I want to know if I can import the testcase from documents,such as .xls or .csv [duplicate] - kiwi-tcms

This question already has an answer here:
how to import the existing test cases from excel file to kiwi tool
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to know if I can import the testcases from documents,such as .xls or .csv
enter image description here

You can't by default:
Kiwi TCMS does not and will not support import and export
functionality to/from Excel, XML, CSV or other formats!
Edit: because there's no way for the system to know what your data represents
When importing historical test data from other systems your input files may > contain arbitrary information, whose organization and meaning is known only > to you! There’s no way Kiwi TCMS will be able to reliably guess what that
data may be and how to interpret it.
You can create your own importer:
Kiwi TCMS however provides a very powerful API. The same API is used
by our front-end interface via JavaScript! Using this API you can
create a script which will parse your input files, possibly reorganize
them and send the information to Kiwi TCMS. This gives you the
ultimate control over how to import and export data to/from Kiwi TCMS!


What would be the best way to store JSON files for use within a React application?

I have a python script that fetches data twice a day from a server of mine. The script returns around 40 JSON files containing various data. The files aren't particularly big and the combined size of all the files is around 250KB.
Alongside my script I am developing a dashboard in React that renders the data from each file into a table, allowing me a visual representation of the data.
I have been looking at what would be the best way to store these files, something that allows me to upload and fetch them twice a day.
Someone mentioned to me about using MongoDB to store the files, but after some research I feel like Mongo is better at storing the contents of the file rather than the file itself. I tried to develop a solution but I couldn't figure out how it could be done when each object is stored as a document with no clear way (to me) which document came from which file.
Other options I have considered are:
Storing the files on the server that is hosting my React project and rendering them locally as I am doing now during development
Storing the files using a provider such as AWS/Firebase
Storing them in a different database (I see SQL now support the storing of JSON files)
Are there any other solutions that you think would work best for this scenario? If so, why?
Check about use of FTP server.
We have clients that send us data every 10 min via FTP that is inside XML files, then I have NodeJS back-end which read these files.
You can use it for your scenario with JSON files.

Create and make analysis CortexDB

I expose my problem: I have recently started using CortexDB, a NoSQL software to database analysis. I have read the (poor) documentation on https://docs.cortex-ag.com/en/CortexDB/CortexDB/, and purchased a free license to evaluate the operation of the program. As the documentation is unclear I would have some questions to ask you:
1) How do I create a database?
2) how can I import a database contained in an excel file (.csv)?
3) how do I create charts or analyzes regarding the data entered?
because the question is very old I hope I can still help you.
First of all: you should download the latest release of the free version (simple registration and download)
if you downloaded the free version you got the server and two databases. A server process handles one database. For a second database you have to start a second server (different port of course). If you start the free version you should have an empty database (or the filled and configured demo db). If you want to create a complete new one without any predefined configuration, you have to start the server process with the command line and the parameter -n (ctxserver64 -n). If you did that you have to configure everything by hand with the tool ‘remote admin’.
the question is not clear for me. Do you mean how to import a csv file into a CortexDB or do you mean how to import the database content into an excel file?
If you want to import the csv file into a CortxDB, the easiest way is to use the tool CortexImplex. It’s completely explained in the online docs (https://docs.cortex-ag.com/en/CortexImplex/CortexImplex-Basics/)
If you want to export datasets as csv file the only thing you have to do is to configure a list in the CortexUniplex as a view for your datasets and export them as csv (you find the export function in the list menu).
I would do the charting with d3j. For this you can use the so called ‘DataService’ of the CortexUniplex. It’s a kind of an API for posting requests and getting JSON objects. If you have a completely configured UniPlex you can use all of your configuration as json objects for other apps (for example charts or an individual application).
The full version has a simple dashboard inside of the CortexUniplex. Maybe the vendor offers it in the free free version.
By the way: it’s always good to write an email to the info address. Because this database is not so famous and known, the guys are very helpful. Or contact them via twitter or other channels (see at the bottom of the cort ex-ag.com webpage).

DataGrip - How to load all my columns as TEXT and How to load multiple files at the same time?

I've recently started using DataGrip since my DBs are in different management systems -- makes it easy to have them one platform.
However, I've ran into several issues/challenges I just cannot find answers for.
Would anyone happen to know how:
Change the settings such as, when loading data, every column is being imported as TEXT by default
(don't want to change INT to TEXT and NUMERIC to TEXT most of the
Import multiple CSVs at the same time: for e.g. import 'n' CSV files with the same settings vs import individually the CSV files one-by-one (which takes significantly more time).
Thanks for your help,
There is no possibilities like these for now.
I added your comment here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-4917
Created a ticket, please follow: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-5277

Convert plone database to csv or SQL

I am helping out an organization which are planning on changing their members system. Right now their system is developed in Plone and all their data is in a Data.fs file.
Their system is down for the moment and it would take some time and effort to get it up and running.
Is there a way to get the data out from the database into a standard format such as csv files or SQL? Or do they need to get the system up and running beforehand and export the files from "within" plone?
Thanks for your help and ideas!
Kind regards,
The Data.fs file is a Object Oriented Database file, and it is written by a framework called the ZODB. The data within it represent python instances, layed out in a tree structure.
You could open this database from a python script, but in order for you to make sense of the contained structures, you'll need access to the original class definitions that make up the stored instances. Without those class definitions all you'll get is placeholder objects (Broken objects) that are of no use at all.
As such, it's probably easier to just get the Plone instance back up and running, as it'll be easier to export the exact data you want out if you have things like the catalog (basically a specialized database index) to build your export.
It could be that this site is down because of something trivial, something we can help you with here on Stack Overflow, or on the Plone users mailinglists or in the #plone IRC channel. If you do get it up and running and have some details on what you are trying to export, we certainly can help.
You'll need to get the system up and running to export data. Data in the data.fs file is stored as Python pickles and is not intelligible to "outside" systems.
As the others have pointed out before, your best course would be to have Plone running back again. After doing so, try csvreplicata to export existing data to csv format. And for user accounts, try atreal.usersinout.
If you need professional help, you can search for available providers from http://plone.org/support/providers
For free support, post specific problems here.
Recently I managed to export Plone 4 site to sqlite using SQLExporter: http://plone.org/products/proteon.sqlexporter. But you need to get your Plone instance working first to use it.

Write Microsoft Project file

I have a requirement to export to Microsoft Project from my company's program. As far as I've seen there are a few options:
Use one of the interchange formats, e.g. xml, mpx, mpd
Use the COM object model and automation to write the file
Buy a library that can write the files
The interchange formats have the problem that they will give you an import dialog when you open them, and if you want to save in a different format you need save as, and you need to select the file format before opening them. I.e. it's not a smooth experience for the customer.
Automation requires everyone who exports from our program to have MS Project installed, which is not acceptable.
The only library I could find was Aspose.Tasks which only writes into the Project XML format.
Does anyone know of any library that can write native mpp files? I've seen a post from Microsoft that they have no intention of documenting the file format, but there are some Project Viewers out there so someone must have done something with it? (Although reading from it can be done with an OleDB provider now that I think about it).
Anyone? Write MPP files?
The .NET Framework has the Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject set of classes. You could use them directly if your app is .NET, or write a dll in .NET and then reference that from your app.
I have never had reason to import or export Project files in non-native format but for kicks I just created and exported a simple Project in .XML format. Sure enough, when I open that file using the user interface I have to decide if I want to:
a) open as a new file,
b) Append the data to the active project or
c) Merge the data into the active project.
But, if I open the file using a VBA statement:
FileOpenEx ("Project1.xml")
I'm not troubled by the multiple-choice exam. If the default option provided by FileOpenEx is appropriate you could concoct a very simple procedure to which you could direct your users. I'm not sure if this meets your need?
