Can I get plain value of columns with DbDataReader - sql-server

I need to get the value in numeric columns from the DB exactly it is formatted. When I get it with the DBDataReader for the numeric columns it automatically converts them to Int32 or Decimal and I get unwanted zeroes after the decimal point.
So is there a way I can get just the plain value (string) from a column like this? Due to nature of the page I don't want to format them in the code I just want the plain value from the DB.
I tried to get it with GetValue method of DBDataReader but the method is working only for nvarchar columns.
Update from comments:
I am dealing with unknown columns and types (user select SQL View out of many) and I dynamically create everything. But I don't know the types of the columns nor their preferred formatting. So this is the reason I want the value as it is recorded in the DB. Do you think I can get it as a string?

Like Larnu said in the comments this is accurate mappings for numeric columns for int32 and int. That being said depending on what youre actually trying to do with this data, you could try either using this:
or you could try doing


ORA-22835: Buffer too small and ORA-25137: Data value out of range

We are using a software that has limited Oracle capabilities. I need to filter through a CLOB field by making sure it has a specific value. Normally, outside of this software I would do something like:
DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(t.new_value) = 'Y'
However, this isn't supported so I'm attempting to use CAST instead. I've tried many different attempts but so far these are what I found:
The software has a built-in query checker/validator and these are the ones it shows as invalid:
CAST(t.new_value AS VARCHAR2(10))
CAST(t.new_value AS NVARCHAR2(10))
However, the validator does accept these:
CAST(t.new_value AS VARCHAR(10))
CAST(t.new_value AS NVARCHAR(10))
CAST(t.new_value AS CHAR(10))
Unfortunately, even though the validator lets these ones go through, when running the query to fetch data, I get ORA-22835: Buffer too small when using VARCHAR or NVARCHAR. And I get ORA-25137: Data value out of range when using CHAR.
Are there other ways I could try to check that my CLOB field has a specific value when filtering the data? If not, how do I fix my current issues?
The error you're getting indicates that Oracle is trying to apply the CAST(t.new_value AS VARCHAR(10)) to a row where new_value has more than 10 characters. That makes sense given your description that new_value is a generic audit field that has values from a large number of different tables with a variety of data lengths. Given that, you'd need to structure the query in a way that forces the optimizer to reduce the set of rows you're applying the cast to down to just those where new_value has just a single character before applying the cast.
Not knowing what sort of scope the software you're using provides for structuring your code, I'm not sure what options you have there. Be aware that depending on how robust you need this, the optimizer has quite a bit of flexibility to choose to apply predicates and functions on the projection in an arbitrary order. So even if you find an approach that works once, it may stop working in the future when statistics change or the database is upgraded and Oracle decides to choose a different plan.
Using this as sample data
create table tab1(col clob);
insert into tab1(col) values (rpad('x',3000,'y'));
You need to use dbms_lob.substr(col,1) to get the first character (from the default offset= 1)
select dbms_lob.substr(col,1) from tab1;
Note that the default amount (= length) of the substring is 32767 so using only DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(COL) will return more than you expects.
CAST for CLOB does not cut the string to the casted length, but (as you observes) returns the exception ORA-25137: Data value out of range if the original string is longert that the casted length.
As documented for the CAST statement
CAST does not directly support any of the LOB data types. When you use CAST to convert a CLOB value into a character data type or a BLOB value into the RAW data type, the database implicitly converts the LOB value to character or raw data and then explicitly casts the resulting value into the target data type. If the resulting value is larger than the target type, then the database returns an error.

Find rows with exact geography coordinates

I have a SQL table with a geography column. When I look at one of the rows the geography shows as a long hex string: 0xE6100....C0.
I want to write a query that finds all other rows in my database that have this same value. How can I do this?
I tried adding WHERE location = '0xE6100....C0' with and without quotes but I get an error:
Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals equal to, type equals geography.
Note: I'm just doing this query in an ad-hoc fashion I'm not really looking for a optimal solution or a way to parameterize this in any way. I just have a row that I'd like to find related values.
Looks like you need to use .STEquals
Check the documentation here

Converting to Datum type in PostgreSQL

I see that the fetchfunc is used to access the column values of the sample rows fetched for statistics collection. The function returns a Datum. Individually when we know of the datatype, we can use the functions like Float8GetDatum Int16GetDatum and so on to convert to Datum type.
My problem is:
Input : a column in a relation and a valid value that the column can take.
I have to find the datatype of the column and based on that, I need to use the right function to convert the given input value to the Datum value to be stored internally.
I am very confused on how to go about this in postgreSQL.

VB.Net - Excel application get showing values of an range

I'm trying get an Excel Range and copy into an array of objects with Vb.Net.
This is not a problem. I use the following code:
Dim vValues(,) As Object = ExcelApp.Range(vRange).Value
And works fine; but I have a the following case:
In the column "C"; the value has a specific format and internally has another value.
My question is:
Somebody know the way to get the information exact as the user see?
I'm trying to get the information without use a For ... Each or some kind of cycle.
I'm also tried to avoid use "text to columns" function.
Both seems right solutions, but would impact the performance with a lot of data.
FYI: Also I can get the information through the ODBC connection; but I'm searching the solution using a Range
Exactly what the user sees is the Text property. But you cannot have an array of that, you will have to query each cell individually.
You are getting a Double value in your array instead of a DateTime value because you have "Time" formatting applied in Excel. If you had a format from the "Date" category, Excel would instead send a proper Variant/Date, not a Double that represents it.
Another option would be constructing the DateTime objects on the .NET side, provided you know in which columns they should be.

Why does a number imported to SQL Server from Excel contain the letter e?

I have got a excel sheet which inserts data in to SQL Server, but noticed for a particular field, the data is being inserted with e, this particular field is of type varchar and size 20.
Why is e being inserted when the actual data for these respective fields is 54607677038, 77200818179 and 9920996.
Help me out
Thanks in anticipation.
You may think of '2007038971' as being just a string of numbers (some kind of article code, I guess). Excel just sees numbers and treats it as a numerical value. It probably is right aligned (default for numbers) and not left-aligned (default for strings).
When asked to store in as a string, it 'helpfully' formats that number into a string, thereby introducing that "e" notation (the value 2007038971 is about 2.00704 * 10^9).
You need to convince Excel that that code really is a string, maybe by adding a quote in front of it.
How about this. When you read value from excel, then convert ToString() and insert into DB. Need to change relevant data type based on data in your excel.
double doub = 2.00704e+009;
string val = doub.ToString();
