I am using below code to animate my slider menu as there is no proper example of ionic menu controller for react.
{ property: 'transform', fromValue: animateFrom, toValue: animateTo }
...my slider UI
The problem is, it's working fine for first time. but after that It doesn't even after my component re renders.
sidemenu - A starting project with a side menu with navigation in the content area
Starters for #ionic/react (--type=react)
name | description
blank | A blank starter project
list | A starting project with a list
my-first-app | An example application that builds a camera with gallery
sidemenu | A starting project with a side menu with navigation in the content area
tabs | A starting project with a simple tabbed interface
conference | A kitchen-sink application that shows off all Ionic has to offer
I am looking for a split view in react js , i am using chakra ui for my layouts and i am not able to achive it .
Left Pane is Menu which has a fixed height (no scrolling needed)
Right Pane is the page which gets loaded every-time user selects an option in left menu.
Right pane should be scrollable.
You should give a try on the Choc-UI Layouts for achieving this:
Or here too:
On the links you will get previews of components that have a side bar on left side getting th full height of the viewport, also a sidebar and a container for your app content or other components.
This section is independent of the sidebar and navbar showed on the previews. You can access the code with the show code option on each previo (top-right location)
Try removing the navbar and modifying the width of sidebar, and you will get a split version of the layouts as you are reaching for.
I want to show one card at a time on screen in mobile when swipe on screen then get next card I implement it using react Swappable Views but with this I am only able to swipe in left -right I want to get new card when I swipe up-down for reference I like something (https://inshorts.com/m).Open the site in mobile. Please Help me to show card somthing like this
Thanks in Advance
First need to install "react swipeable view" using command
npm i react-swipeable-views
then use the code
containerStyle={{ height: 100%}}
axis="y" resistance>
// your content with each content full height
I want to create slider in carousel in react native like the example image below
I want three View to be displayed on each slide And the middle slide is bigger than another and show my Text in the middle slide
Does anyone have a solution for creating this slider with FlatList?
enter image description here
It seems you can use https://github.com/meliorence/react-native-snap-carousel for the carousel view.
I am using React with ant design. I am trying to create a page with a list of cards. In each card, there is an image carousel. I would like that when the user clicks on and image, the preview opens and they can swipe (or click on the arrows) to see all the images as a big, fullscreen preview.
I tried this:
<Carousel autoplay>
(image: string, index: number) => {
return <Image key={index} src={image} preview={{ getContainer: '#root' }} />;
But what happens here is that when the preview is opened, instead of showing 5 images, it is showing 11 (the images are shown twice, one of the images is shown 3 times).
If I place <Image.PreviewGroup> inside the <Carousel>, then instead of having an image carousel, I have multiple images stacked under each other.
How can I get it to show a clickable carousel, which when clicked, opens a fullscreen preview with the correct number of images that can be seen by swiping/clicking on arrows?
Thanks in advance.
just got into same issue and solved it. for the code structure, the first one you tried was fine
the main issue is on the carousel, which is using slick lib. if you inspect your page, you will find that inside the carousel wrapper tag, it generates 2-3 images for each <img> we declare in our code. so automatically, the Image.PreviewGroup that wraps the carousel, will detect more <img> than it should have
add infinite={false} props to your carousel component. for more detail , please refer to slick docs
I have page setup as follows
The red color areas are static one and green color area is the dynamic one. In the side bar there is a navigation panel.When user click on a button in the navigation bar i want to update the green colored area without re rendering the red colored static area.How can i achieve this.
Note that I am developing this using react native and i want a solution that can apply on react native project too.
Please give me a solution in detailed
for example
<div className={styles.wrapper}>