Validating Failed to get test status, error: Failed to get test status: INVALID(TEST_SAME_AS_APP) in Bitrise - mobile

I have started Appium server with the below lines of code in script step
set -ex
npm install -g appium
appium &>/dev/null &
In Android Virtual Device testing step, getting the following error message. Is there any way to avoid this error
Validating Failed to get test status, error: Failed to get test status: INVALID(TEST_SAME_AS_APP)

The Virtual Device Testing (Firebase Test Lab) feature requires two separate APKs, one that will be tested and one that will drive the test. You can read more details about the setup here:
See the Instrumentation section
For Instrumentation tests, you'll need to change your workflow:
Add an extra task assembleDebugAndroidTest in your gradle-runner's gradle task input, so it will be something like: assembleDebug assembleDebugAndroidTest.
Add Virtual Device testing for Android step after your gradle-runner step.
As a minimum, in Virtual Device testing for Android step set Test APK path inputs to your built debug apk (e.g.: ./app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug-androidTest-unaligned.apk) Make sure to configure only one section of the step, which matches your desired test type!
(APK path is exported by the gradle-runner step, and it is set as the default for the step's input, so if you want to use a different APK then don't forget to change the step's input accordingly!)


i have run time error in selenium test NG, Any Solutions Available?

Error1:Suite file C:\Users\Hp\Selinium Workspace pratice\xmlfile\testing.xml is not a valid file
Error2: Failed to execute goal [32morg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M8:test[m [1m(default-test)[m on project [36mxmlfile[m:
[[1;31mERROR[m] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the [1m-e[m switch.
[[1;31mERROR[m] Re-run Maven using the [1m-X[m switch to enable full debug logging
while Executing My Project I find this Error, I Done correctly in Pom.xml by calling plug-ins and properties
I am facing issue while calling multiple classes alone

R Missing Package error when uploading to

My Shiny program works fine locally on my PC (Windows 8, RStudio 0.99.489) but not when I upload it to . I've tried 2 ways of packaging the data for upload - saveRDS on each object and save.image on the entire environment. Either way, when I upload it to I get:
Preparing to deploy application...DONE
Uploading bundle for application: 77966...DONE
Deploying bundle: 350891 for application: 77966 ...
Waiting for task: 132618597
building: Parsing manifest
building: Building image: 344796
building: Installing packages
################################ Begin Task Log ################################
[2016-01-16T22:19:45.818533554+0000] Installing R package: magrittr (1.5)
Error in library(stylo) : there is no package called �stylo�
Execution halted
################################# End Task Log #################################
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 132618599 failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1
Execution halted
It seems that Shiny isn't aware of the Stylo package. I tried to install it in my code, but that didn't help.
1. Does Shiny have all R packages?
2. If not, is there a list of which packages are available?
Thanks very much.
Are you including the stylo package at the top of your server.R file via library("stylo")? If you are doing that and it's giving you the error, try using require("stylo") instead.
From the docs, the rsconnect package is supposed to automatically detect what packages are necessary for your app. Probably worth a read (if you haven't already) just to be sure you're following everything correctly in order for rsconnect to do its job.
I solved the problem by doing a clean build of my environment -- imported data tables and functions from RDS files only, and carefully avoided references to unnecessary packages. I recreated the one function I needed from Stylo locally, so that I could be certain I wouldn't require it.

X11: Start desktop manager inside daemon

What I'm trying to do:
Make screenshots of desktop and running program (Firefox Webdriver with Selenium, if it's important) in daemon (celeryd) in auto mode.
And I need desktop manager to be running, this is mandatory requirement. Currently I'm trying to use Fluxbox but I can switch to any other manager.
Current progress:
I can start X-server (Xvfb) in daemon and start Selenium Webdriver. Fluxbox start succeeds when I try to make it from terminal, but fails in daemon with following errors in log:
Can't create directory
Failed to load database:
Failed to load database:/init
Retrying with: /etc/X11/fluxbox/init
I tried to specify init-file directly, but Can't create directory error still exists and Fluxbox fails to start.
This might be daemon-mode restriction.
Is it possible to run any desktop manager inside daemon?
If yes, then how can I do this?

Google app engine error, don't know where to start looking

I'm receiving this error when I attempt to start an app using google app engine :
Loading modules
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/bookmark/Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] shell failed in doStartup method
I don't have a file called Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml. My project name is mobile-bookmark
Why is this error occuring ?
If it's looking for Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml (the wrong file), I'd check how you are starting the server.
For example, under Eclipse, I'd check run configurations --> arguments to see if "Mobile_bookmark" got into there. (you can get to run configurations by selecting the little triangle next to either the green debug or run button you use to start it --- or RUN (menu in eclipse) -- run configurations -- select your project)
Change the file name to whatever *.gwt.xml file you do have. I suspect it's mobile-bookmark.gwt.xml.
Look under /src/yourpath/yourproject/
Your layout is probably like:

Bash - MSBuild - File Logger

I'm trying to improve our local build implementation, by using Bash and pending the success of a solution build, run the unit tests.
At the moment I want to pipe the results of the build in quite mode to the console (using default console logger) but pipe the results in more detail to a file using the file Logger.
From the bash I can execute the build fine, providing I don't specificy the FileLogger.
C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/MSBuild.exe /verbosity:q D:/MyDocs/Main.sln
The minute I do this :
C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/MSBuild.exe /verbosity:q D:/MyDocs/Main.sln /logger:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine; /flp:logfile=Build.Log
The build fails and I get a could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.
I've also tried changing dir so that I'm in the framework directory, but still get the same error.
As an aside I'm trying to provide the devs's with a quite verbosity for the local builds, but enable auto execution of the tests if the build is successful. I'll analyse build success by reviewing the contents of the Build.Log file for "Build Succeeded" Or "Build Failed"
I tried pushing the result to file using > "Build.log" but that impacts the colouring of the build output on the console which diminishes some of the value of what I'm trying to achieve.
Any help would be great.
Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine is a namespace and not an ILogger. If you replace that portion in:
... with a valid ILogger it's more likely to work.
