Database: Repositories with NoSQL/Document Database (DDD) - database

Looking for any advice from anyone who has migrated their repositories from relational DB to a NoSQL?
We are currently building an App using a Postgres database & ORM (SQLAlchemy). However, there is a possibility that at a later date we may need to migrate the App to an environment that currently only supports a couple of NoSQL solutions.
With that in mind, we're following the Persistence-Orietated approach to repositories covered in Vaughn Vernon's Implementing Domain-Driven Design. This results in the following API:
Without going into detail, the ORM specific code has been hidden away in the repository itself. The Session is only used for the short span of time when data is retrieved, or updated, and then immediately committed and closed (in the repos methods). This means lots of merging on save, and not the most efficient use of the Session.
def save(aggregate):
def get():
aggregate = session.query_by(id)
return aggregate
etc etc
The advantages:
We are limiting ourselves to updating a single Aggregate per Use Case, so the lack of fully utilising the UOW Transaction Control in the Application Service is minimal (outside of performance). Transaction Control is enabled in the repos while the aggregate is written to ensure the full aggregate is persisted.
No ORM specific code leaks outside of the Repositories, which would need to be re-coded in the advent of switching to a NoSQL db anyway.
So if we do have to switch to a NoSQL DB, we should have a minimal amount of work to do.
However, almost everything I have read encourages Transactional Behaviour to live in the Application Service Layer. Although I believe there is a distinction here between Business Transactional and DB Transactional.
Likewise, we're taking performance hit, in that we are asking the session factory for a session on every call to the repository. Most services contain about 3 or so calls to a repository.
So, the question to anyone who has migrated from Relational to a NoSQL DB?
Does the concept of a Unit of Work / Session mean anything in a NoSQL world?
Should we fully embrace the ORM in the meantime, and move the UOW/Session outside of the Repository into the Application Service?
If we do that, what was the level of effort to re-engineer the Application Service, if we need to migrate to a NoSQL solution in the end. (The repositories will need to be re-written in any instance).
Finally, anyone had much experience writing a implementation agnostic repository?
PS. Understand we could drop the ORM entirely and go pure SQL in the meantime, but we have beed asked to ensure we are using an ORM.

EDIT: In this answer I focus on document db's based on the questions title. Of course other NoSQL stores exist with vastly different characteristics (for example graph db's, using event sourcing and others).
It should not be a problem really.
In document db's your entire aggregate should be a single document. This way you have exactly the same guarantees that you need for transactional consistency. Regardless of how many entities change within the aggregate, you're still storing a document. You will need to make sure you enforce some form of optimistic concurrency (through an etag or version or similar), and not a Unit of Work pattern, but after that your transactional requirements are covered.
I can't really comment whether you fully embrase a UoW pattern now, vs rely on ORM implementation etc. This really depends a lot on your current situation and details about implementation. What I can say though is that it is quite probable that you won't need to migrate from normal form (SQL) to documents all in one go. Start from a simple one so that you can see what works for you and what doesn't.
I don't know if implementation-agnostic repositories exist, but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The whole point of a repository is encapsulating persistence, so you can't abstract it: there won't be any other responsibility allocated to them. Also, you can't assume that the repository will need to compose different models into the aggregate model: this is specific to platform, so it's not agnostic.
Another final comment: I see in your question that for documents you wrote save_all(aggregates). I'm not sure what you're referring to, but at minimum, each aggregate save should be wrapped in its own transaction, otherwise this operation violates transactional boundary characteristic of Aggregate.

Does the concept of a Unit of Work / Session mean anything in a NoSQL
Yes, it can still be an interesting concept to have. Just because you're using a NoSQL storage doesn't mean that the need for some sort of business transaction management disappears. Many NoSQL databases have drivers or third party libraries that manage change tracking. See RavenDB for instance.
Sure, if you're only ever loading one aggregate per transaction and if your NoSQL unit of storage matches an aggregate perfectly, most of a Unit of Work's features will be less important, but you'll still be facing exceptions to that rule. Besides, the part of a UoW that's relevant in any case is Commit and possibly Abort.
Should we fully embrace the ORM in the meantime, and move the
UOW/Session outside of the Repository into the Application Service?
What I recommend instead is materializing the concept of Unit of Work in a full fledged class:
class UnitOfWork {
void Commit()
// Call your ORM persistence here
Application Services are just the place where the Unit of Work is called, not where it is implemented.
If we do that, what was the level of effort to re-engineer the
Application Service, if we need to migrate to a NoSQL solution in the
end. (The repositories will need to be re-written in any instance).
It depends on a lot of other parameters such as Unit of Work support by your NoSQL API or third party libraries, and similarity in shape between Aggregates and the NoSQL storage. It can range from practically no work to writing a full UoW/change tracking implementation yourself. If the latter, extracting UoW logic from the Repository to a separate class won't be the hardest part of the job.
Finally, anyone had much experience writing a implementation agnostic
I concur with SKleanthous here - implementation agnostic repos don't make much sense IMO. You've got your repository abstractions (interfaces) which are of course agnostic but when it comes to implementations, you have to address a particular persistent storage.


Microservices and database joins

For people that are splitting up monolithic applications into microservices how are you handling the connundrum of breaking apart the database. Typical applications that I've worked on do a lot of database integration for performance and simplicity reasons.
If you have two tables that are logically distinct (bounded contexts if you will) but you often do aggregate processing on a large volumes of that data then in the monolith you're more than likely to eschew object orientation and are instead using your database's standard JOIN feature to process the data on the database prior to return the aggregated view back to your app tier.
How do you justify splitting up such data into microservices where presumably you will be required to 'join' the data through an API rather than at the database.
I've read Sam Newman's Microservices book and in the chapter on splitting the Monolith he gives an example of "Breaking Foreign Key Relationships" where he acknowledges that doing a join across an API is going to be slower - but he goes on to say if your application is fast enough anyway, does it matter that it is slower than before?
This seems a bit glib? What are people's experiences? What techniques did you use to make the API joins perform acceptably?
When performance or latency doesn't matter too much (yes, we don't
always need them) it's perfectly fine to just use simple RESTful APIs
for querying additional data you need. If you need to do multiple
calls to different microservices and return one result you can use
API Gateway pattern.
It's perfectly fine to have redundancy in Polyglot persistence environments. For example, you can use messaging queue for your microservices and send "update" events every time you change something. Other microservices will listen to required events and save data locally. So instead of querying you keep all required data in appropriate storage for specific microservice.
Also, don't forget about caching :) You can use tools like Redis or Memcached to avoid querying other databases too often.
It's OK for services to have read-only replicated copies of certain reference data from other services.
Given that, when trying to refactor a monolithic database into microservices (as opposed to rewrite) I would
create a db schema for the service
create versioned* views** in that schema to expose data from that schema to other services
do joins against these readonly views
This will let you independently modify table data/strucutre without breaking other applications.
Rather than use views, I might also consider using triggers to replicate data from one schema to another.
This would be incremental progress in the right direction, establishing the seams of your components, and a move to REST can be done later.
*the views can be extended. If a breaking change is required, create a v2 of the same view and remove the old version when it is no longer required.
**or Table-Valued-Functions, or Sprocs.
CQRS---Command Query Aggregation Pattern is the answer to thi as per Chris Richardson.
Let each microservice update its own data Model and generates the events which will update the materialized view having the required join data from earlier microservices.This MV could be any NoSql DB or Redis or elasticsearch which is query optimized. This techniques leads to Eventual consistency which is definitely not bad and avoids the real time application side joins.
Hope this answers.
I would separate the solutions for the area of use, on let’s say operational and reporting.
For the microservices that operate to provide data for single forms that need data from other microservices (this is the operational case) I think using API joins is the way to go. You will not go for big amounts of data, you can do data integration in the service.
The other case is when you need to do big queries on large amount of data to do aggregations etc. (the reporting case). For this need I would think about maintaining a shared database – similar to your original scheme and updating it with events from your microservice databases. On this shared database you could continue to use your stored procedures which would save your effort and support the database optimizations.
In Microservices you create diff. read models, so for eg: if you have two diff. bounded context and somebody wants to search on both the data then somebody needs to listen to events from both bounded context and create a view specific for the application.
In this case there will be more space needed, but no joins will be needed and no joins.

Data Migration from Legacy Data Structure to New Data Structure

Ok So here is the problem we are facing.
We have a ton of Legacy Applications that have direct database access
The data structure in the database is not normalized
The current process / structure is used by almost all applications
What we are trying to implement:
Move all functionality to a RESTful service so no application has direct database access
Implement a normalized data structure
The problem we are having is how to implement this migration not only with the Applications but with the Database as well.
Our current solution is to:
Identify all the CRUD functionality and implement this in the new Web Service
Create the new Applications to replace the Legacy Apps
Point the New Applications to the new Web Service ( Still Pointing to the Old Data Structure )
Migrate the data in the databases to the new Structure
Point the New Applications to the new Web Service ( Point to new Data Structure )
But as we are discussing this process we are looking at having to rewrite the New Web Service twice. Once for the Old Data Structure and Once for the New Data Structure, As currently we could not represent the old Data Structure to fit the new Data Structure for the new Web Service.
I wanted to know if anyone has faced any challenges like this and how did you overcome these types of issues/implementation and such.
EDIT: More explanation of synchronization using bi-directional triggers; updates for syntax, language and clarity.
I have faced similar problems on a data model upgrade on a large web application I worked on for 7 years, so I feel your pain. From this experience, I would propose the something a bit different - but hopefully one that will be a lot easier to implement. But first, an observation:
Value to the organisation is the data - data will long outlive all your current applications. The business will constantly invent new ways of getting value out of the data it has captured which will engender new reports, applications and ways of doing business.
So getting the new data structure right should be your most important goal. Don't trade getting the structure right against against other short term development goals, especially:
Operational goals such as rolling out a new service
Report performance (use materialized views, triggers or batch jobs instead)
This structure will change over time so your architecture must allow for frequent additions and infrequent normalizations to it. This means that your data structure and any shared APIs to it (including RESTful services) must be properly versioned.
Why RESTful web services?
You mention that your will "Move all functionality to a RESTful service so no application has direct database access". I need to ask a very important question with respect to the legacy apps: Why is this important and what value has it brought?
I ask because:
You lose ACID transactions (each call is a single transaction unless you implement some horrifically complicated WS-* standards)
Performance degrades: Direct database connections will be faster (no web server work and translations to do) and have less latency (typically 1ms rather than 50-100ms) which will visibly reduce responsiveness in applications written for direct DB connections
The database structure is not abstracted from the RESTful service, because you acknowledge that with the database normalization you have to rewrite the web services and rewrite the applications calling them.
And the other cross-cutting concerns are unchanged:
Manageability: Direct database connections can be monitored and managed with many generic tools here
Security: direct connections are more secure than web services that your developers will write,
Authorization: The database permission model is very advanced and as fine-grained as you could want
Scaleability: The web service is a (only?) direct-connected database application and so scales only as much as the database
You can migrate the database and keep the legacy applications running by maintaining a legacy RESTful API. But what if we can keep the legacy apps without introducing a 'legacy' RESTful service.
Database versioning
Presumably the majority of the 'legacy' applications use SQL to directly access data tables; you may have a number of database views as well.
One approach to the data migration is that the new database (with the new normalized structure in a new schema) presents the old structure as views to the legacy applications, typically from a different schema.
This is actually quite easy to implement, but solves only reporting and read-only functionality. What about legacy application DML? DML can be solved using
Updatable views for simple transformations
Introducing stored procedures where updatable views not possible (eg "CALL insert_emp(?, ?, ?)" rather than "INSERT INTO EMP (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (?, ? ?)".
Have a 'legacy' table that synchronizes with the new database with triggers and DB links.
Having a legacy-format table with bi-directional synchronization to the new format table(s) using triggers is a brute-force solution and relatively ugly.
You end up with identical data in two different schemas (or databases) and the possibility of data going out-of-sync if the synchronization code has bugs - and then you have the classic issues of the "two master" problem. As such, treat this as a last resort, for example when:
The fundamental structure has changed (for example the changing the cardinality of a relation), or
The translation to the legacy format is a complex function (eg if the legacy column is the square of the new-format column value and is set to "4", an updatable view cannot determine if the correct value is +2 or -2).
When such changes are required in your data, there will be some significant change in code and logic somewhere. You could implement in a compatibility layer (advantage: no change to legacy code) or change the legacy app (advantage: data layer is clean). This is a technical decision by the engineering team.
Creating a compatibility database of the legacy structure using the approaches outlined above minimize changes to legacy applications (in some cases, the legacy application continues without any code change at all). This greatly reduces development and testing costs (for which there is no net functional gain to the business), and greatly reduces rollout risk.
It also allows you to concentrate on the real value to the organisation:
The new database structure
New RESTful web services
New applications (potentially build using the RESTful web services)
Positive aspect of web services
Please don't read the above as a diatribe against web services, especially RESTful web services. When used for the right reason, such as for enabling web applications or integration between disparate systems, this is a good architectural solution. However, it might not be the best solution for managing your legacy apps during the data migration.
What it seems like you ought to do is define a new data model ("normalized") and build a mapping from the normalized model back to the legacy model. Then you can replace legacy direct calls with calls on the normalized one at your leisure. This breaks no code.
In parallel, you need to define what amounts to a (cerntralized) legacy db api, and map it to to your normalized model. Now, at your leisure, replace the original legacy db calls with calls on the legacy db API. This breaks no code.
Once the original calls are completely replaced, you can switch the data model over to the real normalized one. This should break no code, since everything is now going against the legacy db API or the normalized db API.
Finally, you can replace the legacy db API calls and related code, with revised code that uses the normalized data API. This requires careful recoding.
To speed all this up, you want an automated code transformation tool to implement the code replacements.
This document seems to have a good overview:
Firstly, this seems like a very messy situation, and I don't think there's a "clean" solution. I've been through similar situations a couple of times - they weren't much fun.
Firstly, the effort of changing your client apps is going to be significant - if the underlying domain changes (by introducing the concept of an address that is separate from a person, for instance), the client apps also change - it's not just a change in the way you access the data. The best way to avoid this pain is to write your API layer to reflect the business domain model of the future, and glue your old database schema into that; if there are new concepts you cannot reflect using the old data (e.g. "get /app/addresses/addressID"), throw a NotImplemented error. Where you can reflect the new model with the old data, wire it together as best you can, and then re-factor under the covers.
Secondly, that means you need to build versioning into your API as a first-class concern - so you can tell clients that in version 1, features x, y and z throw "NotImplemented" exceptions. Each version should be backwards compatible, but add new features. That way, you can refactor features in version 1 as long as you don't break the service, and implement feature x in version 1.1, feature y in version 1.2 etc. Ideally, have a roadmap for your versions, and notify the client app owners if you're going to stop supporting a version, or release a breaking change.
Thirdly, a set of automated integration tests for your API is the best investment you can make - they confirm that you've not broken features as you refactor.
Hope this is of some use - I don't think there's a single, straightforward answer to your question.

Backend for Web Development using Clojure/ClojureScript

I'm familiar with developing desktop apps in Clojure (written a multithreaded interactive visualization system). However, I'm fairly new to Web development using Clojure.
I plan to use Clojure on the server for handling logic; and ClojureScript for handing client side work. However, I don't know what to use for my database server. Should I use something like Monogodb? or Hadoop? Or .... ?
The app is something very simple; a basic forum. Total number of concurrent users will be < 100 at a given time. One thing that is important to me is the ability to easily backup / data consistency -- it's very very important to me that I can easily make daily backups (and not lose all the data.)
You can use many databases; if the database has an API for Java, you should be good to go. MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, Hadoop… and more.
For a nice overview of the webstack in Clojure, check out brehaut's article on the matter.
For getting up and running quickly with Clojure and ClojureScript, try ClojureScriptOne.
There are many ways to write what you want to write; if you're already familiar with Clojure, it shouldn't be too hard to get going.
Haven't used it myself, but Datomic ( ) looks great for anyone coming from Clojure.
Datomic is an amazing database, and I'd highly recommend it. It has many features which set it apart from other database systems:
Like Clojure's data structures, it's persistent, meaning that by default, adding new facts to the database doesn't delete old facts, allowing you to query the state of the database at a previous point in time, enhancing audit-ability and assistance in debugging.
The underlying Entity Attribute Value (EAV/triple) data model (at least partly inspired by RDF & the Semantic Web), is extremely flexible, allowing you to express arbitrary graph structures and effortlessly deal with polymorphism.
The query language is flavor of Datalog, a sort of pattern matching based query language strictly more expressive than SQL and the like in that it can do recursive queries, making it particularly well suited for dealing with graph data/queries.
In addition to Datalog queries, there's a pull api, which let's you pull data out of the database more simply using a GraphQL like expression which specifies the shape of a document-like structure you'd like to pull out of the database. These queries can even be used from within the :find clause of a Datalog query.
You can use Clojure functions from within your queries.
The indexing system is very smart and more or less automatic, in stark contrast with the work that typically goes into tuning SQL databases for performance.
Transactions go through a different API/function call than queries, meaning that the number one security risk identified by OWASP (SQL injection) is literally impossible in Datomic.
The transactor/read-replica design makes it super easy to scale reads/queries, while keeping pressure off the transactor.
It's fun as hell.
One of the things worth pointing out here is that by embracing the EAV data model and datalog/pull queries, Datomic ends up having structural flexibility closer to that of a NoSQL database, while still being fundamentally relational, and even more expressive in it's relational queries than SQL.
It's amazing and you should absolutely give it a shot. It will melt your brain a little. In the good way.
It's also worth noting that it's popularity has inspired a number of successful open source projects, so the underlying approach is not going anywhere any time soon:
DataScript: In memory clj/cljs partial implementation
Datahike: Fork of DataScript which queries over on disk indices, meaning you don't have to keep everything in memory to query
Mentat: Mozilla project trying to make a Datomic-alike for a Mozilla project

Best practices to structure a database to be scaling-ready

I know this is a very generic and subjective question, so feel free to vote to close it if it does not meet the StackOverflow netiquette.. but for me, it's worth trying ;)
I've never built a high-traffic application since now, so I'm not aware (except for some reading on the web) about scaling practices.
How can I design a database that, when a scaling is needed, I dont have to refactor the database structure, or the application code?
I know that development (and optimization) should come step-by-step, optimize bottleneck as they happen, and is nearly impossible to design the perfect structure when you don't know how many users you'll have and how would they use the database (e.g. read/write ratio), I'm just looking for a good base to start.
What are the best practices for making a structure almost ready to be scaled with partitioning and sharding, and what hacks must be absolutely avoided?
Edit some detail about my application:
The application will run as a multisite behavior
I'll have a database for each application version (db_0_0_1, db_0_0_2, etc..)*
Every 'site' will have a schema inside a database* and a role that can access only his own schemas
Application code will be mostly PHP and few things (daemons and maintenance things) in Python
Web server will probably be Nginx and lighttpd or node.js as support for long-polling tasks (e.g. chat)
Caching will be done with memcached (plus apc for things strictly related to the php code, as it can be used outside php)
The question is really generic, but here are few tips:
Do not use any session variables (pg_backend_pid(), inet_client_addr()) or per-session control (SET ROLE, SET SESSION) in application code.
Do not use explicit transaction control (BEGIN/COMMIT/SET TRANSACTION) in application code. All such logic should be wrapped in UDFs. This enables stateless, statement-mode pooling which enables fastest possible DB pooling. (see pgbouncer docs, and pg wiki for more info)
Encapsulate all App<->Db communication in well defined DB API of UDFs - this will let you use PL/Proxy. If doing this with all SELECTs is too hard, do it at least for all data writes (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE). Example: instead of INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES('Joe') you need SELECT create_user('Joe').
check your DB schema - is it easy to separate all data belonging to given user? (most probably this will be the partitioning key). All that's left is common, shared data which will need to be replicated to all nodes.
think of caching before you need it. what will be caching key? what will be cache timeout? will you use memcached?

Does it make sense to use an OR-Mapper?

Does it make sense to use an OR-mapper?
I am putting this question of there on stack overflow because this is the best place I know of to find smart developers willing to give their assistance and opinions.
My reasoning is as follows:
1.) Where does the SQL belong?
a.) In every professional project I have worked on, security of the data has been a key requirement. Stored Procedures provide a natural gateway for controlling access and auditing.
b.) Issues with Applications in production can often be resolved between the tables and stored procedures without putting out new builds.
2.) How do I control the SQL that is generated? I am trusting parse trees to generate efficient SQL.
I have quite a bit of experience optimizing SQL in SQL-Server and Oracle, but would not feel cheated if I never had to do it again. :)
3.) What is the point of using an OR-Mapper if I am getting my data from stored procedures?
I have used the repository pattern with a homegrown generic data access layer.
If a collection needed to be cached, I cache it. I also have experience using EF on a small CRUD application and experience helping tuning an NHibernate application that was experiencing performance issues. So I am a little biased, but willing to learn.
For the past several years we have all been hearing a lot of respectable developers advocating the use of specific OR-Mappers (Entity-Framework, NHibernate, etc...).
Can anyone tell me why someone should move to an ORM for mainstream development on a major project?
edit: seems to have a strong discussion on this topic but it is out of date.
Yet another edit:
Everyone seems to agree that Stored Procedures are to be used for heavy-duty enterprise applications, due to their performance advantage and their ability to add programming logic nearer to the data.
I am seeing that the strongest argument in favor of OR mappers is developer productivity.
I suspect a large motivator for the ORM movement is developer preference towards remaining persistence-agnostic (don’t care if the data is in memory [unless caching] or on the database).
ORMs seem to be outstanding time-savers for local and small web applications.
Maybe the best advice I am seeing is from client09: to use an ORM setup, but use Stored Procedures for the database intensive stuff (AKA when the ORM appears to be insufficient).
I was a pro SP for many, many years and thought it was the ONLY right way to do DB development, but the last 3-4 projects I have done I completed in EF4.0 w/out SP's and the improvements in my productivity have been truly awe-inspiring - I can do things in a few lines of code now that would have taken me a day before.
I still think SP's are important for some things, (there are times when you can significantly improve performance with a well chosen SP), but for the general CRUD operations, I can't imagine ever going back.
So the short answer for me is, developer productivity is the reason to use the ORM - once you get over the learning curve anyway.
A different approach... With the raise of No SQL movement now, you might want to try object / document database instead to store your data. In this way, you basically will avoid the hell that is OR Mapping. Store the data as your application use them and do transformation behind the scene in a worker process to move it into a more relational / OLAP format for further analysis and reporting.
Stored procedures are great for encapsulating database logic in one place. I've worked on a project that used only Oracle stored procedures, and am currently on one that uses Hibernate. We found that it is very easy to develop redundant procedures, as our Java developers weren't versed in PL/SQL package dependencies.
As the DBA for the project I find that the Java developers prefer to keep everything in the Java code. You run into the occassional, "Why don't I just loop through all the Objects that just returned?" This caused a number of "Why isn't the index taking care of this?" issues.
With Hibernate your entities can contain not only their linked database properties, but can also contain any actions taken upon them.
For example, we have a Task Entity. One could Add or Modify a Task among other things. This can be modeled in the Hibernate Entity in Named Queries.
So I would say go with an ORM setup, but use procedures for the database intensive stuff.
A downside of keeping your SQL in Java is that you run the risk of developers using non-parameterized queries leaving your app open to a SQL Injection.
The following is just my private opinion, so it's rather subjective.
1.) I think that one needs to differentiate between local applications and enterprise applications. For local and some web applications, direct access to the DB is okay. For enterprise applications, I feel that the better encapsulation and rights management makes stored procedures the better choice in the end.
2.) This is one of the big issues with ORMs. They are usually optimized for specific query patterns, and as long as you use those the generated SQL is typically of good quality. However, for complex operations which need to be performed close to the data to remain efficient, my feeling is that using manual SQL code is stilol the way to go, and in this case the code goes into SPs.
3.) Dealing with objects as data entities is also beneficial compared to direct access to "loose" datasets (even if those are typed). Deserializing a result set into an object graph is very useful, no matter whether the result set was returned by a SP or from a dynamic SQL query.
If you're using SQL Server, I invite you to have a look at my open-source bsn ModuleStore project, it's a framework for DB schema versioning and using SPs via some lightweight ORM concept (serialization and deserialization of objects when calling SPs).
