Problem with Firebase API Restriction settings - reactjs

I have a problem with the Firebase API Restriction settings.
I want to add HTTP restrictions to secure the data but when I add restrictions, it is not working. What am I doing wrong here?
■Website deployed with Github Pages (ex. It is a React app deployed following this description:
■I am using Firebase Authentication.
■To secure the API key(although I know Firebase API is no problem, just in case), I wanted to set like below in Google Cloud⇒API & Services⇒Credentials
application restrictions: HTTP referrers
website restrictions:* (used /* since there are many paths in the website)
(When I leave no.2 empty and accept all websites, it works so probably this setting is wrong...)


How to deploy a React website via Vercel or heroku?

I am developing a React project for studies and would like to publish.
I tried some ways, but the site is blank, there is no data from the NEWS-API I am using.
It seems to make no mistake.
It is a front application, only react with the API.
If it helps, here's the repository link.
I visited your deployment in vercel from your github repo and noticed this issue.
You're requesting data from the API over http which is insecure, while your page hosted by vercel uses https.
Modern browsers donot allow for a page served over https to request http data.
It might just be a fixed by changing your urls to use https, or if the API didn't have https you might have to do other workarounds.(Although it's better to use an API with https support)
I noticed this by opening the console after visiting your page to see these Mixed content requests blocked error.
The reason for the blank page after loading is that the Promise to get the data from the API get rejected but never handled causing the JavaScript execution to stop
[EDIT 1]
I read through some of the code in your repository and noticed a link pointing to localhost. It looks like you tried to setup a nodejs server to proxy data through https
The API you're using does seem to have HTTPS support
Try changing the links to the API to https instead of http in your react code and see if it works. If it does, there's no need for a backend server of you're own
If the API doesn't have HTTPS support however, do either one of
Migrate to a different API with HTTPS support
Try serving your static react app through the backend and pointing your react app to /path/to/api/route without an absolute url and use the proxy setting in package.json as said here for development
Point to a full path to your backend server on the internet (i.e remove localhost links)
Also note that you cannot deploy a backend to vercel but it does support serverless functions

How to secure third party API keys in firebase hosting?

I am using different third party API keys in my reactjs-firestore project. But I can't find a way to secure them in firebase hosting. How can I hide these API keys in firebase hosting?
For example, in Netlify hosting services they provide environment variables feature which can be used to secure the API keys.
that is I can just store the API keys in the variables in netlify and it will be retrieved from there which will be secured.
But in firebase how do I do this?
I can't seem to find a similar setting wherein I can store the keys as environment variables in the hosting services.
if there is no such feature is there another way to secure these API keys?
and for the firebase API keys,
I have already read some answers and understood that firebase API keys will not be hidden.
is there at least some way to secure these firebase API keys to just one secured URL at least? (I know that writing security rules is the best approach but am trying to find other options as well).
I can't seem to find a way to secure firebase project API key usage to one secured URL.
I have tried to find ways to secure the API key but I haven't been successful.
below is how I retrieve data in reactjs code``, data)
I am trying to hide the API_KEY in the production code
I want to secure third party API keys in my hosted website.
and also restrict my firebase project API key to just one secure URL.
am not able to do this now.
any suggestions or solutions?
Thank you for trying to help.
and thank you for your time
If you're using the API key in client-side code, there is always the chance that a malicious user can find the key and abuse it. The only way to protect against this is to not use the API key in client-side code, or to have a backend system that can protect access based on something else (such as Firebase's server-side security rules).
Since your backend system likely doesn't have such a security model, you'll typically have to wrap their API in your own middleware that you host in a trusted environment such a server you control, or Cloud Functions. That's then where you ensure all access to the API is authorized, for example by setting up your own security system.
Not sure if this help, but my Firebase Cloud Function use this.
Create your secret by
firebase functions:config:set secret.API_KEY="THE API KEY"
Access your secret by using functions.config().secret.API_KEY
Note: This should only use for server use case, not in the client code. For server I meant Firebase Cloud Function or your backend.
The safe way I've found to store your third-party keys is using the Google Secrets Manager. It is now baked into the Firebase Functions SDK and works very well. You can find the information here, under the section titled "Store and access sensitive configuration information".
Two things worth mentioning:
There is a small bug in the syntax example, they forgot to add the https before onCall.
You'll need to give the service account which runs the cloud function when deployed access to the secrets. Here are the official docs on how to do that. If you are deploying through Firebase, you'll want to look for the service account whose address is [project-name] If you have any doubts about which service account is running the Cloud Function, look under the Details tab in the Cloud Functions section of Google Cloud Platform and it will show you that information. Also, under the Variables tab, you can see what secrets your Cloud Function has access to.
This process makes it really easy to manage third-party keys as you can manage them at your project level and not have to worry about them being stored else where or needing to manage .env files. It also works with the Firebase Emulators and uses the credentials of the user running the emulators for access.

CloudFlare JS challenge is breaking my SPA

I have a React based SPA that is hosted via S3 on one subdomain, ... It communicates with a PHP REST API that is hosted on a VPS on another subdomain, . The is behind CloudFlare. The webapp is behind CloudFront since it is on AWS.
I am having issues w/ bot requests directly to the API flooding my VPS, and I would like to use the JS challenge functionality with CloudFlare to mitigate.
However, what seems to be happening is that users are able to load the React webapp (which is not behind CloudFlare). Then, the request that will prompt the JS challenge will fail with a 503 response instantly, because it is an AJAX request and it is incompatible with the Javascript challenge.
I thought I may be able to handle this by catching the error and redirecting. However, if I manually force my own browser to navigate to the URL, I will see the CloudFlare challenge and pass it. However, if I then navigate back to my SPA, the OPTIONS requests will fail because it cannot attach the cookie that tells CloudFlare it has passed.
I don't understand how to adjust my infrastructure so that I can take advantage of using the JS challenge. At the moment I am restricted to using rate limiting, but I have found that I am still letting in what seems like ~75% or more of the unwanted bot traffic through by the time I get severe enough that users start complaining.
If you have backend access, you may be able to use NPM and process.kill( upon detection of a bot as a temporary solution.
I suggest not to host spa in s3 only file uploads or attachments to s3
Host on Ec2 and block all access through security Group Policy
only allow Cloudflare IP's
which are listed here
You can also use Amazon AWS Lambda serverless for hosting instead of s3

How to access the Google Maps Directions API client-side from a library

I'd like to send requests against the Google Directions API. Google provides a Node.JS client library for the API. However, this AP is server-side only. Attempting to use it from a browser script results in a CORS failure. Multiple past answers (such as this one) indicate that this library simply can't be used in this way.
The alternative is to use the client-side JavaScript API. However, this requires adding a <script> tag to the document root. That's the wrong level of abstraction for my needs. I'd like to use a method from a library or dot-js file instead.
Following the advice given here, I'd like to ask: is there a module available through npm I can use to query the Google Directions API client-side?
It's not naively possible to access the Google Maps Directions API from the client side. Web browsers implement the Single-Origin Policy, which requires that any requests to a domain come from the same domain. Requires between domains are disallowed by default. Cross-domain requests can be enabled at the server lever by setting the right CORS headers on the endpoint, but the Google Maps servers choose not to do this.
There are two ways of working around this. One is to wrap the request using the Google API Auth library. However, I could not get this to work.
What did work was using a reverse proxy. This workaround is actually mentioned in the Google Directions API intro page (albeit obliquely). You will need to set up a server which forwards any requests to an API request, then returns that API request to the original requester. Since this is now a server-side request, SOP will not apply, and you will be good to go.
For an example implementation check out this repository on GitHub.
This is the Directions API web service. It does not require adding a <script> tag.
You can make direct requests to the service as per the example:,+NY&destination=MetLife+Stadium+1+MetLife+Stadium+Dr+East+Rutherford,+NJ+07073&key=YOUR_API_KEY
once you have generated an API key and replaced YOUR_API_KEY in the request with your own key.

Protecting API endpoint when developing two separate apps, Angular app & Laravel app

I've picked up Angular and am now developing two separate applications, the frontend, Angular app, and the backend, the Laravel app.
As of now my backend app is just an API endpoint that handles requests, database interaction, logic, validation, etc.
However, what stops someone from requesting /api/users/1 and getting that data?
Right now there is nothing in place that prevents this from occurring.
What's the best way to prevent this from occurring and verify the request is sent through the application and not through something like from some random user?
You should first evaluate what routes need to be protected, and who should have access. Sometimes it might be fine to leave them open to the public.
Once you've figured that out you have a few options. I personally lean towards the oAuth 2.0 protocol. Some people find it to be over kill. Then there is also WSSE, I personally feel like today there is far better resources explaining the use of oAuth and would probably be easier to follow.
You can google around for oAuth server libraries for laravel. One such is:
You will also probably want to enable CORS if your angular app is on a different domain from your api. IE: (holds api). And is where your app lives.
For CORS laravel also has some packages, one such being:
