Primeng multiselect need Select All checkbox with 'Select All' text - primeng

Primeng multi select need Select All checkbox with 'Select All' text. Sample code is include here:
<p-multiSelect [options]="cities" [filter]="true" [showHeader]="true" [showToggleAll]="true" formControlName="selectedCities"></p-multiSelect>


in react ag-grid table , how to prevent a dropdown component from collapsing when user selects an option and open a sub-grid on selecting an option

In react ag-grid table , I want to use Custom Dropdown component for a particular column and on selecting options from that dropdown, I want to prevent dropdown from collapsing and I want to show another flyout table on select of any option from dropdown and then select a row from that flyout table to populate the parent grid/column.For eg - Initial values in my dropdown component will be author like ['John', 'Jason'] now on select of suppose John, below is the expectation : Dropdown should not collapse after selecting John and On selecting John another sub-grid should open which should have details like - Author's Full Name and ProfessionNow after selecting any row from this sub-grid , Author's full name should get set in the original field .
Even after I tried using event.stopPropagation, my dropdown component is getting collapsed as soon as I select any option

Formik Yup validation on multiple select field (dropdown) react-form not working

I want to apply validation for the multi-select drop-down in React formik form. I successfully used validation while clicking on submit button
When I select multiple options from the select dropdown and deselect all values from the dropdown. At that time validation is not working.
Below is the link for select drop-down coding standards
Thanks in advance.

Cascading Select Box with React JS

I want to make a depending select box in which data will come in second select box as per the selection of first select box. I am using React JS.

select all checkbox in magento admin in export attribute grid

Require a select all checkbox in the grid under the column "skip"
System > Import/export > export
when products is selected for export, a grid is displayed with attributes
so require a checkbox in the table header to select and deselected all the attribute values
see the image

AngularJs: tooltip on mouse hover to single value of dropdown using ng-options

I am using ng-options for dropdown using 'select' tag.
I have to select only one option from drop down at a time.
While selecting option from drop down I have to show tooltip when I am hovering mouse on particular option.
I am able to show all the values in dropdown but not able to show the tooltip.
Could anyone please tell me how to show tooltip for ng-options?
You will have to create a custom select box for the same. No other element can be associated with the <option> tag (Generated by ng-options). And so you cannot introduce tooltip description.
You want me to help you with the code?
