Failed while trying to upload file to snowflake - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I registered a snowflake trail account and I tried to upload local file to snowflake. following the tutorial
I am on windows platform and it is failing when I run the put command.​
The error is
john#MYWAREHOUSE#MYDATABASE.PUBLIC>put file://c:\temp\load\contacts*.csv #my_csv_stage auto_compress=true;
Unable to parse config file: C:\Users\john/.aws/credentials
Could you please help on that?

You might be trying to upload a file to a S3 stage for which you don't have the proper credentials.
Try to run this instead -
put file://c:\temp\load\contacts*.csv #~ auto_compress=true;


No space for sagemaker Studio lab to upload or download file

The SageMaker studio lab FAQ says there are 15GB space for each user, but I can't even upload or download a 900MB DataSet.
When I upload or download it, return
Unexpected error while saving file: sagemaker-studiolab-notebooks/ [Errno 2]
No such file or directory:
-> '/home/studio-lab-user/sagemaker-studiolab-notebooks/'
and sometimes it returned "no space for device".
are you still seeing this error? You may need to delete and recreate your account, checkout also this issue on GitHub

Error while pushing application to IBM cloud

I'm trying to push my application to IBM cloud but getting the following error:
Error: Unable to read archive file at - target/DAH-APP-0.0.1.war as specified in the project's manifest.yml. Please ensure that the file exists at the specified path and is accessible. Cannot complete archive push.
Please help me resolve the issue.

what does "Connecting to database specified by database.yml" in the log file mean?

I'm working on a Rails 3.2.9 app , on performing a certain action, the app doesnt go any further and when i chech the log file i get this line to be the last in the log
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
I have no idea what's causing this problem.. When i sign up or sign in also it needs to connect to db and it works fine then.. only when a function (called execute test case) is clicked, the app doesnt go further and freezes there itself..
Please help me if you have come across this ...or suggest what may be the cause!!
Check this answer. This may help you.
Rails Connecting to database specified by database.yml
I found the cause of this error.. Problem is when the gem ‘mysql2’ is installed for the app , it might not be the one compatible with the version of MySQL server that is installed in our machine. And also a corresponding libmysql.dll file to be copied to Ruby folder.
So install the gem by specifying the local directory of Mysql
1.In the cmd,
gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-dir=C:\Program Files\MySQL
As directed in the cmd, follow the link to download the dll. Extract the zip from that location and copy the file as instructed in cmd
If the zip is empty or the link shows file not exist.(which does happen for some versions!!)
--> Go to the link and follow the flow in the url.. Like the website.. ->downloads -> MySQL Connectors -> MySQL Connector/C -> the latest version zips are displayed.. Choose the one with the exact file name as in the empty zip/broken link. If not click on previous GA versions and find the according zip file. Download, extract and copy the libmysql.dll to Ruby’s bin folder

run Selenium in a Batch File

I want to create a batch file for running Selenium. I need it to run it in Jenkins, now you can ask why you will do it with a batch file? There is a plugin for it, so use that one. Now it is impossible to use that plugin because it is to complex what I want, so I need to do it with a batch file.
I'm using selenium-java-2.20.0 and Firefox.
Thanks already!
This is the code and the error that I get:
C:\Users\User\Desktop>#echo off
C:\Users\User\Desktop>java -jar C:\Users\User\Downloads\selenium-java-2.20.0\selenium-2.20.0\selenium-java-2.20.0.jar -htmlSuite "iexploreproxy" "http://localhost" "C:\Users\User\Documents\Runner.html" "C:\Reports\Selenium\result.html"
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from C:\Users\User\Downloads\selenium-java-2.20.0\selenium-2.20.0\selenium-java-2.20.0.jar
You're using the wrong JAR file. You want selenium-server-standalone-2.20.0.jar.

Google App Engine Bulkloader “Authentication Failed”

I'm trying to use the bulkloader to load my data to the App-Engine server. I run the following command using Python 2.5:- upload_data --application=myappname --kind=mykind
--filename=data_archive.csv --url=
But its failing with this Authentication error:-
[INFO ] Connecting to
[ERROR ] Exception during authentication
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 10061] No connection could
be made because the target machine actively refused it>
[INFO ] Authentication Failed
My idea is to do a bulk download from my development server and then use this dump to do a upload to the app-engine server. The bulk download worked fine. I used this format for this:- download_data --application=myappname --kind=mykind
--url=http://localhost:8888/remote_api --filename=data_archive.csv
But the bulk upoad fails. A couple of things: the bulk download asked me for a userid and password, but the bulk upload does not. Also, I don't currently have a app.yaml file which I see mentioned a lot - do I need one to do this ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
For anyone else struggling with this, the problem was indeed being behind the proxy server, but there was another 'error' with what is above. The app-id needs the "s~" bit added to it. upload_data --application=s~myappname --kind=mykind
--filename=data_archive.csv --url=
This isn't an authentication issue - that message is a red-herring - your machine is unable to contact the App Engine app at all. Do you have a proxy you need to transit through in order to make external connections?
You do not need --application=s~myappname when using bulkloader - Google have mentioned before:
Warning! Do not use the --application= flag to get the application ID
when using the bulk loader. Instead, use --url=.
For more detail take a look here:
app.yaml is how it finds your server. I am not sure how you can try and upload without one.
In addition to having an app.yaml that points to the production server, the production server also needs to have remote_api turned on (in it's app.yaml and in the version you are trying to reach):
- remote_api: on
