Quill editor and AngularJS integration - angularjs

I am trying to integrate Quill rich text editor in my angular project. When it displays the editor the toolbar icons are very very big. Please see the below image.
I am not getting what I am doing wrong.
Sanket Shah

You have to add the css files quill.core.css, quill.bubble.css and quill.snow.css
also add quill.min.js.


CKEditor5 - No Toolbar

I upgraded my #ckeditor/ckeditor5-react component to the latest version. I am using a custom editor using the online builder tool.
The editor is displayed successfully and the data content is in the editor. However, the toolbar is missing.
Is there something different in the new version that we need to enable the toolbar onload??
After reading the documentation more thoroughly, I found that I had to add the toolbar to the DOM manually.
For reference:
[1]: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/installation/getting-started/frameworks/react.html

How to create custom tooltip in React Quill Editor?

I'm integrating a custom toolbar that has the link action
When user want to add a link to specific text, I want to override the tooltip behavior of Quill editor from default UI
to a UI like this
I've been searching for the solution and found that this can only be done by creating a new theme, but I don't find the documentation for customizing this part in React Quill.
Any help/idea is appreciated.

Codenameone I want to display html inside a TextArea

I just want to display html text inside a textArea for exemple if I write <h1>Header</h1> I want it to be displayed as header not with the tags.
I tried with webBrowser but it didn't work.
Codename Ones text area doesn't support it. What you're looking for is a rich text edit which we don't have. What you can do is use the BrowserComponent and in it open an HTML rich edit and use that.
There used to be a CN1LIB that did that seamlessly but because JS frameworks break constantly it stopped working.

CKEditor conflicting with TextAngular

We have a nifty AngularJS 1 app and we're using TextAngular add on. Works great. We now have the requirement to add the customer's custom header into our work, which is being added via JS AJAX call and it inserts the HTML into the page. This header is using CKEditor. I've asked to remove it but they can't. As a result, when I click into my TextAngular box, the CKEditor toolbar appears.
Thoughts on how I can separate the two? It appears CKEditor is attaching itself to any div where contenteditable="true". Is there a way to tell CKEditor to ignore divs?

Adding Content in Drupal

I am new to drupal and im on practicing the product. How would someone add a button on a page using the WYSIWYG without having to have any HTML or CSS knowledge. I am confused.
You can try this markup in your WYSIWYG in Plain text mode.
Then swich to Full HTML and save page.
Then you can add some styles.
