I haved installed a fosuerbundle, everything is ok, but not with groups. I use Symfony4.1 and when i try add new group through easyadmin i got error like that:
Too few arguments to function FOS\UserBundle\Model\Group::__construct(), 0 passed in /home/.../app/vendor/easycorp/easyadmin-bundle/src/Controller/AdminController.php on line 441 and at least 1 expected
Any idea what`s wrong that can be ?
at vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/Model/Group.php:40
at FOS\UserBundle\Model\Group->__construct()
at EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController->createNewEntity()
at call_user_func_array(array(object(AdminController), 'createNewEntity'), array())
at EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController->executeDynamicMethod('createNew<EntityName>Entity')
at EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController->newAction()
at call_user_func_array(array(object(AdminController), 'newAction'), array())
at EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController->executeDynamicMethod('new<EntityName>Action')
at EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController->indexAction(object(Request))
at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)
at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, true)
at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Request))
I have trained a ranking model with LightGBM with the objective 'lambdarank'.
I want to evaluate my model to get the nDCG score for my test dataset using the best iteration, but I have never been able to use the lightgbm.Booster.eval() nor lightgbm.Booster.eval_train() function.
First, I have created 3 dataset instances, namely the train set, valid set and test set:
lgb_train = lgb.Dataset(x_train, y_train, group=query_train, free_raw_data=False)
lgb_valid = lgb.Dataset(x_valid, y_valid, reference=lgb_train, group=query_valid, free_raw_data=False)
lgb_test = lgb.Dataset(x_test, y_test, group=query_test)
I then train my model using lgb_train and lgb_valid:
gbm = lgb.train(params,
valid_sets=[lgb_train, lgb_valid],
When I call the eval() or the eval_train() functions after training, it returns an error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-122-7ff5ef5136b8> in <module>()
----> 1 gbm.eval(data=lgb_test,name='test')
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/lightgbm/basic.py in eval(self, data,
name, feval)
1925 raise TypeError("Can only eval for Dataset instance")
1926 data_idx = -1
-> 1927 if data is self.train_set:
1928 data_idx = 0
1929 else:
AttributeError: 'Booster' object has no attribute 'train_set'
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-123-0ce5fa3139f5> in <module>()
----> 1 gbm.eval_train()
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/lightgbm/basic.py in eval_train(self,
1956 List with evaluation results.
1957 """
-> 1958 return self.__inner_eval(self.__train_data_name, 0, feval)
1960 def eval_valid(self, feval=None):
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/lightgbm/basic.py in
__inner_eval(self, data_name, data_idx, feval)
2352 """Evaluate training or validation data."""
2353 if data_idx >= self.__num_dataset:
-> 2354 raise ValueError("Data_idx should be smaller than number
of dataset")
2355 self.__get_eval_info()
2356 ret = []
ValueError: Data_idx should be smaller than number of dataset
and when i called the eval_valid() function, it returns an empty list.
Can anyone tell me how to evaluate a LightGBM model and get the nDCG score using test set properly? Thanks.
If you add keep_training_booster=True as an argument to your lgb.train, the returned booster object would be able to execute eval and eval_train (though eval_valid would still return an empty list for some reason even when valid_sets is provided in lgb.train).
Documentation says:
keep_training_booster (bool, optional (default=False)) – Whether the returned Booster will be used to keep training. If False, the returned value will be converted into _InnerPredictor before returning.
It's friday and I'm tired and my brain obvs doesn't want to find this answer. Please help.
I want to assign the value to an array. It works in subsequent lines but not in one particular line, even though syntax seems the same to me? It seems to think I'm calling a function??
for entry in PROJECT:
i = i + 1
if entry.startswith("A") :
ProjectA(i) = entry
elif entry.startswith("B"):
ProjectB(i)= entry
elif entry.startswith("C") :
ProjectC(i) = entry
# and Programme
elif entry.startswith("D") :
ProjectD(i) = entry
I'm told the problem is the last line: "ProjectD(i) = entry". Which to me seems like a replica of "ProjectC(i) = entry"
ProjectA(i) looks like you are calling a function; ProjectA[i] looks like an array element.
I'm using JNDI to query Active directory from group catalog servers:
Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://" + serverUrl + "/");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userName + "#" + currentDomain);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, credentials);
env.put("java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary", "objectSid");
// Create the initial context
DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
When I get objectSid back and convert the byte[] to hex string I get sids such as:
HEX: ACED0005757200025B42ACF317F8060854E002000078700000001001020000000000052000000025020000
SID: S-172-23445241858-4088152667-134674455-188500-7370752-17825792-2-537198592-620756992
This results in byte 0 having a value of 172 and byte 1 of 237, as well as 3 bytes at the end of parsing the 4 byte sub authorities.
Byte 0 should always be 1 and byte 2 should be the number of 4 byte sub authority identifiers (in this case 9). I'm having trouble figuring out what's going on as I'm unable to correctly map between expected and actual.
I'm betting there's some newbie mistake that I'm making, but can't figure out what it might be; my hope is that someone out there has been through this and can tell me what it is!
This was actually not an LDAP issue, but an issue with writing the object I was getting back to a byte array. The lesson is, debug harder...
That happens when I try to play around with DB::select instead of ORM.
The query is returned as an object, but the error appears.
$bd_userdata -> offset($pagination -> offset) -> limit($pagination -> items_per_page) -> find_all() -> as_array();
ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Call to undefined method Database_MySQL_Result::offset()
Does it mean I have to count rows, before I send them to the offset in pagination?
When I try $query->count_all() I get the error message:
Undefined property: Database_Query_Builder_Select::$count_all
I tried count($query) but instead I got:
No tables used [ SELECT * LIMIT 4 OFFSET 0 ]
Here is the solution:
$results = DB::select('*')
->where('id', '=', 1)
And a counter:
$count = $results->count_all();
I was doing it before, the other way around. That is why it did not work.
As you can see, execute() returns Database_Result object, which has no QBuilder's functionality. You must apply all conditions (where, limit, offset etc) before calling execute.
Here is a simple example with pagination:
// dont forget to apply reset(FALSE)!
$query = DB::select()->from('users')->where('username', '=', 'test')->reset(FALSE);
// counting rows
$row_count = $query->count_all();
// create pagination
$pagination = Pagination::factory(array(
'items_per_page' => 4,
'total_items' => $row_count,
// select rows using pagination's limit&offset
$users = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->items_per_page)->execute();
Here is my selection code from db:
$q = $this->db->like('Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4', $vyraz)
->where('stav', 1)
->order_by('id', 'desc')
return $q->result();
Where $vyraz = "Zuzana Šidlíková";
And the error is:
Nastala chyba databázy
Error Number: 1054
Unknown column '1' in 'where clause'
SELECT * FROM (\knihy`) WHERE `stav` = 1 AND `1` LIKE '%Zuzana Ĺ idlĂková%' ORDER BY `id` desc LIMIT 9
Filename: C:\wamp\www\artbooks\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number: 330
Can you help me solve this problem?
Your syntax is wrong for what you're trying to do, but still technically valid, because this:
'Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4'
...is actually a valid PHP expression which evaluates to TRUE (because all non-empty strings are "truthy"), which when cast to a string or echoed comes out as 1, so the DB class is looking to match on a column called "1".
function like($arg1, $arg2)
return "WHERE $arg1 LIKE '%$arg2%'";
$vyraz = 'Zuzana Šidlíková';
echo like('Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4', $vyraz);
// Output: WHERE 1 LIKE '%Zuzana Šidlíková%'
Anyways, here's what you need:
$q = $this->db
->like('Autor1', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor2', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor3', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor4', $vyraz)
->where('stav', 1)
->order_by('id', 'desc')