Does Anyone Know How To Use MessageEmbedVideo
I Keep On Using Discord.js/MessageEmbedVideo But It Does Not Understand
Im Trying To Achieve This
I am new to angular 2/4,and I am trying to use ng2-admin as a base, and trying to build on to of it a full dash board includes beck-end.
I am facing lots of issues while trying to use exist component(such as basic table) in a new simple module. I can't find any detailed documentation on ng2-admin beside creating new page.
Is there anyone who can guide me please?
Never mind, i found the solution 😀
what actually i did was to redefine the Declarations/Providers correctly.
when using "ng" to generate new things,it is also adding unnecessary deceleration in some places so this was my first mistake,also some used providers/services was needed to be declared on the right module.after understanding how the structure should be ,i kept the rules and i was able to add what i needed without any issues.
I am having trouble. Trouble which i am sure is but a moments thought to resolve for our resident experts but, i must learn...
I am returning lists and as I understand it the default return is 25. I have a total of 93.
Below is what i am using (minus our API Key)
I believe that i need a piece of code [limit]=100 as MailChimp suggests but there are numerous pieces of advice on the website and after trying all i am still without my desired output.
If you could advise the way to do this I would be very grateful.
Will. :)
Limit should work:
It was working perfectly fine for me. Check if you are in the right region (in my case I was in us13).
I have spent a considerable amount of time in trying to find an algorithms which solves this problem.Most of the sites display the use of a recursive function to solve this problem.I am still relatively new to programming and not really able to understand the logic involved in the problems.It would totally be nice if someone tool time to completely elaborate and explain it.
Thanks in advance.
Please read this post
Understanding Recursion to generate permutations
hopefully it will helpful ...
I really need some help with this if anyone out there cares to be my life saver! I am using Cycle2 to do a feature and I am trying to apply swipe for iPad and iPhone. I have tried TouchSwipe, Wipetouch and the debugged version of CycleSwipe.
Here is the problem, my slider is Vertical and I want a SwipeUp and SwipeDown commend. I have spent a whole working day trying to get this and I just cannot get it working! Can anyone tell me how I can get a SwipeUp and Swipe down command for Cycle2? Also is it possible for the movement to be a little smoother?
My feature is using full bleed images.
I'm not too sure about, but I think it works:
By the way, you can use Hammer.js to capture swipe gestures:
old question, but still.
I've made a patch a year ago to malsup's swipe plugin, that you can find here:
That never made it to malsup's plugin unfortunately, but there you have it :)
Could someone give me some advice or a snippet of code that would show me the way of implementing the method in this listing . I would like to get some info about processes on a mac. I'm not so good with C, but am familiar with Objective C.
I found this answer on cocoabuilder which is a good start, but it could use some expanding.