How to replace the animated gif with the static icon soon after it finished playing in react - animated-gif

I have a usecase to replace the animated gif with the static icon, soon after the gif finished playing in the react component. Can you please share the possible options ?


React Bootstrap Carousel issue: While sliding the image breaks and shows a blank background

While sliding the image breaks and shows a black background where as it should slide-out/In along with the the next/prev image and there should not be any space between slides
Even copied it from bootstrap website and imported to react in a new component but still the issue persists
Even copied it from bootstrap website and imported to react in a new component but still the issue persists

BottomSheet is not responds to background component once it is opened in react-native

I am new to React-native currently trying to use Gorhom Bottom Sheet
my initial snap point is
snapPoints={[scaleHeight(350), scaleHeight(600)]}
so it is always open but the component which is in the background of bottom is not pressable and also when I navigate to other pages the bottom sheet remains opened in react native. Please help to resolve this.

React Framer Motion how to stop and play animation

Please help me making out how can I stop and play framer motion animation. Or any other lib like GSAP or Lottie which can be used with ReactJS. The thing is that I need to add animated elements over a video. And the video can be stopped/played like any other video. And the animations also need to be stopped/played. I can't use FFmpeg as I only need to mock these, not produce an actual animated video. Thanks!
In Framer Motion you can use Animation Controls to stop and start animations.
From the docs:
The useAnimation hook can be used to create a set of imperative
AnimationControls with a start and stop method. These controls can be
passed to one or more motion components via the animate prop.

Set GIF as background of text in react native

We can achieve the above styling on the website(using CSS) by setting a GIF as background to text. Is it possible to achieve a similar thing in react native?

I'm using an Image component (with an external source) in React Native on iOS and the image is disappearing when the app is resumed?

To reiterate, I'm using React Native with iOS.
I'm using an Image component that has the source set to an external GIF image (from Giphy). This is working perfectly fine. However, when you press the home button on the device and then go back into the app to resume it, the image component is blank. The other text elements retain their data just fine.
Is there a way to keep the image set when the app is resumed? Or an event that happens when the app is resumed, so I can manually set the source again?
I have this issue too. It seems like a react native bug. I just using animation instead of gif to solve this issue.
