Gradle version used by Codename One sources for Android - codenameone

What is the current Gradle version used by Codename One sources for Android? I'm trying to open a Codename One project with the current version of Android Studio without success, as you can see by the following screenshot:

We currently use Gradle 4.6 for builds, setting it in the external gradle option should help.


Problems installing Codename One plugin in NetBeans

I have a ploblem during the installation of Codename One plugin in Netbeans.
After the installation it says to restart the IDE.
After IDE restarts it's like if I've never installed the plugin: it asks me to install from the beginning.
NetBeans 12 on Windows 10 Pro.
NetBeans 12 changed a lot about the way plugins should be built and our plugin is a bit out of date by now.
However, we won't be updating it since it's no longer necessary as we migrated to maven. You can learn about that here:

AIDE - Android IDE - SQLiteOpenHelper - Database

Can anybody help me how to create database use sqlite on android app (AIDE), i have try any source code and when i running the project, the project always force close,
You have to have the newest version of AIDEpro. Then clone
It is passing the build on my android device with AIDE pro. There is also a tutorial you are looking for in the github project mentioned above.

Codename One - Eclipse Plugin

I get the following install error for the codename one eclips plugin.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this.
Make sure you are using a version of Eclipse for Java developers. It seems the Java editor functionality isn't available in your copy of eclipse.
I recommend using a recent version of JDK 1.8 and a Eclipse Neon 2 or newer (e.g. Oxygen etc.).

Wikitude Phonegap iOS Plugin

I have configured the Wikitude iOS plugin as suggested here -
However, during the compilation it is showing me build error - WTArchitechview.h not found in WTWikitiudePlugin.m file.
I am currently having iOS 6 device and using Cordova 2.0.0. I found one guide in the wikitude documentation -
It says I have to remove the armv7s architecture and have to do some modification files. I was not able to understand that modification part. I mean which file I have to modify.
I think you're having two problems.
The first is, that you have to download the Wikitude SDK from there website and then add the files from the SDK into your phonegap Xcode project (Follow the steps described in your first link). If you did this and still having compile time errors, make sure that either your user header search path from your Xcode project is set correctly or you copied the Wikitude SDK files into the folder which are already setup in the sample project. You can also remove the existing Wikitude SDK folder in your Xcode project and drag the one in, which you have downloaded.
The second link describes what you need to change in order to build your project with the Wikitude SDK in Xcode 4.5. You need to change this in your Xcode project settings. You have to do this because the Wikitude SDK needs some libraries which are not available for the armv7s architecture right now.

Google App Engine on NetBeans 7

Is there any pluggin or alternative way to use Google App Engine on Netbeans 7?
code completion
I managed to get it to work with netbeans 7.0 by using the kenai plugin for Netbeans 6.9:
Here you have the installation instructions. Of course: replace the links proposed with the link I provided (which is not listed on the page itself... Actually I found it by removing /Latest_NetBeans68/updates.xml from the other path).
I think it stopped working with 7.0.1 though.
A new plugin version for NetBeans 7.2 is available.
The settings file is located at
Installation instructions (for older versions) are here.
