Connecting Environment with database on AWS - database

I'm very new to Amazon Web Services and I'm trying to deploy and run Wordpress site that in on my localhost. Currently I don't have access to the SSH and everything I do from the Web management dashboard of AWS.
So, I've created one instance and Uploaded/Deployed the zip with the site. Then I created database RDS with table name myTable, and connected to it via Dbeaver tool. Then I've included my database sql file to create tables etc.
Database credentials(changed for the question):
1) username: Master
2) password: MasterPassword
In the wp-config.php I've added
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'myTable');
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'Master');
/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'MasterPassword');
/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
When I go to the URL that elastic Beanstalk gave me I see the error:
Error establishing a database connection
Which obvious means that the site can't connect to database. My question is if there is something that I miss and just adding the credentials in wp_config.php isn't enought


wordpress database connection on local server

I have a problem with database connection on local server (Open Server).
I installed wordpress and created a new database. Everything worked well. But when I imported a database from remoted host I received a message during wp configuration process:
We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the victo188_victoria database.
Are you sure it exists?
Does the user root have permission to use the victo188_victoria database?
On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_victo188_victoria. Could that be the problem?
DB exists. The user has the permission. With name everything is ok.
All the answers I've read on such topic were about you can't get connection to any DB. But i can't do it to the only specific DB
What can be the problem? Thank you.

Install sccm reporting role unable to connect sql (invalid connection string)

I am trying to install the Reporting role In SCCM but I have a lot of issues while trying to connect to the reporting server because I dont know about SQL :( ..
The reporting role is installed in a diferent server than the sccm and is working fine, there is acces to the https and http urls.
I have dissabled the firewall in both server for testing purposes but I am getting a message that says the conection string is not valid.
I have tested setting up the reporting database name or the SCCM database name but y cant get along the error.
When install a Reporting Services point on a remote Site System, you need to be sure that the Report server must host SQL Reporting Service. Reporting Services connects to the Configuration Manager site database to retrieve data that is returned when you run reports. So in your screenshot above:
Site Database Server Name: Your site database Server Name (If not default instance, specify instance name)
Database Name: Your site Server database Name
Typically the wizard automatically retrieves the site database server FQDN and SQL database name.
Reporting Services Server Instance: Reporting service instance Name on remote server
User Name: Specify a account that Reporting Service use to connect to Site Database to retrieve data.
If you go through Microsoft Website, you'll get full detailed step by step guide at: InstallReportingServicesPoint

Uploading a database to server

How do I upload to my local host database to a server uses direct admin.
I tried to take a .gz file from my local host database and when uploading it to the server It said that it is not a backup database. So do I have to create the database tables and columns by my own self not by uploading it?
In Direct Admin Under MySQL management, Create a new MySQL database and user with sufficient privileges.
Go to PHPmyAdmin, Select the database you just created and choose the import tab. Upload the gz file and hit Go! The localhost database tables are now in your server.

Trying to connect with ODBC to AWS SQL Server

I created a SQL Server instance on Amazon web services. I can remote into it ok.
I created a new login ID and password through the management app, but when I try to connect with the data source administrator in windows I am getting a login failed error. I have tried this several times so I am sure I am not putting the wrong password in.
I have another sql server set up that I can create a login ID and connect to fine.
Any suggestions on what to try?
A couple of things to check:
Have you opened up port 1433 (or your custom TCP port if you specified one) in the security group associated with your EC2 instance (I assume it's EC2 since you said you can remote in)?
Have you created both a SQL Server login and a database user? SQL Server requires two objects for a login: A server login object and a database user object. See more details here:

db name, username and password in Azure to configure wordpress db

I'm using Microsoft Azure to run a wordpress site. I have to convert a static HTML site to a new wordpress site, therefore need to link to my existing db. Where do I find my database's username, password, so that I could correctly log this into wp-config.php file?
it depends to the way wiche you have created withe it your database so if you created it in azure mysql server you have to go to graphice interface and then to put your server name in the host and the connection name use it in user
then use same password that you have used it when you created the server
