I implemented a simple Prisma server.
My subscriptions work very well with UPDATED and DELETED mutations, but it does not work with CREATED mutations! Can anyone help me? Thanks
it is a bug from Prisma 1.12. when i updated it to 1.15, it solved!
Is it possible to connect React JS with SQLite database without any node.js or express ?
If yes, please give me an example or provide some resource link.
Thank you in Advance.
Is possible to do this using sql.js. I had no luck with the sqlite3 module.
Here is the example I used: https://github.com/sql-js/react-sqljs-demo
I am currently trying to teach myself django+reactjs. I have been able to get react to load with django run server but it doesn't live update. I can only see updates after I build and re-run django server. Is that how it is suppose to be or am I missing something? Please forgive me I am still very much a noob at programming.
I'm trying to integrate a Bpmn Modeler into my React app but so far it's not successful. It seems to work with the Viewer example I've also found in SO in the other thread, but with a Modeler, I can't. Can anyone help me out or point to the right direction?
This is my sample code on codeandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/j398qkv0zv , which is following from this example https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js-examples/tree/master/modeler
Hoping it's Not too Late. Please check the codesndbox below, https://codesandbox.io/s/quizzical-lake-szfyo?file=/src/App.js
I searched a lot but found no solution as i need server side pagination.Currently im using jquery datatables with react on client side but since now records have increased upto 3k. So now the requirement would oviously be a server side pagination. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated for any 3rd party library to implement this or can that be done with a custom component only.
I know its too late to answer this question, but i hope it might help others you can use table-boy npm package for server side sorting pagination and fetching.No jquery!
How can I use the GraphQL subscriptions with React-Relay ?
I found a solution using relay-subscriptions package, but I'm still looking for a solution provided by Relay only without any extra packages.
PS: I'm using a graphql hosted plateform provided by Scaphoold.io
Here is a new tutorial on how you can setup GraphQL Subscriptions with react.
I haven't spent enough time with subscriptions in relay yet but they are super easy to setup with Apollo Client, can run alongside relay, and will work with Scaphold immediately! I hope this helps!
Have you tried using this package?
GraphQL Relay Subscription
Seems promising, but I haven't actually tried it out myself.