Cloudsim- How to calculate totalCurrentRequestedRam of a VM? - cloudsim

I am working on SLA violation Time per Active Host(SLATAH). I want to consider three parameters CPU, RAM and Bw for calculation of this metric. Now, for considering this three parameters I need to calculate the totalCurrentRequestedRam.
The bellow code is the currentRequestedRam of a VM, now I need to totalCurrentRequestedRam, How Should I calculated ?
public int getCurrentRequestedRam() {
if (isBeingInstantiated()) {
return getRam();
return (int) (getCloudletScheduler().getCurrentRequestedUtilizationOfRam() * getRam());


QS5026 - The variable cannot be reassigned here

I'm following tutorial from the official Microsoft learning page ( about quantum entanglement.
Basically, I copied an example posted there and I am getting error:
QS5026 The variable "numOnesQ1" cannot be reassigned here. In conditional blocks that depend on a measurement result, the target QuantinuumProcessor only supports reassigning variables that were declared within the block.
I understand what it says but it's just a copy from the official Microsoft tutorial. Am I missing something simple like imports, wrong settings? If not, how can I in other way set variables declared outside conditional blocks that depend on a measurement result?
Here is my code:
namespace Quantum.QuantumDream {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
operation GetRandomResult() : Result {
use q = Qubit();
return M(q);
operation TestBellState(count : Int, initial : Result) : (Int, Int, Int, Int) {
mutable numOnesQ1 = 0;
mutable numOnesQ2 = 0;
// allocate the qubits
use (q1, q2) = (Qubit(), Qubit());
for test in 1..count {
SetQubitState(initial, q1);
SetQubitState(Zero, q2);
// measure each qubit
let resultQ1 = M(q1);
let resultQ2 = M(q2);
// Count the number of 'Ones':
if resultQ1 == One {
set numOnesQ1 += 1;
if resultQ2 == One {
set numOnesQ2 += 1;
// reset the qubits
SetQubitState(Zero, q1);
SetQubitState(Zero, q2);
// Return number of |0> states, number of |1> states
Message("q1:Zero, One q2:Zero, One");
return (count - numOnesQ1, numOnesQ1, count - numOnesQ2, numOnesQ2 );
operation SetQubitState(desired : Result, target : Qubit) : Unit {
if desired != M(target) {
This tutorial code is only supposed to run on a local simulator (using %simulate magic commands in a Jupyter Notebook). From the error message, it looks like you've tried to run it on one of Quantinuum targets, which have some limitations on the kinds of things you can do in the code. To run equivalent code on Quantinuum, you'd need to define an operation for just the body of the loop (preparing a state and measuring it) and run it as a job - the cloud targets will take care of the loop themselves, running your code multiple times and returning to you a histogram of the results. For an example, you can see the QRNG sample in the samples gallery in Azure Portal.

Replacing Unity Time.time with a counter incremented by 100?

I have come across a situation where if Time.time is called at two different places at different passes in Update() the value will differ
in its increment thus any use of Vector3(0,Time.time,0) will cause
jumps in the results. I have a gameobject that starts a path in
section of code then transitions to another set of code further along
in the script. The gap execution of Time.time in the first call and
the second call is different than the gaps in the loop of the first
call. That is why I am asking about a replacement. Its not about the code. Its about the Time.time variance between the two Time.time usages. I believe there is an execution caused variance.
void Update () {
synchTime = Time.time;
// This proc releases gameobject from center into an outward spiralling trajectory till the height orbit path attained,
// then disables itself releasing the gameobject into the sine wave orbital path.
if (!reachedElevation)
transform.Translate(0, Time.deltaTime, 0);
reachedElevation = true;
_AgentY = Mathf.Sin(synchTime);//Keeps value started and in synch with usage below
// The trouble is making the 'Y' synch between where the spiral left off and this sine. It has to do with Time.time
_AgentY = Mathf.Sin(synchTime);
Debug.Log("Before transform.localPosition.y: " + transform.localPosition.y);
transform.localPosition = new Vector3(transform.localPosition.x, _AgentY, transform.localPosition.z);
Debug.Log("After transform.localPosition.y: " + transform.localPosition.y);
Create a local variable at the start of the update call, and set it to Time.time, then you can reference this variable anywhere within the update and it will remain the same.

Trouble with iterative addition in C

I have several huge matrices of data to process, 1000 x 1000 x 400,000. I usually use Matlab, and my Matlab script takes 9 hours to process one data set. So I'm trying to put it into C.
The problem is, when I calculate the standard deviation of my data, C and Matlab don't match. They are not even close.
Stan[j] += ((1-Prob[j])*(1-Prob[j]));;
else if(dist>(GoPair[j].dist+PREFACTOR))
Stan[j] += ((0-Prob[j])*(0-Prob[j]));
stnDev[j] = sqrt(Stan[j]/Ndat);
The idea is that Stan[j] should have (1-Prob[j])^2 or (0-Prob[j])^2 added to what ever is already in that array position each time the loop runs, but it's not returning the same values that Matlab does for virtually the same script.
Do any of you see basic errors or have any idea why this isn't working for me?

Create a simple countdown in processing

I have searched up so many sites on Google to try and get this to work but NO ONE seems to have this anywhere , and if they do it's just NOT working with my program... What I am trying to achieve is to have a player recoil that when the player gets hit, he has a "x" amount of time between getting hit the first time and the second time.
So I have a Boolean "hit" = false and when he gets hit, it changes to true. Which means he can't get hit again until it's changed to false again.
So I'm trying to set up a function in my program to set a "timer" for "x" amount of seconds IF hit = true and once that timer hits "x" amount of seconds, hit will get switched back to false.
Anyone have any ideas?
A simple option is to manually keep track of time using millis().
You would use two variables:
one to store elapsed time
one to store the wait/delay time you need
In the draw() method you would check if the difference between the current time (in millis.) and the previously stored time is greater(or equal) to the delay.
If so, this would be your cue to do whatever based on the delay chosen and update the stored time:
int time;
int wait = 1000;
void setup(){
time = millis();//store the current time
void draw(){
//check the difference between now and the previously stored time is greater than the wait interval
if(millis() - time >= wait){
println("tick");//if it is, do something
time = millis();//also update the stored time
Here's a slight variation the updates a 'needle' on screen:
int time;
int wait = 1000;
boolean tick;
void setup(){
time = millis();//store the current time
void draw(){
//check the difference between now and the previously stored time is greater than the wait interval
if(millis() - time >= wait){
tick = !tick;//if it is, do something
time = millis();//also update the stored time
//draw a visual cue
line(50,10,tick ? 10 : 90,90);
Depending on your setup/needs, you may choose to wrap something like this into a class that can be reused. This is a basic approach and should work with the Android and JavaScript versions as well (although in javascript you've got setInterval()).
If you're interested in using Java's utilities, as FrankieTheKneeMan suggested, there is a TimerTask class available and I'm sure there are plenty of resources/examples out there.
You can run a demo bellow:
var time;
var wait = 1000;
var tick = false;
function setup(){
time = millis();//store the current time
function draw(){
//check the difference between now and the previously stored time is greater than the wait interval
if(millis() - time >= wait){
tick = !tick;//if it is, do something
time = millis();//also update the stored time
//draw a visual cue
line(50,10,tick ? 10 : 90,90);
<script src=""></script>

Querying real time data from an SQL database sudden latency problem

We are testing an application that is supposed to display real time data for multiple users on a 1 second basis. New data of 128 rows is inserted each one second by the server application into an SQL datatbase then it has to be queried by all users along with another old referential 128 rows.
We tested the query time and it didn't exceed 30 milliseonds; also the interface function that invokes the query didn't take more than 50 milliseconds with processing the data and all
We developed a testing application that creates a thread and an SQL connection per each user. The user issues 7 queries each 1 second. Everything starts fine, and no user takes more than 300 milliseconds for the 7 data series ( queries ). However, after 10 minutes, the latency exceeds 1 second and keeps on increasing. We don't know if the problem is from the SQL server 2008 handling multiple requests at the same time, and how to overcome such a problem.
Here's our testing client if it might help. Note that the client and server are made on the same 8 CPU machine with 8 GB RAM. Now we're questioning whether the database might not be the optimal solution for us.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Enter Number of threads");
int threads = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
User u = new User();
Thread th = new Thread(u.Start);
th.IsBackground = true;
class User
BusinessServer client ; // the data base interface dll
public static int usernumber =0 ;
static TextWriter log;
public User()
client = new BusinessServer(); // creates an SQL connection in the constructor
Interlocked.Increment(ref usernumber);
public static void SetLog(int processnumber)
log = TextWriter.Synchronized(new StreamWriter(processnumber + ".txt"));
public void Start()
Dictionary<short, symbolStruct> companiesdic = client.getSymbolData();
short [] symbolids=companiesdic.Keys.ToArray();
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
while (true)
int current;
current = client.getMaxCurrentBarTime();
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
client.getValueAverage(, symbolids,
action.Add, actionType.Buy,
weightType.freeFloatingShares, null, 10, current, functionBehaviour.difference); // this is the function that has the queries
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + "\t" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000)
long diff = 0;//(1000 - sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
long sleep = diff > 0 ? diff : 1000;
Warning: this answer is based on knowledge of MSSQL 2000 - not sure if it is still correct.
If you do a lot of inserts, the indexes will eventually get out of date and the server will automatically switch to table scans until the indexes are rebuilt. Some of this is done automatically, but you may want to force reindexing periodically if this kind of performance is critical.
I would suspect the query itself. While it may not take much time on an empty database, as the amount of data grows it may require more and more time depending on how the look up is done. Have you examined the query plan to make sure that it is doing index lookups instead of table scans to find the data? If not, perhaps introducing some indexes would help.
