How to create local notification for ionic app? - angularjs

I am using Ionic v1 and angularjs for my mobile app, I am storing some dates in localStorage. Based on this date and time user should get notification.
Can any one please suggest me how to proceed with it.

You can check the ngCordova local notification documentation here
ngCordova local notification


Angular.js app with Salesforce platform

I need to create a event app in angular and node.js with login functionality as normal user and salerforce user . How can I create it ? Also I need to manage event on salesforce and update and delete from thre UI .
I want to understand how to create a custom app in angular and how to fetch data from salesforce ? Also how to manage that data on salesforce . I have gone through lot of documents and videos but couldn`t understand how exactly salesforce help me to build my app and can be integrated with it .
Any help appreciated .
If you decide you want to use Angular 2 I have created a boilerplate for getting started. Allows you to develop your application completely locally and deploy to Salesforce only when you want to.
Check out this Node + Salesforce REST quick start:
That example doesn't use Angular but you could easily add it in. Also check out:

value of localStorage in crosswalk lost after restart app

I use ionic to create my app.
Because perfomance problem in android device so i have to integrate app with crosswalk,.
My app use localStorage to store many setting info , use it like local variables
My problem is when use crosswalk, each time i restart the app, variable store in localStorage is lost!
After do alot of solution, i try: --> This solution can storage persistent value & variables, but it use promise to get the value, isn't like localStorage way ( just set value for variables, use it synchronize ). So this not my goal, use as localStorage --> A Cordova plugin to be used with alternate browsers to retrieve localstorage from default system browsers --> But when i use this plugin, problem still occur
Some version of framework used in my project:
ionic 1.7.14
cordova 5.4.1
crosswalk 18+
Please help me solve this!

Add drupal to exsisting Angular project

I got a angular project and I want to add drupal to it.
I want the admin to be able to add new content in drupal which will show in a feed on my page.
Is this possible?
Been trying to find a guide but it seems like I'm out of luck.
If you have the services module installed you can find all available REST calls under the services tab.
If you want for example fetching nodes you can fire a request to
Or consume data for a view with
To Integrate this in you Angular forntend you can use ng-drupal-7-services.
This Module provides nearly all possible API calls to drupal as well as a module to easily handle authentication to you backend.
It sets:
session data
cookie data
X-CSRF Token
At you will fin demos for plain angular and ionic.
Instead of using drupal 7 you can download drupal 8 which is in beta and provides a restful api service "out of the box".

Backend for Ionic app

I'm new to Ionic and Angular, so I'm doing basic things with tabs, tables... The thing is that I want to implement a timetable so that it can be updated from a remote site, and everytime the user requests an update the app timetable updates.
How could I go for it? I thought of a remote server in php for example where you add events and remove events, so it connects and gets the data from there... But how could I make "dynamic tables" in the case there are more events or less events?
You can use Backand.
They have full integration with Ionic.
You can see example at ionic blog.
use a hosted service like Parse, Firebase or Kinvey to get started

load an angular app into a webpage and pass in server variables

I have a standalone Angular JS Application that displays a table of data. I want to load thisapp on request in multiple places in my existing non AngularJS web site. All the angular app needs to initialise is a userguid that I have in the page when I need to load the app, my problem is how to pass this into the angular app at load.
I have tried using "bootstrap(document, ['myApp'])" but cannot se a way to pass the variable in, ideally I could do this bootstrap(document, ['myApp'], variablehere);
I can make the app load by adding the userguid variable to window and receiving it from there but this seems horrible and tied to the app.
Any help appreciated
