loop to create array of arrays of same-length strings - arrays

I'm trying to create an array of arrays that are grouped according to their lengths (strings), such that the array below:
var testA = ["carts","carts","cars","cars","ca","ca", "ca","a","a","a","a"];
would become:
var sortedArrays = [["carts","carts"], ["cars","cars"],["ca","ca","ca"], ["a","a","a","a"]]
I am currently trying the loop below but simply cannot get this to work. I know it'll be something simple, but I've spent so long trying to complete this with no that it's proving incredibly frustrating.
var testA = ["carts","carts","cars","cars","ca","ca", "ca","a","a","a","a"];
var sortedArrays = [];
for(i=0; i < testA.length; i++){
longestWord = 0;
wordHolder = []
if (testA[i].length > longestWord){
longestWord = testA[i].length
Any help will be greatly appreciated

What about the following code (Swift, but it should be easy to reformulate it in other languages):
let testA = ["carts","carts","cars","cars","ca","ca", "ca","a","a","a","a"]
var maxLength = 0
for string in testA {
if string.count > maxLength { maxLength = string.count }
var sortedArrays: [[String]] = []
for nextLength in 0 ... maxLength {
let invertedLength = maxLength - nextLength
let nextArray = testA.filter { $0.count == invertedLength }
This code creates also empty arrays, which can of course easily be skipped.
The question, of course, is what your requirements are. The code above is compact, but it is not fast for large arrays...
For large arrays, it would be better, first to sort testA, and then to extract the elements.

Sticking with java script, I was able to do the following. My assumption is the words are already sorted descending by length and that there is only one word of each length. That's based on what you were doing. I think what was going on is that too much was getting initialized or reset each time through the loop.
var testA = ["carts", "carts", "cars", "cars", "ca", "ca", "ca", "a", "a", "a", "a"];
var sortedArrays = [];
var wordHolder = []; // took outside loop to ensure initialized
var curLength = testA[0].length;// assuming here that testA not empty
for (var i = 0; i < testA.length; i++) {
if (testA[i].length === curLength) { // more of the same
} else { // new block starts
curLength = testA[i].length;
// alert (wordHolder)
// alert (sortedArrays)
wordHolder = [];
sortedArrays.push(wordHolder);// add the last one


Split an array into two, based on separator element

I have an array of strings and I'd like to split that into two. An array containing the elements before the separator, and another one after it.
let sourceArray = ["items that", "are", "split", "by a string"]
// String that splits this array: "split"
// Expected output: [["items that", "are"], ["by a string"]]
I tried joining the array into a string and using .components(), but that removes the actual elements of the original array. Is there a way to do this using a built-in method or do I need to loop over it?
You can try
let sourceArray = ["items that", "are", "split", "by a string"]
let index = sourceArray.split(separator: "split").map { Array($0) }
You could do it this way :
var sourceArray = ["items that", "are", "split", "by a string"];
var array1 = [];
var array2 = [];
var firstArray = true;
for (var i = 0; i<sourceArray.lenght; i++){
if (sourceArray[i]!=="split") {
if (firstArray){
else {
else {
firstArray = false;
At the end of the loop, just join the two arrays into a third one if you want it like that : [array1,array2].

Filter multiple arrays with one condition

I have a tableView with different kinds of infos, each coming from a different array.
I could not work with dictionaries because then the list would have been unordered and I could not work with classes, because I have different lists with all kinds of dynamic entries (properties are always different etc.)
Here my problem:
I want to implement a search function. But when I use the filter function for one array, it changes of course based on the implemented condition but the other 5 stay the same => I can't reload the tableView because the array information does not match anymore ...
Here the arrays:
var categoryItemUIDs = [String]()
var categoryItemDescriptions = [String]()
var categoryItemLfdNrs = [Int]()
var categoryGivenOuts = [Bool]()
var categoryGivenTos = [String]()
var categoryGivenAts = [String]()
var categoryStorageLocations = [String]()
In the tableView(cellForRowAtIndexPath method):
cell.customTextLabel?.text = categoryItemLfdNrs[indexPath.row]
cell.customDetailTextLabel.text = categoryItemDescriptions[indexPath.row]
Here the searchBar(textDidChange) method:
self.categoryItemDescriptions.filter { $0.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased()) }
Now I get an array back with reduced size, but all the other arrays stay the same... Is there maybe another way to avoid this problem? I already tried type aliases but it did not work out.
I would appreciate any help!
Kind regards,
When it goes to such a big count of arrays, the time for your specific type comes.
The simple solution is to create something like
struct Category {
var uid: String
var description: String
// ...
var storageLocation: String
The you have simply something like
var items: [Category]
And you can still do simple things in cellForRowAtIndexPath
cell.customTextLabel?.text = items[indexPath.row].lfdnrs
cell.customDetailTextLabel.text = items[indexPath.row].description
And only 1 array to filter
items.filter { $0.description.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased()) }
So overall advice is to solve different problem (here I suggested the solution of the having your data in the app problem instead of filtering multiple arrays with one condition)
var categoryItemUIDs = ["aaa","bbb","ccc"]
var categoryItemDescriptions = ["ddd","eee","fff"]
var categoryItemLfdNrs = [0,1,2]
struct data {
var id = ""
var desc = ""
var item = 0
init(id :String, desc:String, item:Int)
self.id = id
self.desc = desc
self.item = item
//var cat = [data]()
//for i in 0..<categoryItemUIDs.count {
// cat.append(data(id:categoryItemUIDs[i], desc:categoryItemDescriptions[i],item:categoryItemLfdNrs[i] ))
//more swift
let cat = (0..<categoryItemUIDs.count).map { (i) -> data in
return data(id:categoryItemUIDs[i], desc:categoryItemDescriptions[i],item:categoryItemLfdNrs[i] )
print (cat)
let catFilter = cat.filter { $0.id == "aaa" }
print (catFilter)

Count Items in an Array of Arrays?

If I have an object that is declared as
let compoundArray = [Array<String>]
is there a property that would give me the number of strings in all the arrays contained in compoundArray?
I can do it by adding up all the items in each array within:
var totalCount = 0
for array in compoundArray {
totalCount += array.count }
//totalCount = total items in all arrays within compoundArray
But that seems clunky and it seems that swift would have a property/method of Array to do this, no?
You can add the nested array counts with
let count = compoundArray.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.count }
Performance comparison for large arrays (compiled and run on a MacBook Pro in Release configuration):
let N = 20_000
let compoundArray = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: "String", count: N), count: N)
do {
let start = Date()
let count = compoundArray.joined().count
let end = Date()
// 0.729196012020111
do {
let start = Date()
let count = compoundArray.flatMap({$0}).count
let end = Date()
// 29.841913998127
do {
let start = Date()
let count = compoundArray.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.count }
let end = Date()
// 0.000432014465332031
You can use joined or flatMap for that.
Using joined
let count = compoundArray.joined().count
Using flatMap
let count = compoundArray.flatMap({$0}).count
Since you are asking for a property, I thought I'd point out how to create one (for all collections, while we're at it):
extension Collection where Iterator.Element: Collection {
var flatCount: Int {
return self.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.count } // as per Martin R
Making this recursive seems to be an interesting exercise.

AS3 Finding common values in Arrays

I'm struggling with something that shouldn't be too difficult but I can't figure it out I have a number of Arrays with different values and I want to find the common values all of the Arrays have, see example below:
var arrayOne:Array = ["1","2","3"];
var arrayTwo:Array = ["1","2","7"];
var arrayThree:Array = ["1","2","9","12"];
_resultArray = ["1","2"];
Any help is appreciated.
You can do something like:
///Returns common values between to arrays
function getCommonValues(array1:Array, array2:Array):Array
var len1:int = array1.length;
var len2:int = array2.length;
var toReturn:Array = new Array();
for(var i:int = 0; i < len1; i++){
for(var n:int = 0; n < len2; n++){
if(array1[i] == array2[n]){
return toReturn;
Then do something like:
var arrayOneAndTwo:Array = getCommonValues(arrayOne,arrayTwo);
var _resultArray:Array = getCommonValues(arrayOneAndTwo,arrayThree);
Optionally you can modify the function to include all three arrays in the comparison, which would be more efficient.
If you want to process an unknown amount of arrays you can add:
///Returns common values between X number of sub arrays
function getCommonValuesFromSubArrays(papaArray:Array):Array
if(papaArray.length < 2){ return papaArray; }
var toReturn:Array = papaArray[0];
for(var a:int = 1; a < papaArray.length; a++){
toReturn = getCommonValues(toReturn, papaArray[a]);
return toReturn;
Then something like:
var arr1:Array = ["one","two","three","four","five"];
var arr2:Array = ["one","two","five","six"];
var arr3:Array = ["one","two","three","four","five"];
var arr4:Array = ["one","two","three","four","five"];
var bigOlArray:Array = [arr1,arr2,arr3,arr4];
var _results:Array = getCommonValuesFromSubArrays(bigOlArray);
I would use a function to concatenate all arrays, sort by numerical value, and collect all items that are available exactly as many times as the number of arrays that were passed in as parameters:
var arrayOne : Array = [ "1", "2", "3" ];
var arrayTwo : Array = [ "1", "2", "7" ];
var arrayThree : Array = [ "1", "2", "9", "12" ];
// you can pass in any number of Arrays
trace ( searchArraysForCommonItems ( arrayOne, arrayTwo, arrayThree ) ); // returns ["1", "2"]
function searchArraysForCommonItems ( ...args : * ) : Array
var searchArray : Array = [];
for each ( var arr:Array in args)
searchArray = searchArray.concat ( arr );
var resultArray : Array = [];
var last : String;
var times : int = 0;
for each ( var str : String in searchArray.sort ( Array.NUMERIC ))
if (last == str) times++;
if (times == args.length) resultArray.push ( last );
last = str;
times = 1;
return resultArray;
Of course, you can (and should) use Vector.<String> instead of Array wherever possible to improve performance, but always remember that Array.sort() is a native function and very fast...
I would use the Array.filter() Function to achieve this:
var _resultArray:Array = arrayOne.filter(
function(item:String, index:int, arr:Array):Boolean
return (arrayTwo.indexOf(item) != -1 && arrayThree.indexOf(item));
This will loop over arrayOne and return an array with the values that both appear also in arrayTwo and arrayThree.
Edit: And here is a function that will take any number of arrays and return the common values:
function getCommonValues(arrayOne:Array, ... arrays:Array):Array
var _resultArray:Array = arrayOne.filter(
function(item:String, index:int, arr:Array):Boolean
return arrays.every(
function (a:Array, index2:int, arr2:Array):Boolean
return a.indexOf(item) != -1;
return _resultArray;
resultArray = getCommonValues(arrayOne, arrayTwo, arrayThree, arrayFour);
The function has another nested closure inside the first one, so might be a bit hard to understand, but I tested it, it works.

Flex 3 Actionscript Array Subtract function

Can anyone tell me how to compare two arrays and delete the common terms in ActionScript?
Array1 = [2,4,6,8,10,12]
Array2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
Array1 - Array2 = [12]
If you use ActionLinq, it is very easy to do set mathematics like this:
var array1:Array = [2,4,6,8,10,12];
var array2:Array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11];
var subtraction:Array = Enumerable.from(array1)
You can filter using a custom function.
This is not an optimized way of filtering a difference of arrays, but it'll get the job done.
subtraction = Array1.filter(function(item:*, index:int, arr:Array){
var i:int;
var l:int;
l = Array2.length;
for ( i=0; i < l; i++ )
if ( Array2[i] == item )
return false;
return true;
If you wish to knock out all duplicates from an Array then I suggest that you use a Set to make the lookup speed as fast as possible:
const a : Array = [ 2, 3, 4 ];
const b : Array = [ 3, 4, 5 ];
// Create a Set for Array 'b' to provide a fast lookup table.
const setB : Object = {};
var prop : *;
for each (prop in b) {
setB[key] = true
// Find all values which only belong in Array 'a'.
const uniqueToA : Array = [];
for each (prop in a) {
if (setB[prop] === undefined) {
If you find yourself doing a lot of work with collections then I would advise you invest in a Collections Framework such as AS3Commons Collections.
