com.github.ulisesbocchio:jasypt-spring-boot-starter version question - spring-boot-starter

I am using spring version: 4.2.5 release and spring boot version 1.5.3 release.
Please let me know what is the right version of com.github.ulisesbocchio:jasypt-spring-boot-starter I should use. Thanks.

Skimming the tags on the pom.xml file, you'll see that
1.12 uses Spring Boot 1.5.1-RELEASE
1.13 skips straight to 1.5.4-RELEASE, and it stays on that version up to 1.17
then 1.18 jumps to 1.5.10-RELEASE
and the next tag is 2.0.0 which switches to Spring Boot 2.0.0.
So there are no jasypt-spring-boot-starter versions that have Spring Boot 1.5.3 specifically, but I expect you could make that version work with any 1.x release from 1.12 onwards. I'd choose 1.17 or 1.18 I think.


Upgrading CakePHP from 2.8.0 to 2.10.20

Currently, I have a live project in CakePHP 2.8.0 where PHP Version is 5.6.40.
I need to upgrade my CakePHP to the latest version. Can you suggest any new version that I should upgrade to without having many changes? Should I upgrade to 2.10.20 which is the 2019 release? Also, I don't want to change the PHP version which is 5.6.40 now.
Upgrades to CakePHP need to be done iteratively, ie. you'd need to cover everthing in the 2.9 migration guide before going through the 2.10 migration guide.
I'd suggest taking a copy of your code and installing the most recent version of CakePHP 2.10 for it and going through the CakePHP 2.9 Migration guide and then the CakePHP 2.10 Migration guide
Both 2.9 and 2.10 are compatible with PHP 5.6
After doing this, you can consider upgrading to CakePHP 3 which is a much bigger upgrade

Why is framework version 7.3 not available for download on the Sencha Support Site?

Last week, I downloaded Sencha Architect version 4.2.9. It installed Sencha Cmd version 7.3 and version 7.3 of the ExtJS framework as a part of the installation process. However, 7.3 is not available as a separate download on the Support site as it would typically be. Why is that?
Current download is only - If you got 7.3 I'd say that was an accidental leak of 7.3 if you got it...
I'm only getting
both support portal and npm are only supplying 7.2 series
Would love a copy of 4.2.9 if you have one... I can't seem to get that either.
Ext JS 73 is now available on support portal.

Can not index pdf file after i updated PDFBox from 1.8 to 2.0.2

I am using PDFBox and tika for content indexing of pdf file.
Every thing is working fine with PDFFBox 1.8,But when is updated PDFBox to 2.0.2 then it is giving me below error:
(Thread-62 (HornetQ-client-global-threads-2071379348)) Exception while creating solr doucment for content::Failed to close temporary resources: org.apache.tika.exception.TikaException: Failed to close temporary resources
at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser.parse(
at org.apache.tika.parser.CompositeParser.parse(
at org.apache.tika.parser.CompositeParser.parse(
at org.apache.tika.parser.AutoDetectParser.parse(
at org.hornetq.jms.client.JMSMessageListenerWrapper.onMessage(
at org.hornetq.core.client.impl.ClientConsumerImpl.callOnMessage(
at org.hornetq.core.client.impl.ClientConsumerImpl.access$400(
at org.hornetq.core.client.impl.ClientConsumerImpl$
at org.hornetq.utils.OrderedExecutorFactory$OrderedExecutor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: Could not delete temporary file C:\Users\FILESE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\apache-tika-7918716906396425097.tmp
... 18 more
Can you please help me to resolve this issue?
I updated PDFBox to 2.0.2 because of this.
My gradle dependency is :
compile "org.apache.poi:poi:3.8"
compile "org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:3.8"
compile "org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:3.8"
compile "org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:2.0.2"
compile 'org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:1.5'
compile 'org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.5'
Here I am using tika 1.5 and this version suports pdfbox 2.0.3. you can see here
You use Tika version 1.5 and claim
Tika 1.5 supports pdfbox 2.0.3
This is extremely implausible considering that Tika 1.5 has been released in February 2014 long before there was a PDFBox version 2.x, and PDFBox 2.0.0 in multiple ways is incompatible to its earlier 1.8.x releases.
You point towards the mvnrepository page for Apache Tika Parsers ยป 1.5 to support your claim. This page shows:
But all this means is that Tika 1.5 has a dependency on PDFBox 1.8.4 and that there now exists a PDFBox version 2.0.3. It does not mean that Tika 1.5 properly functions with PDFBox 2.0.3.
Looking at the pom file you'll see:
Thus, Tika 1.5 has been developed and compiled with PDFBox 1.8.4. If the PDFBox version numbering is sensible, you can hope for Tika 1.5 properly working with any PDFBox 1.8.x from x == 4 onwards.
But PDFBox development took the opportunity to overhaul the PDFBox architecture in their 2.0.0 release. Most likely, therefore, no program depending on a 1.x PDFBox version can function with PDFBox 2.x without changes.
According to the TIKA issue TIKA-1959, Tika can run with PDFBox 2.0.1 since version 1.13.
To make a long story short, therefore, you need at least version 1.13 if you want to use Tika with PDFBox 2.0.x.

How do I use Camel 2.15 with the pom.xml generated by Fabric8 Maven archetype

I'm excited about the release of Camel 2.15. I want to use it with Fabric8. How do I modify the pom.xml generated by the Fabric8 Spring Boot archetype so it uses Camel 2.15?
It seems to default to 2.13.2
Ah okay so you are using Fabric8 v1. That is no longer maintained in the community, as we moved on to Fabric8 v2 - which is docker and kubernetes based.
For Fabric8 v1 - only the parts related to OSGi / Karaf is supported as part of the JBoss Fuse product. They are working on a new JBoss Fuse 6.2 release that will contained Fabric8 v1. But that version does not support docker / spring-boot etc - only the Karaf/OSGi parts.
I suggest to move on and try Fabric8 v2. For that you would either need a kubernetes platform such as OpenShift3, Google Cloud, or an alternative is to use the Java based implementation which is known as Jube.
The new documentation is here, notice the v2 in the link:

Does Cordova 1.9 work on iOS 6?

Does Cordova 1.9 work on iOS 6?
I'll be working on it on Xcode 4.5.
I've already installed Cordova 2.0 and it is troublesome issues.
Should I downgrade to Phonegap / Cordova to 1.9 or upgrade to Cordova 2.1? Please advise?
In my condition,I met many bugs when I building Apps by Cordova 1.9 on IOS6.
Even though we can run Cordova 1.9 on IOS6,but the plugins issue or other strange problems would make you tired.
So please upgrade it and face the truth.
I just managed to compile my app with iOS6 SDK with Cordova 1.9.
Make sure you remove armv7s from "Valid Architectures" in your app's "Build Settings". However, this means, you won't be able to target iPhone 5.
(Thanks to Apple, iPhone5 is not available for purchase yet in my country anyways!!, So I still have time to upgrade Cordova :) )
I am still waiting for Cordova 2.2 release. You can check bug reports of Cordova and decide for your own case.
