhost (localhost:3000) it work just fine as i close my local server the heroku app says faild to fetch
This must be because of CORS (Access-Control-Allow-Origin), here's a workaround :
run npm install cors
and then add this to your app.js file :
var cors = require('cors')
Be sure to add this before all your requests definition (app.get,, etc...)
Now CORS is enabled.
The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header determines which origins are allowed to access server resources over CORS.
Explanation :

Cannot GET index.html Azure Linux Web App

We created a Linux Web App in Microsoft Azure. The application is static written with React (html and Javascript).
We copied the code into the wwwroot folder, but the application only showing only hostingstart.html and when we try to get page index.html we have this error:
Cannot GET /index.html
We tried with a sample of Azure in GitHub ( but the error is the same.
The url is this:
Last week the application was running correctly.
We forget to do something?
MAY 2020 - You don't have to add any javascript files or config files anywhere. Let me explain.
I was facing this exact same issue and wasted 6 hours trying everything including the most popular answer to this question. While the accepted answer is a nice workaround (but requires more work than just adding the index.js file), there's something a simpler than that.
You see, when you just deploy an Azure Web App (or App Service as it is also called), two things happen:
The web app by default points to opt/startup/hostingstart.html
It also puts a hostingstart.html in home/site/wwwroot
When you deploy your code, it replaces hostingstart.html in home/site/wwwroot but the app is still pointing to opt/startup/hostingstart.html. If you want to verify this, try deleting opt/startup/hostingstart.html file and your web app will throw a "CANNOT GET/" error.
So how to change the default pointer? It's simpler than it looks:
Go to Configuration tab on your web app and add the following code to startup script:
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon
If this web app is a client-side single-page-app and you're having issues with routing, then add --spa to the above command as follows:
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon --spa
This will tell the web app to serve wwwroot folder. And that's it.
Image for reference:
Screenshot explaination
PS: If you only set the startup script without deploying your code, it will still show the hostingstart.html because by default that file lies in the wwwroot folder.
Ok you are gonna love this. This happened to me today also. Same exact thing.
I am pretty sure the azure team flipped a switch somewhere and we fell through a crack.
I found this obscure answer with no votes and it did the trick (with a little extra finagling)
BONUS! this also fixed my router issues I was having only on the deployed site (not local):
Credit: #stormwild: Default documents not serving on node web app hosted on Azure
From #stormwild's post see here:
Go to your azure portal, select your app service and launch ssh
In ssh terminal, navigate via command line to /home/site/wwwroot
create index.js there with the following code:
var express = require('express');
var server = express();
var options = {
index: 'index.html'
server.use('/', express.static('/home/site/wwwroot', options));
NOTE: Be sure to run npm install --save express also in this folder else your app service will crash on startup
Be sure to restart your app service if it doesn't do so automagically
A workaround, I changed the webapp stack to PHP 7
Another solution would be to add a file called ecoysystem.config.js right next to your index.html file.
module.exports = {
apps: [
script: "npx serve -s"
This will tell pm2 to associate all requests to index.html as your app service starts up.
Very helpful information here:

Angular application unable to open in windows operating

We are using windows 8.1 for one angular application. Installed the bower and npm, also installed node server.
We can see the login page after npm start but after login success we are not able to redirect. It showing error
Cannot GET /components/home.html
After inspect element Console error like this:
angular.js:11038 GET http://localhost:8081/components/home.html 404 (Not Found)
Request URL:http://localhost:8081/components/home.html
Request Method:GET
Status Code:404 Not Found
Remote Address:[::1]:8081
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade
Cannot GET /components/home.html
But it is working on linux machine perfectly. We are using .Net web api so we want to use one machine for both application.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
If you have tested on Linux and it works, I would say it is a configuration in paths the server that it is serving the assets. If you are using Express or Webpack to serve you React code, they have good support for Windows, so probably is a local configuration issue.
Try checking for any static paths, e.g. ./foo/bar and replacing them with a more Windows-friendly syntax, for example:
const path = require("path")
path.join("foo", "bar")

AngularStack Facebook, Google+ and Twitter Authentication

I am making my first Web App using Generator Angular Fullstack. I went through the project initialization here:
During initialization I set up oAuth for the following: Facebook, Google+, Twitter
I am using Openshift as well, and after initializing the project... I used the steps to add it to openshift. This included setting up environment variables for RHC for Facebook, Google+ and Twitter authentication. I added these as well.
However, with my new app... I cannot create a new account with Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.
When I create new account these are the errors I get:
Invalid App ID: id
401. That’s an error.
Error: invalid_client
The OAuth client was not found.
Request Details
That’s all we know.
Internal Server Error
I haven't done much besides go through the tutorial so far. But I feel I missed something. Any help on this topic would be grea.t Thanks :)
Well, first of all you have to configure your clientIDs, clientSecrets and callBackURLs. These you will need to find on each oAuth provider's developer platform page. i.e. for Facebook this would be:
These can be placed in the local.env.js file (a sample is included, like this:
module.exports = {
DOMAIN: 'http://localhost:9000',
SESSION_SECRET: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
FACEBOOK_ID: 'xxxxxxx',
TWITTER_ID: 'xxxxxxx',
GOOGLE_ID: 'xxxxxxx',
GOOGLE_SECRET: 'xxxxxxx',
When deploying to Heroku don't forget to set the DOMAIN config variable with http/https prefix when using Google+ sign-in.
heroku config:set DOMAIN=http://<your app name>
Otherwise you will get a redirect_uri_mismatch. If this ends with an internal server error you probably need to enable the Google+ API in the Google developer console.
If you have obtained your provided ID and SECRET keys and you are still having difficulty with OpenShift as I did ... I found setting environment variables for the application did the trick for me.
Google for example:
rhc set-env -a GOOGLE_ID=
rhc set-env -a GOODLE_SECRET=
The module exports in local.env.js worked fine for me when I was developing locally but didn't when I pushed my app to OpenShift via grunt buildcontrol

Yeoman with grunt-connect-proxy returns a ECONNREFUSED error

I'm trying to add grunt-connect-proxy to a project that uses the latest yeoman + angular generator.
But, when hitting the road that should be forwarded (e.g., the server returns this error:
An error has occurred: {"code":"ECONNREFUSED","errno":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect"}
I used a modified Gruntfile: same as here as recommended.
How I'm a supposed to debug this? Has anyone had a similar issue lately with grunt-connect-proxy?
I'm also interested in similar solutions for proxing api calls for an angular webapp, if you have any that actually work.
Thank you for helping me out! Much appreciated!
Gruntfile is fine, the error is caused by your backend, i.e. localhost:3000 (probably Rails).
If it is Rails, it's a CORS problem. You need to allow rails to accept connection from grunt server. Add 'rack-cors' to your gemfile and configure it like this in your development.rb config file:
config.middleware.use Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins 'localhost:9000'
resource '*', :headers => :any, :methods => [:get, :post, :options, :delete]
Check this link for detailed setup, it helped me to get it working.
Working with Angular.js and Rails
I was running into this issue while trying to develop locally using AngularJS with a Laravel backend.
I was able to get the grunt-conenct-proxy example working using the before mentioned Rails example: Working with Angular.js and Rails, however when trying to connect locally to my laravel backend I would always get the ECONNREFUSED error.
The only real difference I could see was that the rails server was spinning up on where as my apache server was running on localhost/ After changing my config for my apache sever to run at using:
php artisan serve --host
I was the able to connect to my backed without issue. If anyone could comment and explain how/why this works I would be very grateful.
Well, I finally got it to work somehow.
But frankly, I don't get it. It was definitely related to localhost not being the same as How did it ended that way, I don't have a clue...
I'll share what I learned while doing this, as I found no real answer for debugging this staff out there on the web. Here is what I learned:
grunt has a --verbose option that may help you see what's going on
If grunt-connect-proxy is configured correctly you must see something like this at startup:
Running "configureProxies" task
Proxy created for: /api/v1 to localhost:8000
In my case, the grunt server was running on, the second server on localhost:8000. I proxied requests made on api/v1 so grunt server --verbose would output something like this on every proxied request:
Proxied request: /api/v1/test -> http://localhost:8000/api/v1/test
"host": "",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"accept": "...",
"user-agent": "...",
"accept-encoding": "...",
"accept-language": "...",
"cookie": "..."
the whole point of using a proxy is to avoid any unnecessary CORS configuration on your second server
This is because once deployed your frontend and backend code will coexist on the same server (= the grunt server is only needed at dev time). I wanted to stress that point, because #Ulugbek answer may suggest that you need CORS to make grunt-connect-proxy work.
the ECONNREFUSED error happens when your second server is not responding
In my case, I discovered that was not responding even if http://localhost:8000/api/v1/test was. So, I messed around with the /etc/hosts a bit and solved the problem by making sure both endpoints were responding accordingly.
The same error may happen to you if the second server is not listening to the proxied endpoint.
