Cannot deploy SSAS Tabular Model in Visual Studio 2019 - sql-server

I am trying to deploy a Tabular Model in a local instance of SSAS, I am using SQL Server 2019 Developer edition, and data of the model comes from the example ContosoDW database which is stored in a local instance of SQL Server.
I had two scenarios:
First, I connected using "Impersonate service account", but when I deployed the model it just deployed the metadata and not the tables (no error showed), so there is no data in the model.
Then, I changed to "Impersonate account", but after the tables were imported their names turned light gray and I wasn't able to select them, very weird.
I think it has something to do with the impersonation options and how to configure them, I am learning SSAS Tabular with a book, but the impersonation weren't available at the time.

Sounds like you're using Windows credentials. Have you tried using Database credentials?


How to Find SSAS .sln files from tarbular cude that have been deployed to sql server to SSAS in visual studio

I have access to tabular cube that have been deployed to SQL Server Analysis Services (in SQL SERVER), But the parckage is that was deployed from is missing(That is the SSAS) and I am trying to find a way to open the cude in SSAS and add additional information to the cude eg columns and tables.
See screen shot bellow (Just an example)
Is it possible to export this deployed cube back to SSAS so that I can see the underlying tables and relationship between the tables?
Yes, it is possible.
In a modern SSDT-BI, start a new project
Navigate to Business Intelligence->Analysis Services
Click on "Import from Server (Tabular)
Adjust a tabular model
Deploy it back to the sever
(highly recommended) Add a solution to a source control

Why is SQL Server Object Explorer in Visual Studio so slow?

I just created a new SQL Server Database in Azure and then opened it in Visual Studio 2015 using the link in the Azure Portal. I had to add my IP to the firewall but otherwise the process went smoothly.
However, when I am trying to interact with the database server via SQL Server Object Explorer it is painfully slow. Expanding any of the folders in my Database (e.g., Tables folder) takes 10 to 30 seconds. The database is brand new, so the only things it has are whatever Azure creates when it instantiates a new DB.
This is the second Azure DB I have created and tried to view in Visual Studio and both have the same problem. With the first one I thought maybe I did something wrong during setup but this time I made sure to do everything by the book.
Running actual queries against the DB from within Visual Studio (right click the DB, New Query ..., select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES;) is very fast, so it doesn't appear to be a problem with my connection to Azure.
Why is it so painfully slow? What can I do to make it faster?
I am using Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 (14.0.24720.00) on Windows 10 (fully patched) and during database creation I checked the box to use the latest version.
SQL Server Object Explorer (SSDT) in Visual Studio builds a schema model of entire database when you connect a database first time. This is a concept of model based database development which provides benefits such as validating scripts against database without needing to modify the live database etc. When it comes to Azure SQL DB where the resource is limited with your database's pricing tier, the performance of executing queries to fetch database model can vary. Based on our performance tests, pricing tiers above S1/S2 provides a similar interactivity as local or on-prem SQL instance.
More in details, current SSDT's mechanism is to composite minimum number of queries to minimize the number of round-trip operations with SQL server/database hence each query execution time is longer. It affects the interactivity of SQL Server Object Explorer while the query is being executed.
To enhance, SSDT team is revising the design for Azure SQLDB to provide a faster interaction experience while keeping the benefit of model based database development.
Disclosure: I work on the SQL Data Tools team as a PM
Good tip from #eric-kang in his comment to use 'Server Explorer' instead of 'SQL Server Object Explorer' - this is much better for basic data queries as its actually usable in real time

Looking for MANAGE button in Azure SQL Databases

I am being tasked at a new job with managing some SQL Server databases hosted in Microsoft Azure, however it appears that some changes have been made to Azure Web Interface and there is no longer a MANAGE button option shown for a specific database, can anyone explain what happened to this option, and how to bring it back in the Azure Web Interface?
Basically this option let me view the data in the columns of the database tables, that is what I am trying to do.
The "manage" button you are referring to was removed for the latest generation of servers (v12) for Azure SQL Database. Using SSMS or Visual Studio is the recommended way to manage your servers going forward. However, if you really want the old web management portal you will need to create your SQL Database on a v11 server. You can do this in the portal in the new server blade by setting Create V12 server to "No".

Adventure Works 2012 Analysis Services Tutorial Deployment - How to change datasource from localhost to AdWorks?

I have successfully installed SQL Server 2012 and attached the AdventureWorksDW2012 database. On trying to deploy the Analysis Services Tutorial Lesson 1 the solution builds but fails to deploy from Visual Studio 2010 because the server is 'localhost'. 'localhost' is listed in the AdventureWorks 2012 XML in the Analysis Services Data Source - what should it be changed to, to point to the AdventureWorksDW2012 database?
You need to configure two things: database as a data source and the analysis services server to deploy to cube (analysis services database).
Probably you have a problem with Analysis Services server connection string. To change the server address right click on your SSAS project and than click the properties (alt+enter), than go to COnfiguration Properties and than go to Deployment tab and change the server name.
For more read:
If you will have the problem with the data source database. You need to double click on your data source and change the server name and/or credintials.

Architecture of team foundation server (tfs) excel add-in

We can use Excel to connect to a TFS server and then select a work item query. Based on the query a list of work Items shows up in excel. The data can be edited and published (saved) back to server.
I would like to know the architecture / technology that TFS excel add-in uses to save the data back to TFS.
Main question is does excel access data using which one of the following:
a web service that TFS exposes
the code in add-in using some TFS client side object model or
is it using some SQL server or SharePoint out of the box functionality to do it.
I’m pretty sure Excel is using TFS SDK libraries that are using TFS Web service in the background to achieve this.
I can tell you for sure that it’s not directly connecting to TFS database – that simply wouldn’t work every time remote connections on TFS database server are disabled. It would also require you to enter user/password for SQL Server instance it needs to connect to.
Here are couple links to get you started in the right direction.
Extending Team Foundation
Connect to Team Foundation Server from a Console Application – I’m not 100% sure but I guess excel is using something similar to this…
Hope these links helps you to understand more.
Olap data cube
