React Framer Motion how to stop and play animation - reactjs

Please help me making out how can I stop and play framer motion animation. Or any other lib like GSAP or Lottie which can be used with ReactJS. The thing is that I need to add animated elements over a video. And the video can be stopped/played like any other video. And the animations also need to be stopped/played. I can't use FFmpeg as I only need to mock these, not produce an actual animated video. Thanks!

In Framer Motion you can use Animation Controls to stop and start animations.
From the docs:
The useAnimation hook can be used to create a set of imperative
AnimationControls with a start and stop method. These controls can be
passed to one or more motion components via the animate prop.


Framer motion and react intersection observer library stopping links

I'm working on a react project and i used Framer Motion and react intersection observer library to do some animations. The animations work fine enough, but I just discovered that when I give an image or text or anything in that particular component an "href" attribute link, It doesn't work, It doesn't even click, but "href" links on all other components are working, It's downright weird.
Can a Framer Motion element be made a link?? say an animated image/text for example, does 'href' attribute work on it? because mine clearly doesn't, When I remove the 'motion.div' and make it just a div, It works fine as a proper link...As anybody else noticed this or am i still missing something??

How would I make a Custom Switch and Toggle Like this In react Native

I am Trying to make a custom switch in react native expo but all the NPM's components don't seem to work, how would i come about creating a custom switch with animations and a custom toggle like the ones show in the image with react native expo?
What I am trying to make
To achieve your first switch example you can look at react-native-switch and tweak it slightly to take a height and width (instead of circle size). I have a working example of this here.
For your second example a simple TouchableOpacity with toggle icon should suffice. You can get a little more elborate and add a color animation if you wanted.

How to add live camera filters and color effects in react native

Is there a way to add live camera filters and color effects like contrast, brightness, sepia etc in react native ? Trying to use expo-gl or web-gl. But no luck yet. Camera component does not render inside shader node using web-gl.
Does any one know a solution for this or developed this type of functionality before. It would be really helpful.
Expo has a demo for using shaders on the live camera feed hidden in their repo:
You should be able to do what you're trying to do by messing around with the fragment shader.

React Package for Zoom and Pan Canvas

I am new to React. I want to find a package that handles zooming and panning on a canvas. For those that have used Figma, just like that. Does this make sense? If you know of any, please let me know!
Try react-touch-canvas
This is a set of two React higher order components, for hooking mouse and touch events panning/zooming functionality into your application.

How to replace the animated gif with the static icon soon after it finished playing in react

I have a usecase to replace the animated gif with the static icon, soon after the gif finished playing in the react component. Can you please share the possible options ?
