How to implement SynthProvider for lldb - lldb

I am trying to make a data formatter by implement a synthetic provider.
currently there are following method need to be done:
get_child_index(self, name)
get_child_at_index(self, idx)
But cannot find any document explain those api: when they get called.
Anyone can give me a hint on this?

Here's a description of how to implement a synthetic child provider:
There's a fairly simple example of a synthetic child provider which breaks up the elements of a bitfield here:
There are also some C++ stdlib providers in the directory above this one. These are not the ones lldb uses - those are built into lldb (implemented in C++) but they might be useful as other examples.


problem trying to initialize and set component state with this axios/typescript implementation

I'm trying to use Axios with TypeScript in a React component. The following suggested answer in a different thread seems to provide some pretty good guidance:
However, something about the suggested approach doesn't appear to be translating well for my component implementation. After fiddling around with this implementation, it seems that I'm still unclear on how state should be initialized in the constructor for this scenario, and possibly within the request().then() handler as well. Here's my current code:
The code is fairly simple but doesn't currently compile. Can you provide some guidance on what I'm missing here?

Method 'DUMPSETSET_GET_ENTITYSET' not implemented in data provider class

I created a function module and gateway service that reads data from SNAP_BEG table which is stores DUMP issues. There is no any error except that.
When I try to use link as /DumpsetSet I get
"Method 'DUMPSETSET_GET_ENTITYSET' not implemented in data provider class"
I found that how to redefine implementation but what code should I write in it? I cant find an example for this. Function module code is.
Or I just need to use something else?
What type of link should I use. I got one more project someoneelse done and I cant see difference in implementation from mine.
Edit: I can get firs record that program find by /DumpsetSet('username'). But it is not giving me all datas anyway.
Did you map the GetEntitySet to a data source from SEGW - SAP Gateway Service Builder, under the Service Implementation part. After this operation you should generate runtime objects.
There is a good blog for this, here.

Is this valid reactJS code?

New to ReactJS. Got this on a "join reactJS event questionary" but was unable to compile it. It seems to be missing a React Component class definition for the Item and List.
Is this shorthand style valid?
Is this shorthand style valid?
yes, it is valid code, List and Items are Stateless functional components
In order to run this code you need use babel with babel-preset-react
Yes, they are stateless functions, aka "pure components". They take their props as their only parameter and return the render results. If you do not need to keep track of any state, they are very lightweight both to understand mentally and in terms of the resources needed by React to manage them.
As to why you were unable to compile it, possibly you do not enable the right ES6/ES2015 features in whichever compiler you're using. You are using among other things super calls, object destructuring (in the parameters) and arrow functions. For help with this, provide the specific error message.
It is a valid javascript es6 code, except that multiple dynamic children (here the list of Items) need to have key prop

Kotlin Nested Object Classes

Ok so i'v been starting to learn kotlin for a week now, and i love the language:p
Besides the great utility of extension function, i feel like they lack a proper way of creating namespaces like java utility classes (xxxUtil).
I have recently starting to use this aproach, which im not sure is the right one, and i would like some feedback from Kotlin experienced users.
Is this a valid and proper thing todo:
object RealmDb {
private val realmInstance by lazy{ Realm.getInstance(MainApplication.instance) }
private fun wrapInTransaction(code:() -> Unit){
object NormaNote{
fun create(...) {...}
fun update(...) {...}
So, whenever i want to update some NormalNote value to a Realm Database, i do the following:
RealmDb.NormaNote.create(title.text.toString(), note.text.toString())
Is this a common thing to do? Are there better approaches? As i understood, this is singleton nesting, i don't think there's any problem with this, i just don't like to put this common things like DB operations inside classes that need to be instantiated. In old java i opted to static classes
The officially recommended way to create namespaces in Kotlin is to put properties and functions that don't need to be inside classes at the top level of the file, and to use the package statements to create a namespace hierarchy. We see the practice of creating utility classes in Java as a workaround for a deficiency in the language, and not as a good practice to be followed in other languages.
In your example, I would put all of the code in top-level functions and properties.
I don't know about the rest of the code, but I do know that you don't have to call .invoke () on code. The invoke method can always be shortened to a direct call, which in this case would be code ().

What is the correct place to list and examine ports in erl_driver

In the tutorial for erl_driver there seems to be no indication to where does the first ErlDrvPort object comes from. Say I want to wrap libusb-1.0 to use it from erlang. There is no place in the API described by ErlDrvEntry for any index methods. How does one find a port to open?
Normally you obtain the first port using the erlang:open_port/2 function, usage of which is shown in the code example in section 6.2 of the tutorial you linked to in your question.
Instead of using Ports to wrap a C library, you can also use NIFs. With Nifty there exists even a wrapper generator that does most of the work for you.
