Architecture of team foundation server (tfs) excel add-in - sql-server

We can use Excel to connect to a TFS server and then select a work item query. Based on the query a list of work Items shows up in excel. The data can be edited and published (saved) back to server.
I would like to know the architecture / technology that TFS excel add-in uses to save the data back to TFS.
Main question is does excel access data using which one of the following:
a web service that TFS exposes
the code in add-in using some TFS client side object model or
is it using some SQL server or SharePoint out of the box functionality to do it.

I’m pretty sure Excel is using TFS SDK libraries that are using TFS Web service in the background to achieve this.
I can tell you for sure that it’s not directly connecting to TFS database – that simply wouldn’t work every time remote connections on TFS database server are disabled. It would also require you to enter user/password for SQL Server instance it needs to connect to.
Here are couple links to get you started in the right direction.
Extending Team Foundation
Connect to Team Foundation Server from a Console Application – I’m not 100% sure but I guess excel is using something similar to this…

Hope these links helps you to understand more.
Olap data cube


Cannot deploy SSAS Tabular Model in Visual Studio 2019

I am trying to deploy a Tabular Model in a local instance of SSAS, I am using SQL Server 2019 Developer edition, and data of the model comes from the example ContosoDW database which is stored in a local instance of SQL Server.
I had two scenarios:
First, I connected using "Impersonate service account", but when I deployed the model it just deployed the metadata and not the tables (no error showed), so there is no data in the model.
Then, I changed to "Impersonate account", but after the tables were imported their names turned light gray and I wasn't able to select them, very weird.
I think it has something to do with the impersonation options and how to configure them, I am learning SSAS Tabular with a book, but the impersonation weren't available at the time.
Sounds like you're using Windows credentials. Have you tried using Database credentials?

SSRS Integration with Azure DevOps

I'm attempting to find a good read on how to connect our Azure DevOps reporting data that drives the reports within DevOps to our internal SSRS. Having not done this before, I'm curious if this is even possible or if I can just obtain a connection string/WebApi somewhere with a list of tables/JSON. The current reports offered by DevOps are not extensive enough for our need and we need to expand upon them and would prefer to do this in house.
Thank you.
The SQL Server reporting solution is based on a data warehouse and OLAP cube coupled with a SQL Server Reporting server to host reports.
Currently ,integration with the data warehouse and SQL Server
Reporting Services is only supported for on-premises Azure DevOps
Server 2019 and Team Foundation Server (TFS). If you don't have a
reporting site and want to add it, see Add reports to a project.
For information on what is supported for Azure DevOps Services, see Dashboards and reports overview.
This is stated in this official document, for details,please refer to it.
If you want to integrate SSRS with Azure DevOsp Service , it is currently unachievable . You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions. In addition, you could also vote that suggestion ticket and share your comment there, so product team would provide the updates if they view it.

sql azure reporting solutions

Here's my setup:
SQL Azure DB - This is the PaaS solution, not SQL Server running on an Azure VM.
Single Page App (Angular.js) hosted on Azure Web App.
My needs:
I'd like to find a packaged solution where we could allow user-configured reporting that could be saved by the user, for running later. Output would ideally be either CSV or PDF.
Initial thoughts:
Could we create a SQL Server installation on an Azure VM, and use SSRS with the SQL Azure DB as the data source?
Are there third party solutions that could meet these needs?
My research so far has shown one answer... migrate your data to SQL Server running on Azure VM, and use SSRS that way.
Any additional suggestions? I'm reluctant to do a data migration if I can avoid it.
Consider PowerBi, there are numerous examples on the web and here is an overview. What you basically get is an excel-like environment with a lot of smart and easy visualizations. I am not sure how well it works, but there is a possibility to ask questions about your data in natural language as well.
It should be pretty easy to connect your database to PowerBi, then your user can configure what kind of visualizations/report does he want to have.

Looking for MANAGE button in Azure SQL Databases

I am being tasked at a new job with managing some SQL Server databases hosted in Microsoft Azure, however it appears that some changes have been made to Azure Web Interface and there is no longer a MANAGE button option shown for a specific database, can anyone explain what happened to this option, and how to bring it back in the Azure Web Interface?
Basically this option let me view the data in the columns of the database tables, that is what I am trying to do.
The "manage" button you are referring to was removed for the latest generation of servers (v12) for Azure SQL Database. Using SSMS or Visual Studio is the recommended way to manage your servers going forward. However, if you really want the old web management portal you will need to create your SQL Database on a v11 server. You can do this in the portal in the new server blade by setting Create V12 server to "No".

Sharing Powerpivot reports

I have generated a report in Powerpivot for excel and want to share it with other members of my team. I do not want all of them to download and install Powerpivot add-on.
I found out that the report can be shared over SharePoint 2010. For this I need to get the Powerpivot add-on for SharePoint installed as part of SQL Server. Am I right or Is there any way I can get Powerpivot to work with SharePoint? Buying SQL server just for Powerpivot add-on is not worth it because we will not be using SQL server.
Is there any other way in which I can share the report?
I need to share my Powerpivot generated report with 5 users. One option is to have all of them install the free plug in and the $40 developer edition of SQL Server 2012 (on Amazon). You can just run that instance on your computer and have them connect to the data source via an odbc connector or Excel's built in connection wizards. Another option, although not the best, is for everyone to run a cheap dev instance on SQL Server and for you to BCP in and out the data to share it via the network or memory sticks.
The cheapest and easiest thing would be to put the dataset in Azure or Azure Marketplace and have them query the data directly via the PowerPivot plugin.
Normally you would buy, install and use SharePoint 2010 Enterprise with the PowerPivot Service integrated to host PowerPivot workbooks on a web site. However, there are other options. One interesting one is purchasing hosting for PowerPivot. Here's an example from one hosting company. Be sure to look closely at their pricing per number of users and data refresh needs.
Lynn's answer is correct - you should consider either getting SharePoint, or better yet promoting the PowerPivot cubes to SQL Server 2012.
If you're hell-bent on querying data across Excel spreadsheets that contain PowerPivot cubes, then you'll need to resort to some hard-core macros. I strongly advise against it.
For a peak at how PowerPivot cubes can be connected to via code, you could try looking at the source code of Excel Refresh Service on codeplex - it contains the code to open and send queries to Excel-embedded PowerPivot cubes.
