How to use highlight.js in Django (Wagtail)? - wagtail

I wanted to make a blog post with parts from Wagtail and highlight.js
Is there any way to customize the Wagtail text field to accept highlight.js by default?


How can I use the Richtext component (Wysiwyg) in my strapi plugin?

I’m building a plugin that will allow users to upload a 3D asset and manage some content about that object in a JSON field. I’d also like to use the Richtext field along with the WYSIWYG component that comes with strapi.
I’m looking for a way to import and configure that component in the React component that I’m building in my plugin.
Is this possible, and if so, are there examples of how I could do this?
This is probably the complete Richtext field built into Strapi:
I don't think it's available with Strapi's published package, and you cannot find it with their design system.
So I'd recommend looking into an alternative solution like using another WYSIWYG editor package instead.

Using React to create a wordpress post with image and custom fields

I would like to crate a really simple react app where a registered and logged in user can create a post with an featured image and some custom fields (acf fields).
I wonder whats the best way build and include that in a static Wordpress Page?

Django to Wagtail: How to list my apps in the dashboard

I just followed this guide to convert my django project to wagtail. I have some applications there already (blog, portfolio etc). Now when I accessed the wagtail admin panel I didn't see the applications. Please how is this done in wagtail?
Wagtail is not a drop-in replacement for the Django admin. The closest equivalent is the ModelAdmin module, but in general, Wagtail is intended for building new content-management features into your site as described in the tutorial, not converting your existing site functionality.

Wagtail Form static fields & superuser-only page

I did not found any answer to this. So is there a way in Wagtail to have an AbstractEmailForm without AbstractFormField (for example, can I hard code them into AbstractEmailForm? I know that AbstractEmailField has some variables that Django requires). I just need to have a contact form only with email field, I dont need to set fields dynamically.
And the second question: How do I set permission for that form page so that only superuser can edit the form page?(And the translated version too? There are a lot of answers to this, but I don't actually understand how to do it with AbstractEmailForm).
Thanks a lot!
If you're hard-coding your form fields, then the Wagtail forms module doesn't really give you anything that you don't already get from Django's forms framework, and so you're better off using Django forms directly. The serve method on a Wagtail page is equivalent to a Django view function, so any form-processing logic that would normally go into a view function can be placed in serve.
There's an example of this here (but written for Wagtail 1.x, so imports will need adjusting):

DocuSign Templates in Salesforce Documents

I've seen a few questions somewhat related to this, but no clear answer. This documentation makes it appear that Salesforce Documents can be used to grab a document for signature:
However, when looking at the Apex Toolkit, it seems you still need to use the template methods to get a template from DocuSign with the signature tags.
I would ideally like to get this template from Salesforce if possible. Can anyone confirm if this is possible or if it's required the template live in DocuSign proper.
If it CAN live in Salesforce, how would I go about adding the anchor tags for signature and date?
manual tab placement is not available in the Apex Toolkit, but the Apex Toolkit does support anchor tagging you can't supply positional data, but you can use anchor strings to auto-tag a doc on the way out
