I have developed a react application in a modular way. Such that every module is an independent application. I need to pass the data from one route from application one to other routes on application 2.
The data that I need to pass is large in size.
Requesting the approach apart from window.location .
All of my applications are deployed on the same server on Linux.
You're best bet is to create a store that all of the routes have access to. If you were to use redux for example, you can keep sharedValue: '' in a root reducer. Then use mapStateToProps to each individual component for those routes.
Here is an example reducer.
function rootReducer(state = {sharedValue: ''}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
sharedValue : action.payload
return state
And example routes.
<Route path="/" component={App}/>
<Route path="path1" component={Component1}/>
<Route path="path2" component={Component2}/>
And, depending on how you want the components to receive the sharedValue, you can use mapStateToProps to share sharedValue with the components.
// Component1.js
// put the below outside of the component
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const { sharedValue } = state
return { sharedValue }
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Component1)
// Component2.js
// put the below outside of the component
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const { sharedValue } = state
return { sharedValue }
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Component2)
There is more to setting up redux but here you can see how both components have access to the shared value. Since it is in a shared store, the value should persist across both routes.
I have built an application that works well, but i now need to add some logic into each page that checks to see if the user has a subscription and if they do then send them to payment page to make a payment.
I have a hook (using SWR) that gets me the user session and within the hook it returns a boolean for isSubscribed. I intend to use this.
const session = useSession();
if(session.isLoading) {
return <></>;
if(!session.isSubscribed) {
/* redirect the user*/
return (
<p>HTML of the page / component</p>
An above example is what i currently do. But this solution requires me to copy pasta everytime to the page which obviously i can do, but it's no way efficient. I know that HOC exists and from what i know i an use a HOC to do this. But i have no idea how to write one that would fit this purpose.
As an added benefit, it would be useful to add the session as a prop to the 'new component' so that i dont have to call the hook twice.
Thanks for all and any help.
p.s. i mention it in the title, but i'm using NextJS. Not sure if this has any baring (i dont think it does, but worth mentioning)
You can create a wrapper HOC such as following;
const withSession = (Component: NextComponentType<NextPageContext, any, {}>) => {
const Session = (props: any) => {
const session = useSession();
if (session.isLoading) {
return <>Loading..</>
else {
return <Component {...props} />
// Copy getInitial props so it will run as well
if (Component.getInitialProps) {
Session.getInitialProps = Component.getInitialProps;
return Session;
And to use it in your page or component, you can simply do like;
const UserDetailPage: React.FC = (props) => {
// ...
// component's body
return (<> HI </>);
export default withSession(UserDetailPage);
I think this problem doesn't necessary require a HOC, but can be solved with a regular component composition. Depending on your actual use case, it may or may not be a simpler solution.
We could implement a Session component that would leverage the useSession hook and conditionally render components passed via the children prop:
const Session = props => {
const { isLoading } = useSession();
if (isLoading) {
return "Loading...";
return props.children;
Then nest the Page component into the Session:
const GuardedPage: React.FC<PageProps> = props => {
return (
<Page {...props} />
I see the question has already been answered, just wanted to suggest an alternative. One of the benefits of this approach is that we can wrap an arbitrary tree into the Session, and not just the Page.
Are you trying to return a page loading screen component and direct the user to the appropriate page based on thier subscription status? or isLoading handles one event and isSubscribed handles another?
Let's define (HOC) higher order component for the sake of your problem. By using HOC, logic can be modularized and redistributed throughout components. This HOC your creating should have the capability to call different methods on a single data source or one method to be applied across multiple components. For instance say you have an API component with 5 end points (login, subscribe, logout, unsubsubscribe) the HOC should have the ability to utilize any of the endpoints from any other component you use it in. HOC is used to create an abstraction that will allow you to define logic in a single place.
Your code calls one singular method to check if the session is in use of display the content of a page based on user subscription and page loading. Without seeing the components you are trying to use I can not determine the state that needs to be passed? but I will give it shot.
const session = useSession();
if(session.isLoading) {
return <></>;
if(!session.isSubscribed) {
/* redirect the user*/
return (
<p>HTML of the page / component</p>
First thing I see wrong in above code as a use case for an HOC component you have no export statement to share with other components. Also, why use 2 return statements for isLoading unless both conditions need to be checked (isLoading & isSubscribed) also, are these conditional statements depended on each other or seprate functions that can be called separately from another source? if you posted more of your code or the components you are pasting this into it would help?
To use this as an HOC in NEXT is essentially the same as react.
Dependant logic
const session = useSession(props);
// ad constructor and state logic
if(session.isLoading) {
return this.setState({isLoading: true});
} else {
return this.setState({isSubscribed: false});
Separate logic
const session = useSession(props);
// ad constructor and state logic
isLoading () => {
return this.setState({isLoading: true});
isSubscribed() => {
return this.setState({isSubscribed: true});
or something like this that uses routes...
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Redirect, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
export const HOC = {
isState: false,
isSubscribed(props) {
this.isState = false;
setTimeout(props, 100);
isLoading(props) {
this.isState = true;
setTimeout(props, 100);
export const AuthRoute = ({ component: Component, ...rest}) => {
return (
<Route {...rest} render={(props) => (
HOC.isAuthenticated === true ? <Component {...props} /> : <Redirect to='/' />
If you could share more of you code it would be more helpful? or one of the components you are having to copy and paste from your original HOC code. I would be easier than stabbing in the dark to assist in your problem but I hope this helps!
I am implementing Yahoo React-Intl to localize my application. In order to do this I must wrap the ROOT with the Localizer like so:
const Root = React.createClass({
childContextTypes: {
refresh: React.PropTypes.func
getChildContext() {
return {
refresh: () => this.forceUpdate()
render() {
let { language, messages } = this.props;
return (
<Provider store={store }>
<IntlProvider locale="en" messages= { messages } >
<Router history={browserHistory}>
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
language: state.currentLanguage.language,
messages: state.currentLanguage.messages
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {})(Root)
With "messages" being a JSON object containing key value translation mappings.
My problem is that I have to make this dynamic so that the user can choose to change languages. I have created an Action/Reducer combo in order to change objects assigned to the messages prop within the application state. However, when I call the action and feed messages a new object, the entire pages refreshes and my state goes back to initial values.
Messages by default is a null variable and is assigned an object containing id values to chinese characters. When given the object by default, the translations are seen correctly. It is only when I update it via action that the application refreshes and the desired results are not obtained.
What may be causing my application to refresh?
I'm using React-Native-Router-Flux for routing my app. The issue is that it seems like when a redux state changes, ALL the components under the Router gets rerendered, not just the "current" component.
So lets say I have 2 components under the Router: Register and Login and both share the same authenticationReducer. Whenever an authentication event (such as user registration or signin) fails, I want to display error Alerts.
The problem is that when an error is fired from one of the components, two Alerts show up at the same time, one from each component. I assumed when I am currently on the Register scene, only the error alert would show from the Register component.
However, it seems like both components rerender whenever the redux state changes, and I see 2 alerts (In the below example, both 'Error from REGISTER' and 'Error from SIGNIN').
Here are the components:
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Scene key='root'>
<Scene key='register' component={Register} type='replace'>
<Scene key='signin' component={SignIn} type='replace'>
class Register extends Component {
render() {
const { loading, error } = this.props;
if (!loading && error) {
Alert.alert('Error from REGISTER');
return <View>...</View>;
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
loading: state.get("authenticationReducer").get("loading"),
error: state.get("authenticationReducer").get("error"),
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Register);
class SignIn extends Component {
render() {
const { loading, error } = this.props;
if (!loading && error) {
Alert.alert('Error from SIGNIN');
return <View>...</View>;
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
loading: state.get("authenticationReducer").get("loading"),
error: state.get("authenticationReducer").get("error"),
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SignIn);
How do I change this so that only the REGISTER error message shows when I am currently on the Register Scene, and vice versa?
Because of the way react-native-router-flux works, all previous pages are still "open" and mounted. I am not totally sure if this solution will work, because of this weird quirk.
Pretty strict (and easy) rule to follow with React: No side-effects in render. Right now you are actually doing a side-effect there, namely, the Alert.alert(). Render can be called once, twice, whatever many times before actually rendering. This will, now, cause the alert to come up multiple times as well!
Try putting it in a componentDidUpdate, and compare it to the previous props to make sure it only happens once:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.error && this.props.error !== prevProps.error) {
// Your alert code
I am not totally convinced that this will actually work, as the component will still update because it is kept in memory by react-native-router-flux, but it will at least have less quirks.
I solved this by creating an ErrorContainer to watch for errors and connected it to a component that uses react-native-simple-modal to render a single error modal throughout the app.
This approach is nice because you only need error logic and components defined once. The react-native-simple-modal component is awesomely simple to use too. I have an errors store that's an array that I can push errors to from anywhere. In the containers mapStateToProps I just grab the first error in the array (FIFO), so multiple error modals just "stack up", as you close one another will open if present.
const mapStateToProps = (
state ) => {
return {
error: state.errors.length > 0 ? state.errors[0] : false
export default function errors (state = [], action) {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.ERRORS.PUSH:
return state.concat({
type: action.errorType,
message: action.message,
case actionTypes.ERRORS.POP:
return state.slice(1);
case actionTypes.ERRORS.FLUSH:
return [];
return state;
I have a universal React app that is using Redux and React Router. Some of my routes include parameters that, on the client, will trigger an AJAX request to hydrate the data for display. On the server, these requests could be fulfilled synchronously, and rendered on the first request.
The problem I'm running into is this: By the time any lifecycle method (e.g. componentWillMount) is called on a routed component, it's too late to dispatch a Redux action that will be reflected in the first render.
Here is a simplified view of my server-side rendering code:
export default getRoutes (store) {
return (
<Route path='/' component={App}>
<Route path='foo' component={FooLayout}>
<Route path='view/:id' component={FooViewContainer} />
let store = configureStore()
let routes = getRoutes()
let history = createMemoryHistory(req.path)
let location = req.originalUrl
match({ history, routes, location }, (err, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
if (redirectLocation) {
// redirect
} else if (err) {
// 500
} else if (!renderProps) {
// 404
} else {
let bodyMarkup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
<Provider store={store}>
<RouterContext {...renderProps} />
res.status(200).send('<!DOCTYPE html>' +
ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(<Html body={bodyMarkup} />))
When the FooViewContainer component is constructed on the server, its props for the first render will already be fixed. Any action I dispatch to the store will not be reflected in the first call to render(), which means that they won't be reflected in what's delivered on the page request.
The id parameter that React Router passes along isn't, by itself, useful for that first render. I need to synchronously hydrate that value into a proper object. Where should I put this hydration?
One solution would be to put it, inline, inside the render() method, for instances where it's invoked on the server. This seems obviously incorrect to me because 1) it semantically makes no sense, and 2) whatever data it collects wouldn't be properly dispatched to the store.
Another solution which I have seen is to add a static fetchData method to each of the container components in the Router chain. e.g. something like this:
class FooViewContainer extends React.Component {
static fetchData (query, params, store, history) {
let { query, params } = renderProps
renderProps.components.forEach(comp =>
if (comp.WrappedComponent && comp.WrappedComponent.fetchData) {
comp.WrappedComponent.fetchData(query, params, store, history)
I feel there must be better approach than this. Not only does it seem to be fairly inelegant (is .WrappedComponent a dependable interface?), but it also doesn't work with higher-order components. If any of the routed component classes is wrapped by anything other than connect() this will stop working.
What am I missing here?
I recently wrote an article around this requirement, but it does require the use of redux-sagas. It does pickup from the point of view of redux-thunks and using this static fetchData/need pattern.
I think this saga approach is far more cleaner and simpler to reason about but that might just be my opinion :)
There doesn't appear to be a more idiomatic way to do this than the fetchData approach I included in my original question. Although it still seems inelegant to me, it has fewer problems than I initially realized:
.WrappedComponent is a stable interface, but the reference isn't needed anyway. The Redux connect function automatically hoists any static methods from the original class into its wrapper.
Any other higher-order component that wraps a Redux-bound container also needs to hoist (or pass through) any static methods.
There may be other considerations I am not seeing, but I've settled on a helper method like this in my server.js file:
function prefetchComponentData (renderProps, store) {
let { params, components, location } = renderProps
components.forEach(componentClass => {
if (componentClass && typeof componentClass.prefetchData === 'function') {
componentClass.prefetchData({ store, params, location })
Inside react-relay app I need to change my sidenav component based on state of main content component.
Is it any simple global store for client component communication? Would it be ok to use dummy mutation and bounce back or should I keep my state in least common parent?
If you use Redux you can connect your App with the global state. Then both your components can be set-up by passing the same prop to them.
Let say you define your App. In render you should have something like:
render() {
const {myValue} = this.props;
return (<div>
<MyFirstComponent propValue={myValue}/>
<MySecondComponent propValue={myValue}/>
Then at the end of the App
App.propTypes = {
myValue: PropTypes.object
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
myValue: state.myReducer.myValue
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(App)
Everytime you dispatch an action which will return an updated value of myValue both the components will be sharing it.