Error while pushing application to IBM cloud - archive

I'm trying to push my application to IBM cloud but getting the following error:
Error: Unable to read archive file at - target/DAH-APP-0.0.1.war as specified in the project's manifest.yml. Please ensure that the file exists at the specified path and is accessible. Cannot complete archive push.
Please help me resolve the issue.


Failed while trying to upload file to snowflake

I registered a snowflake trail account and I tried to upload local file to snowflake. following the tutorial
I am on windows platform and it is failing when I run the put command.​
The error is
john#MYWAREHOUSE#MYDATABASE.PUBLIC>put file://c:\temp\load\contacts*.csv #my_csv_stage auto_compress=true;
Unable to parse config file: C:\Users\john/.aws/credentials
Could you please help on that?
You might be trying to upload a file to a S3 stage for which you don't have the proper credentials.
Try to run this instead -
put file://c:\temp\load\contacts*.csv #~ auto_compress=true;

Jenkins: File not found exception

I am trying to load a file from a repository I checked out. I am getting this error:
new File( iFilePath )
Err: Build failed with Error: Y:\Jenkins\workspace\TestBuilds\Matlab\m\Contents.m (The system cannot find the path specified)
This is explained because Jenkins try to look for the file on the master. While the file is actually located on the slave agent.
Any way to get around this ?
Check out this answer:
I don't think you can use the File class on anything but the Jenkins master; try using the FilePath class

Setting up ArangoDB cluster wihout DCOS

I'm working on setting up an ArangoDB cluster in an Ubuntu machine based on these instructions :
I keep getting the below error when i execute the first command in the above documentation with sudo. I ensured that all the directories
pointing to in the /etc/arangod.conf file has the required permissions. Please can you let me know if i'm missing something here.
Below is the error i get :
2016-08-23T07:29:52Z [26629] FATAL unable to create database directory: Failed to create directory [agency1] Permission denied
The command passes the database directory on the command line (agency1) and arangodb doesn't seem to have rights to create agency1 in your current working directory.
Either provide a proper working directory on the command line or specify one in the config file.
You need to first change the directory to /var/lib/arangodb3 or whatever data directory you have set and then run the command.

Varnish configuration not working

I have been installed varnish module in drupal 7 while clicking on configure it shows an error page with title server error and if i come back to module menu there was another error log
like Warning: require_once(/var/www/magz/sites/all/modules/varnish/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in menu_execute_active_handler() (line 515 of /var/www/magz/includes/
I tried reinstalling and some other stuffs but the error is still there is there any solution for this
Did you checked if the path and file (folder) is valid? seems that the module requires certain file which are not there.
I've checked with version: 7.x-1.0-beta2 and no such issue occurred.
Just to close out that the read permissions would cause this, please follow the instruction from that: page - regarding access rights setting.

Google app engine error, don't know where to start looking

I'm receiving this error when I attempt to start an app using google app engine :
Loading modules
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/bookmark/Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] shell failed in doStartup method
I don't have a file called Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml. My project name is mobile-bookmark
Why is this error occuring ?
If it's looking for Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml (the wrong file), I'd check how you are starting the server.
For example, under Eclipse, I'd check run configurations --> arguments to see if "Mobile_bookmark" got into there. (you can get to run configurations by selecting the little triangle next to either the green debug or run button you use to start it --- or RUN (menu in eclipse) -- run configurations -- select your project)
Change the file name to whatever *.gwt.xml file you do have. I suspect it's mobile-bookmark.gwt.xml.
Look under /src/yourpath/yourproject/
Your layout is probably like:
