CakePHP slug converting my Bangla text to English - cakephp

I am trying to save category name after convert in slug
So in entity I have used setter for convert my text to slug text
protected function _setName($name)
return Text::slug($name);
After send post request in input name "আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি"
Has got in database
After make transliteratorId false
return Text::slug($name,[
'transliteratorId' => false
I got output : আম-ত-ম-য-ভ-ল-ব-স
My expected result is
How can I get my desire result ?

The whole point of slugs is to obtain a "safe" pure US-ASCII string. If all you seemingly want is to remove white spaces you can use a simple regular expression:
preg_replace('/\s/u', '-', 'আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি')
However, I recommend you double-check why you think this is necessary in the first place. A properly encoded URL would display spaces as %20 anyway, which is "ugly" in a Latin script text but will get unnoticed in other scripts:
var_dump(rawurlencode('আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি'));
string(159) "%E0%A6%86%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%BF%20%E0%A6%A4%E0%A7%8B%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%AF%E0%A6%BC%20%E0%A6%AD%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B2%E0%A7%8B%E0%A6%AC%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%BF"


VBSCRIPT REPLACE not removing spaces from Decrypted fields

Got quite a head-scratcher....
I'm using the VBScript function REPLACE to replace spaces in a decrypted field from a MSSQL DB with "/".
But the REPLACE function isn't "seeing" the spaces.
For example, if I run any one of the following, where the decrypted value of the field "ITF_U_ClientName_Denc" is "Johnny Carson":
REPLACE(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc")," ","/")
REPLACE(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc")," ","/")
REPLACE(CSTR(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc"))," ","/")
REPLACE(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc")," ","/",1,-1,1)
REPLACE(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc")," ","/",1,-1,0)
The returned value is "Johnny Carson" (space not replaced with /)
The issue seems to be exclusively with spaces, because when I run this:
I get "Johnny C/rson".
Also, the issue seems to be exclusively with spaces in the decrypted value, because when I run this:
REPLACE("Johnny Carson"," ","/")
Of course, the returned value is "Johnny/Carson".
I have checked what is being written to the source of the page and it is simply "Johnny Carson" with no encoding or special characters.
I have also tried the SPLIT function to see if it would "see" the space, but it doesn't.
Finally, thanks to a helpful comment, I tried VBS REGEX searching for \s.
Set regExp = New RegExp
regExp.IgnoreCase = True
regExp.Global = True
regExp.Pattern = "\s" 'Add here every character you don't consider as special character
strProcessed = regExp.Replace(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc"), "?")
Unfortunately, strProcessed retruns "Johnny Carson" (ie. spaces not detected/removed).
If I replace regExp.Pattern = "a", strProcessed returns "Johnny C?rson".
Many thanks for your help!!
As we found, the right character code is 160, and that did the trick:
replace(..., ChrW(160), "...")
This seems to be data specific and, additionally, as an alternative you can try to get same encoding of the source script (i.e. save with Save As with Encoding), or convert received database value into a different target encoding.

Jhipster dataUtils.downloadFile errors out for content with non ASCII characters

I have been trying to use the inbuilt dataUtils.downloadFile function from JHipster on the angular side. This accepts a content string and content type and let the user download the content as a file.
I noticed that, it can easily process content which contains ASCII character. However, it fails to process UTF-8 character set.
This is the error I get :
Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window'
Am I missing something or is there a way to get around with it?
Currently i have to go through my file to replace all UTF-8 only chars to ASCII but that would be tedious.
Thanks for reading..
Below is the field definition.
"fieldName": "troubleshooting",
"fieldType": "byte[]",
"fieldTypeBlobContent": "text"
Here is the angular code which tries to convert the string to base64 and then download.
The problem is not with base 64 encoding. It is fine. The problem is with content format. If the content contains UTF-8 only chars, then it fails. In other cases I get the file downloaded successfully
download(appliance: Appliance) {
const applianceObj = JSON.parse(appliance.troubleShooting);
const prettyPrinted = JSON.stringify(applianceObj, null, 2);
const data = this.base64Utils.encode(prettyPrinted);
this.dataUtils.downloadFile('application/json', data, appliance.applianceType);

How to handle % and # characters with next-routes

I am using next-routes and my application URL need to receive parameter as name that contains % and # characters. For example, "C#", "100%" etc.
So its URL will look like below.
For "C#", I have found that query value from the getInitialProps function will be "C" only (# character is cut)
and for "100%", I have found that next-routes return error as below. URI malformed has occurred on decodeURIComponent function because of % character.
If I need to handle both of characters, could you please suggest how can I handle them by using next-routes?
NB. I opened the issue on next-routes here
You will have to encode the URI component so that the special characters are not used.
if you must get C# it would be encoded as "C%23"
100% would be "100%25" and so forth.
use the encodeURIComponent() function to generate the appropriate URI.
Hope it helps.
refer if needed : escaping special character in a url

DNN Rewriting and cutting off Querystring even though I have a Regex setting

Our DNN website is rewriting our product SKU which is part of a Querystring when navigating from a Product Filter Page to a Detailed Product View page.
Unfortunately, some of our products have a forward slash in the SKU for example, BD0002/DSDS
The URL we are navigating to is, but DNN would cut off and rewrite the last part of the URL and would result in the following URL:
I did try to add the following Regex code in the SEO settings section of DNN to ignore the re-writing of the page, but it does the same.
I have also noticed that currently our website writes the sku without the = sign for the querystring. Currently it would be /sku/ and not ?sku= I discovered I can change this when I add |/sku| in the Keep in Querystring Regular Expression.
I have set the URL format to be Advanced in the web.config file. I don't want to change this to HumanFriendly as it breaks our module.
Our product filter page which contains the links to the Product View uses a mustache template with HttpUtility.UrlEncode for QueryStringSKU:
<a href='<%=DetailedPageRedirectLink%>/sku/{{QueryStringSKU}}'>More Info</a>
We then have a Detailed Product View module that listens for the QueryString. I did in the past try to use Encoding and Decoding, but DNN was doing its own thing and ignoring the Encoding and Decoding part so I wrote this crazy part of code that strips out part of the URL that is not part of the SKU.
string rawurlfromrequest = Request.RawUrl;
string checkifquerystringexist = Request.QueryString["sku"];
if(checkifquerystringexist != null)
var cleanSKU = rawurlfromrequest.Split(new[] { "sku/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];
decodeprodCode = cleanSKU.Split(new[] { "&" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
decodeprodCode = decodeprodCode.Split(new[] { "/search" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
decodeprodCode = decodeprodCode.Split(new[] { "?fbclid=" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
decodeSKU = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(decodeprodCode);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(decodeSKU) && IsEditable == false)
So I would like to know, how can I only allow DNN to rewrite the first part of the URL and not the SKU part of the querystring when it contains a forward slash?
I found these links:
I had to escape the query string with uri.EscapedDataString() which will convert the / to %2F as mentioned by VDWWD.
I also discovered that some products contain a space in the SKU which made me decide to use EscapedDataString which will convert a space to %20.
I found this Table with the different Encoding methods on this post useful:
URL Encoding using C#
For some reason Request.Querystring['sku'] fetches the unencoded query string even though it is encoded in the URL. This is why I am using Request.RawUrl and stripping the query string from this.

Different coding sets in database and website

I have a website with very simple news system (posting, editting, deleting etc). All my html pages are saved in UTF-8 formatting, everything displayes correctly.
I specify using UTF in every header:
For saving news to database, I use simple scripts like (all values come from a html form):
$newsTitel = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : 'Untitled';
$submitDate = $date = date('Y/m/d');
$content = isset($_POST['newstext']) ? $_POST['newstext'] : 'No content';
include 'includes/dbconnect.php';
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO news SET date='$submitDate',subject='$newsTitel',news='$content'");
The data get saved to database but in a weird format (coding). There are characters like à ¡ Ä etc which makes the content almost unreadable. Other problem is that when loading this content back to html forms (for editting news) it displays in this weird coding. When I looked into the specification of the database I use, it says that it saves data in UTF-8.
I use phpMyAdmin to access the MYSQL database.
So to sum it up:
Pages: saved in UTF8, all have correct header
Database: interaction with the server: utf8_czech_ci, tables in the same format
What I do not understand at all is this strange bevaior:
1) I save the data into the database using the script above
2) I take a look into phpMyAdmin and see broken encoding
3) I load the data back into my website and display them using this:
include 'includes/dbconnect.php';
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY id DESC limit 20") or die(mysql_error());
while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data ))
echo '<article><h3> '.$info['subject'].'</h3><div id="date">'.$info['date'].'</div>';
echo '<p>'.$info['news']. '</p></article>';
The encoding is correct and no weird characters are displayed.
4) I load the exact same data into a html form (for edition purposes) and see the same broken encoding as in the database.
What happened? I really dont get it. I tried fixing this by re-saving everything in utf8, alterign tables and changing their encodings into different utf8 versions etc...
This is example of a data I pass to the database (it is in czech with html tags):
<p>Vařila myšička kašičku</p>
<img src="someImage.jpg">
<p>Další text</p>
Thanks for any help...
The commands for specifying the character set should be:
set names 'utf8';
If you check the result returned from your queries at the moment, what does it say? If I try it in the monitor I get the following:
mysql> set names 'UTF-8';
ERROR 1115 (42000): Unknown character set: 'UTF-8'
Have you tried using set names 'utf8' before connecting for the SELECT as well? The characters you're saying are output make me think you're getting back the correct bytes for UTF-8, but they're being interpreted as ISO-8859-1.
You are not escaping single quotes or some other html chars.
Use mysql_real_escape_string.
$newsTitel = isset($_POST['title']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']) : 'Untitled';
