retrieving numerical index from an array in tcl - arrays

I'm trying to retrieve a list of numbers from an array (in a txt file) and to do mathematical operations on them then to set them back in a list of the same format.
The txt file looks like this (format is fixed):
1000 2000 3000 4000
I want to read that txt file then to create another list which will be saved in a different text file:
1010 1100 2010 2100 3010 3100 4010 40100 # which is basically adding 10 and 100 to each index.
Here what I've done so far (I'm a very beginner in tcl !)
set zonefile [open "mytxtfile.txt" r]
gets $zonefile
set my_list [gets $zonefile]
puts $my_list
# Check that there is at least one location defined
if { [llength $my_list] == 0 } {
error "No domain are defined in the system parameters workbook"
} else {
puts "OK !"
puts [llength my_list]
# this returns 1, which from my understanding means I only have 1 value in my array instead of 4
set c1 [string range $my_list 0 3]
set c2 [string range $my_list 5 8]
set c3 [string range $my_list 10 13]
set c4 [string range $my_list 15 18]
array set domain_list ([lindex $c1 0] [lindex $c2 0])
# I thought this would create an array of 1000 2000 3000 4000 but this doesn't work
Thanks a lot !

I think you're making it more complicated than it needs to be. You don't need to know indexes of elements at all, just use foreach and lappend to build the output array:
set in [open input.txt r]
set a {}
foreach n [split [read $in] " "] {
lappend a [expr {$n + 10}] [expr {$n + 100}]
close $in
set out [open output.txt w]
puts $out $a
close $out
If input.txt is:
1000 2000 3000 4000
output.txt will be
1010 1100 2010 2100 3010 3100 4010 4100


Reading only particular column(s) from a text file into array in bash script

Input file log.txt
--- Iteration 1( 37) --
--- Iteration 1( 38) --
--- Iteration 1( 39) --
--- Iteration 2( 1) --
--- Iteration 2( 2) --
--- Iteration 2( 3) --
Expected output; array1 [1 1 1 2 2 2] and array2 [37 38 39 1 2 3]
Is there any command where I can specify particular column(identified by column number) to be read into array for first column and particular column range(identified by column number range) to be read into second array for second column.
Thank you.
With bash and a regex:
a1=(); a2=()
while read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ([0-9]+)\(\ +([0-9]+) ]]; then
done < log.txt
declare -p a1 a2
declare -a a1=([0]="1" [1]="1" [2]="1" [3]="2" [4]="2" [5]="2")
declare -a a2=([0]="37" [1]="38" [2]="39" [3]="1" [4]="2" [5]="3")
I assume that log.txt does not contain any blank lines.

How Can I read TCL file value by value

I have a file in Tcl, and I want to read each value alone as the array... I recognize my file like this
PUx(1) 1 2 3 4 5
PUx(2) 1 2 3 4 5
PUx(3) 1 2 3 4 5
PUx(4) 1 2 3 4 5
PUx(5) 1 2 3 4 5
So, I want to get, for example, the value of PUx(1) one by one and add it to the variable.
enter image description here
As Donal pointed out, it all depends on the actual format. But if the example data is representative, this might work for you:
set content {PUx(1) 1 2 3 4 5
PUx(2) 1 2 3 4 5
PUx(3) 1 2 3 4 5
PUx(4) 1 2 3 4 5
PUx(5) 1 2 3 4 5}
foreach line [split $content \n] {
set values [lassign $line varName]
set $varName $values
parray PUx
lassign assumes the line-wise data to represent a valid Tcl list. This might or might not be the case for you.
You might want to re-organize your dataset, this would allow you to use a Tcl array idiom to access "rows" and "columns" of data in a straightforward manner, more or less:
set content {PUx(1,1) 1
PUx(1,2) 2
PUx(1,3) 3
PUx(1,4) 4
PUx(1,5) 5
PUx(2,1) 1
PUx(2,2) 2
PUx(2,3) 3
PUx(2,4) 4
PUx(2,5) 5}
foreach line [split $content \n] {
set values [lassign $line varName]
set $varName $values
parray PUx
# first column: *,1
foreach {k v} [array get PUx *,1] {
puts $v
# first row: 1,*
foreach {k v} [array get PUx 1,*] {
puts $v
Provided that your main concern is how to compute the sum over a list of elements, these are three options available to:
proc lsum1 {x} {
set r 0
foreach i $x {
incr r $i
return $r
proc lsum2 {x} {
expr [join $x " + "]
proc lsum3 {x} {
::tcl::mathop::+ {*}$x
set x {1 2 3 4 5}
lsum1 $x
lsum2 $x
lsum3 $x
lsum1 and lsum3 are preferable. lsum2 is the literate translation of what you describe as your "problem", at least in my reading. You may also want to check the Tcl wiki. It gives you some background on the details of lsum3.
This can be easily integrated with reading your data, as shown in my first answer:
lsum1 $PUx(1)
lsum3 $PUx(1)

How do I sort a Tcl array by values?

how to sort an Array output for example
Sample input coming from
puts "$word $count($word)"}
Sample Input
Roger 15
Martin 18
Jemmy 16
Jon 12
Sara 12
Expected Output
Martin 18
Jemmy 16
Roger 15
Jon 12
Sara 12
Tcl's arrays are unsorted, always, and indeed the order of the elements changes from time to time as you add elements in (when the underlying hash table is rebuilt). To get the output you want, you're best off getting the contents of the array and using lsort with the -stride 2 option:
# Convert the array to a Tcl list
set contents [array get count]
# First sort by name, as a secondary key
set contents [lsort -stride 2 -index 0 $contents]
# Then sort by count, descending, as a primary key
set contents [lsort -stride 2 -index 1 -integer -decreasing $contents]
# Print the values
foreach {name score} $contents {
puts "$name $score"
The -stride option requires Tcl 8.6.
In older versions of Tcl, you have to pack things up into a list of tuples:
# Convert the array to a list of pairs
set contents {}
foreach {name score} [array get count] {
lappend contents [list $name $score]
# Do the sorting
set contents [lsort -index 0 $contents]
set contents [lsort -index 1 -integer -decreasing $contents]
# Print the values
foreach pair $contents {
# Unpack; *not* needed here, but useful for anything more complicated
foreach {name score} $pair break
# You could use “lassign $pair name score” but you're on 8.4
puts "$name $score"
Note that Tcl 8.4 is unsupported software, not even for security issues, and that 8.5 has only got a year or two more extended support lifetime left. There's a limit to how long we'll hold people's hands…
You probably have something like this
array set count { Roger 15 Martin 18 Jemmy 16 Jon 12 Sara 12 }
foreach word [array names count] {puts "$word $count($word)"}
Jemmy 16
Sara 12
Jon 12
Martin 18
Roger 15
what you want to do is to transform the array into a list, step over it in pairs and sort the pairs based on the number:
foreach {name num} \
[lsort -integer -decreasing -stride 2 -index 1 [array get count]] \
{puts "$name $num"}
Martin 18
Jemmy 16
Roger 15
Sara 12
Jon 12
Solution for Tcl < 8.6:
array set count {Roger 15 Martin 18 Jemmy 16 Jon 12 Sara 12}
The way to get sorted outpus is
set L [list]
foreach {k v} [array get count] {
lappend L [list $k $v]
foreach e [lsort -index 1 -decreasing -integer $L] {
lassign $e k v
puts "$k $v"
Get a flat list of the interleaved keys and values using array get.
From it, produce a list of key/value pairs—a list of lists.
Given that list, sort it using the lsort command passing it
the -index 1 option which makes lsort interpret the elements of the
list it sorts as lists, and use their elements at index 1
(the 2nd position) for sorting.
To print out the elements of the sorted list, you need to extract the
key and the value back from each of them. The easiest way is to use
lassign but if you have Tcl < 8.5 you can use either the
foreach {k v} $e break trick or directly access the elements using
lindex $e 0 and lindex $e 1 to get the key and the value, respectively.

Tcl array sorting based on values

I have an array with dynamic 'keys' and values associated with them.
I want to sort the array based on the value and want to be able to retrieve the 'keys' from the sorted array.
For example, say I have,
for {set i 0} {$i < [db_get_nrows $rs]} {incr i} {
set x [db_get_col $rs $i abc]
set ARRAY_A($x) [db_get_col $rs $i def]
So, my array would look like,
ARRAY_A(111) 10
ARRAY_A(222) 50
ARRAY_A(333) 20
Now, I want to sort this array based on it's values (with 50 first, then 20 and then 10). And then I'm interested in it's keys (222, 333 and 111) for further processing.
I couldn't find much in the internet for such arrays with dynamically generated keys.
Any help is much appreciated.
Well, I just wanted to first mention that you cannot sort arrays as they don't really have a fixed order, but are saved in a manner that makes it easier/faster for the interpreter to retrieve values.
If you want to get the keys of the array in the order of the values, you can maybe use something like that:
set key_value [lmap {key val} [array get ARRAY_A] {list $key $val}]
set key_value [lsort -index 1 -integer -decreasing $key_value]
The list key_value now holds key/value pairs of your array sorted by values in decreasing order. -index 1 indicates that the sort is sorting by the 2nd element of the sublist (Tcl has lists 0-based). -integer just instructs that we are sorting integers (and not using dictionary sort). You just need to get the keys from the list:
foreach n $key_value {
puts [lindex $n 0]
You can combine the above in a single loop if you want (I combined the loop and the second line, adding the first line will make it look a bit too much):
foreach n [lsort -index 1 -integer -decreasing $key_value] {
puts [lindex $n 0]
This part of the answer is mostly an addendum to Dinesh's answer and not complete in itself.
Once you have created a list containing the array elements sorted according to value, you can put it in a dictionary (which is another kind of associative list structure):
set d [lsort -stride 2 -integer -decreasing -index 1 $l]
The dictionary will preserve the order of insertion and allow easy access to e.g. the keys:
dict keys $d
# -> 222 333 111
If you can't use lmap or -stride, you can still generate a dictionary like this:
set pairs {}
foreach {a b} [array get ARRAY_A] {
lappend pairs [list $a $b]
set DICT_A [concat {*}[lsort -index 1 -integer -decreasing $pairs]]
This method packs the elements into "pairs", sorts the packed list, and then unpacks it into a flat list to be usable as a dictionary as above.
Documentation: array, concat, dict, foreach, lappend, list, lsort, set
% set tcl_version
% array set n {111 10 222 50 333 20}
% parray n
n(111) = 10
n(222) = 50
n(333) = 20
% set l [array get n]
333 20 222 50 111 10
% lsort -stride 2 -integer -index 1 $l
111 10 333 20 222 50
% lsort -stride 2 -integer -decreasing -index 1 $l
222 50 333 20 111 10
You can get them as list with expected order and then try to apply your logic further.

Perl: Sort part of array

I have an array with many fields in each line spaced by different spacing like:
INDDUMMY drawing2 139 30 1 0 0 0 0 0
RMDUMMY drawing2 69 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
PIMP drawing 7 0 1444 718 437 0 0 0
I'm trying to make sorting for this array by number in 3rd field so the desired output should be:
PIMP drawing 7 0 1444 718 437 0 0 0
RMDUMMY drawing2 69 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
INDDUMMY drawing2 139 30 1 0 0 0 0 0
I tried to make a split using regular expression within the sorting function like:
#sortedListOfLayers = sort {
but it doesn't work correctly. How I could make that type of sorting?
You need to expand out your sort function a little further. I'm also not sure that split is working the way you think it is. Split turns text into an array based on a delimiter.
I think your problem is that your regular expression - thanks to the gm flags - isn't matching what you think it's matching. I'd perhaps approach it slightly differently though:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #array = <DATA>;
sub sort_third_num {
my $a1 = (split ( ' ', $a ) )[2];
my $b1 = (split ( ' ', $b )) [2];
return $a1 <=> $b1;
print sort sort_third_num #array;
NDDUMMY drawing2 139 30 1 0 0 0 0 0
RMDUMMY drawing2 69 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
PIMP drawing 7 0 1444 718 437 0 0 0
This does the trick, for example.
If you're set on doing a regex approach:
sub sort_third_num {
my ($a1) = $a =~ m/\s(\d+)/;
my ($b1) = $b =~ m/\s(\d+)/;
return $a1 <=> $b1;
not globally matching means only the first element is returned. And only the first match of 'whitespace-digits' is returned. We also compare numerically, rather than stringwise.
If you want to sort a list and the operation used in the sort block is expensive, an often used Perl idiom is the Schwartzian Transform: you apply the operation once to each list element and store the result alongside the original element, sort, then map back to your original format.
The classic textbook example is sorting files in a directory by size using the expensive -s file test. A naïve approach would be
my #sorted = sort { -s $a <=> -s $b } #unsorted;
which has to perform -s twice for each comparison operation.
Using the Schwartzian Transform, we map the file names into a list of array references, each referencing an array containing the list element and its size (which has to be determined only once per file), then sort by file size, and finally map the array references back to just the file names. This is all done in a single step:
my #sorted =
map $_->[0], # 3. map to file name
sort { a$->[1] <=> b$->[1] } # 2. sort by size
map [ $_, -s $_ ], # 1. evaluate size once for each file
In your case, the question is how expensive it is to extract the third field of each array element. When in doubt, measure to compare different methods. The speedup in the file size example is dramatic at about a factor 10 for a few dozen files!
The Schwartzian Transform applied to your problem would look something like this:
my #sorted =
map $_->[0], # 3. Map to original array
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } # 2. Sort by third column
map [ $_, ( split( ' ', $_ ) )[2] ], # 1. Use Sobrique's idea
If the operation used is so expensive that you want to avoid performing it more than once per value in case you have identical array elements, you can cache the results as outlined in this question; this is known as the Orcish Maneuver.
