select all checkbox in magento admin in export attribute grid - checkbox

Require a select all checkbox in the grid under the column "skip"
System > Import/export > export
when products is selected for export, a grid is displayed with attributes
so require a checkbox in the table header to select and deselected all the attribute values
see the image


in react ag-grid table , how to prevent a dropdown component from collapsing when user selects an option and open a sub-grid on selecting an option

In react ag-grid table , I want to use Custom Dropdown component for a particular column and on selecting options from that dropdown, I want to prevent dropdown from collapsing and I want to show another flyout table on select of any option from dropdown and then select a row from that flyout table to populate the parent grid/column.For eg - Initial values in my dropdown component will be author like ['John', 'Jason'] now on select of suppose John, below is the expectation : Dropdown should not collapse after selecting John and On selecting John another sub-grid should open which should have details like - Author's Full Name and ProfessionNow after selecting any row from this sub-grid , Author's full name should get set in the original field .
Even after I tried using event.stopPropagation, my dropdown component is getting collapsed as soon as I select any option

How can I change DataStudio default display in charts when I don't select anything in the drop-down control filter?

I create drop-down list(Q1,Q2,Q3) to filter the charts and tables. If I don't select anything in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will automatically show everything(Q1,Q2,Q3) -- how can I change the default value charts and tables that are displaying to Q1's value only?
To be more specific, if I don't select anything in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will show Q1's results; if I select Q2 in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will show Q2's result.
enter image description here
Kindly look for default selection at the filter property panel, as circled in screenshot below.
For example, when I enter "US" as the default selection, the entire dashboard is filtered to US by default. However, the user can still look for other selections if they are interested on other available country.
Do note the data here is dummy data, not the real-world data.
If you're interested to check out the dashboard to see what's the expected output, here is the link

How to add Radio Button in columns while rendering Data Grid in React js

Is there any way to use radio button instead of checkboxes in react-data-grid component ?
As per my project requirement , I can only edit a single Row at a time in DataGrid.
For example : If we have columns, Employee ID and Employee Name in DataGrid, On selecting particular Row a button will be enabled which will direct to a page wherein we could edit the other details of the selected Employee. At a time, only one Row should be editable.
How can I achieve this?

How to get the grid data with column title after selecting particular the column names dynamically in the grid ( UI grid)

My question here, we are using UI grid to display the data in the grid . We have columns which are dynamically displayed according to our request , so the number of columns will change . Also we can enable or disable the column which needs to displayed in the grid UI manually. Here we want to get only grid data and column title (column names) of the enabled column names on the grid ( enabling the column names in the grid is done manually) . How can we capture that?
When we tried using the export as csv or pdf available in grid options it exports only selected column and their data , but manually when we try to capture the selected column and their data we couldnt get it . (We are getting all the data in the grid .) Please help on this .We need to get only data of selected columns on the grid.

Populating multi select control from multiple values when form opens in AX

I need to populate multi select dropdown from multiple values from table like this
value1;value2;value corresponding to each record (which is in list box).
When I select any record in list, the value of multiselect combo box changes corresponding to the record in the list box.
I am able to select multiple values for each record manually when I click any record in the list. However, I want the text box of dropdown to be populated automatically whenever I click any record in the list box
There is no multiselect combo box control in AX. It can be simulated with a technice based on Grid component and edit methods (special method type in X++), but you should clarify your question indeed.
