Codename One - Eclipse Plugin - codenameone

I get the following install error for the codename one eclips plugin.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this.

Make sure you are using a version of Eclipse for Java developers. It seems the Java editor functionality isn't available in your copy of eclipse.
I recommend using a recent version of JDK 1.8 and a Eclipse Neon 2 or newer (e.g. Oxygen etc.).


Problems installing Codename One plugin in NetBeans

I have a ploblem during the installation of Codename One plugin in Netbeans.
After the installation it says to restart the IDE.
After IDE restarts it's like if I've never installed the plugin: it asks me to install from the beginning.
NetBeans 12 on Windows 10 Pro.
NetBeans 12 changed a lot about the way plugins should be built and our plugin is a bit out of date by now.
However, we won't be updating it since it's no longer necessary as we migrated to maven. You can learn about that here:

Gradle version used by Codename One sources for Android

What is the current Gradle version used by Codename One sources for Android? I'm trying to open a Codename One project with the current version of Android Studio without success, as you can see by the following screenshot:
We currently use Gradle 4.6 for builds, setting it in the external gradle option should help.

the codenameon demos under netbean 3.2 do not work

IDE: NetBeans 8.2
Windows 7
I installed codenameone under NB 8.2 and can't get a demo to load. They all say 'The project source/binary format is older than minimal supported one (1.6).'
Also can't get the codenameone plugin to update.
any suggestions? thanks.
There was a problem with older plugins which should work for 3.5.6 or newer.
As a workaround make sure the project is set to use Java 8 and open the build.xml file. Replace all references to 1.5 to 1.8.
This resolved my "Resolve Project Problems", but I still get this error when running the ToDoApp (and others) :
/Users/nnnnn/netbeans-tutorial/All-codenameone-demos/ToDoApp/build.xml:51: taskdef class cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
none of these hints helped me:
MacOs 10.14.6, Netbeans 12.2,
Now I came a little longer as I in preferences, Java added, Add JAR/ZIP:

Eclipse Juno 4.2 Google Plugin not installing: Cannot complete install because one or more required items could not be found

This is the error message I get:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42 ( 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42)
I've tried numerous things including manually downloading the file from here and also I snooped around StackOverflow and I tried just moving all the plugins from the manual download into the plugins folder of my Eclipse. That didn't help me though because my perspective did not update with the plugins and I couldn't find the "Create New Web Application" option. I've also read some things about the XML file being wrong but I can't find it and those were for other Eclipse versions so I don't know if it applies to me.
I also tried excluding Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0 but then it just says the next one in the list can't be found.
I'll be more than happy to provide anymore information. I am running Eclipse Juno 4.2 and Java 1.7 (I also have 1.6 installed though). I am using a Windows 7 PC. Thank you guys so much! I just want to code :[
I did not work for me with this URL:
It worked with this one:
I just changed 4.2 to 3.8.
I faced a similar problem I was downloading with 120 kb/s every time the download breaks down
when I moved to another place and downloaded the plugin with highest speed 400 kb/s It successfully downloaded and no problems found
You might think that issue is out of logic but that what I reached so far
Hope that Helps
I know this is a very old question but recently I found a solution to my problem so I am going to personally update the answer. For some reason, Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 Juno does not come with some of the required packages. After talking to some people, they recommended simply downloading Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers which simply comes with most of the packages necessary. From there, it just worked!
My friend also mentioned you could try to manually download the packages on Eclipse Classic but that is far more of a hassle.
Hope this helps!

Google App Engine on NetBeans 7

Is there any pluggin or alternative way to use Google App Engine on Netbeans 7?
code completion
I managed to get it to work with netbeans 7.0 by using the kenai plugin for Netbeans 6.9:
Here you have the installation instructions. Of course: replace the links proposed with the link I provided (which is not listed on the page itself... Actually I found it by removing /Latest_NetBeans68/updates.xml from the other path).
I think it stopped working with 7.0.1 though.
A new plugin version for NetBeans 7.2 is available.
The settings file is located at
Installation instructions (for older versions) are here.
