JavaScript array default assignment syntax confusion - arrays

If I create a function constructor in JavaScript like so:
function Emitter() {{}
and then I add a method to its prototype like so:
Emitter.prototype.on = function(type,listener) {
this.event[type] =[type] | [];
When I call the method 'on' an instance of Emitter twice, why does it not just overwrite the original property called greet and assign it the second function? I guess I do not understand the stricture of what is happening in:
this.event[type] =[type] | [];
var emtr = new Emitter();
console.log('Hello once');
emtr.on('greet', function(){
console.log('Hello twice');

You should be using || for OR instead of |, this is invalid:
this.event[type] =[type] | [];
Also, you are calling event instead of events. You should have:[type] =[type] || [];
This way if[type] is not undefined it will stay as is. However if it is undefined is will be assigned as an empty array: []
The code below will successfully add the two functions to['greet'] (an array of functions):
function Emitter() { = {}
Emitter.prototype.on = function(type, listener) {[type] =[type] || [];[type].push(listener);
var emtr = new Emitter();
emtr.on('greet', function() {
console.log('Hello once');
emtr.on('greet', function(){
console.log('Hello twice');
So you can call them like so:['greet'][0]();
If instead, you would like to replace the listener then you shouldn't be using an array. Pointing to a function instead of an array of functions will suffice:
function Emitter() { = {}
Emitter.prototype.on = function(type, listener) {[type] = listener;
var emtr = new Emitter();
emtr.on('greet', function() {
console.log('Hello once');
emtr.on('greet', function(){
console.log('Hello twice');
});['greet'](); // notice how the first listener was replaced by the new one
This way you can call your listener with['greet']().

While #Ivan is completely correct, he missed your main question of “why?”
The answer is that the logical OR operator in JS also functions as a null coalescing operator when used as part of an assignment statement.
Essentially, in the case
let x = y || “default”;
The right hand side will evaluate to the first “truthy” value and return that. In JS most things evaluate true in a logical operation except values like false, 0, null, and a few others not relevant to this question.
So in your syntax (as corrected by Ivan), you’re telling JS to assign to the events[type] property the first thing that’s true. Either itself (which will evaluate true if it’s not null, unassigned, 0, etc) or else an empty array.
The first time you add an event, it’ll be unassigned and therefore get an empty array added. Subsequently, arrays eval as true, so you’ll just keep re-assigning the property to itself which has no effect.
Make sense?

function Emitter() { = []
Emitter.prototype.on = function (type, listener) {[type] =[type]||[][type].push(listener);
Emitter.prototype.emit = function(type){
var listener =[type].pop()
console.log('Nothing to emit')
var emtr = new Emitter();
console.log('Hello once');


Angular.copy inside promise with angularjs

I need to make a copy of an object, but this object is inside a promise.
When I modify the object a, the object b is modified too.
I know that it can be due to async mode with promise, but I can not figure out it.
Simplifying my code, I have something like this:
The promise:
$ = function () {
DocumentFactory.getDocuments(dataParams).then(function (data) {
function (data) {
$ = true;
It will search into many topics and will return some of them.
Then I create an array with that topics:
var makeFacets = function(data) {
$scope.topics[0] ={father: "General", label:""};
$scope.topics[1] ={father: "International", label:""};
$scope.topics[2] ={father: "Crime", label:""};
$scope.topics[3] ={father: "NonLegal", label:""};
Once I have the object, I use it to show that topics and also to filter inside that topics:
<div class="filter-box">
<input type="input" class="form-control" ng-model="filter.topic" ng-change="test1()">
<div class="filter-name" ng-repeat="data in topics">
My last step is try to filter inside that topics, to do that, I need to make a copy of the topics.
$scope.allTopics = [];
$scope.test1 = function(){
if($scope.allTopics.length === 0){
angular.copy($scope.topics, $scope.allTopics);
$scope.topics = $scope.allTopics;
var filter = $scope.filter.topic;
for(var i = 0; i<$scope.topics.length; i++){
if($scope.topics[i].children !== undefined){
for(var j = 0; j<$scope.topics[i].children.length; j++){
if($scope.topics[i].children[j].label.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) === -1){
$scope.topics[i].children.splice(j, 1);
This is not working, of course. I have tried a lot of things more but no one is working.
Also I have tried to add the copy here:
$ = function () {
DocumentFactory.getDocuments(dataParams).then(function (data) {
$scope.allTopics = [];
angular.copy($scope.topics, $scope.allTopics);
function (data) {
$ = true;
All time I modify the topics object, the all Topics object is also modified.
The issue is that you are doing an assignment after calling copy. Thus, the two variables reference the same object leading to the problem you observe. Just leave out the assignment after you have copied it or do a copy instead of an assignment.
if($scope.allTopics.length === 0){
angular.copy($scope.topics, $scope.allTopics);
$scope.topics = $scope.allTopics; // <-- this assignment is wrong
Note you can also use copy in a more assignment-like fashion:
$scope.topics = angular.copy($scope.allTopics);

Using _.each and $q promise to iterate widgets

I have a pretty straight-forward problem where I'm :
Iterating through a series of dashboard "widgets" using _.each().
Calling a function to refresh the current widget, and returning a $q promise.
Now, my issue is that I would like each iteration to WAIT prior to continuing to the next iteration.
My first version was this, until I realized that I need to wait for updateWidget() to complete:
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData);
My second version is this one, which returns a promise. But of course, I still have the problem where the iteration continues without waiting :
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData).then(function(data){
var i = 1;
and the called function which returns a deferred.promise object (then makes a service call for widget data) :
function updateWidget(widget, parWidData) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$rootScope.refreshingWidget = widget;
var url = gadgetDataService.prepareAggregationRequest(cubeVectors, aggrFunc, typeName, orderBy, numOrderBy, top, filterExpr, having, drillDown);
return gadgetDataService.sendAggGetRequest(url).then(function (data) {
var data =[0];
var widget = {};
if ($rootScope.refreshingWidget) {
widget = $rootScope.refreshingWidget;
var chartOptions = chartsOptionsService.buildKendoChartOptions(data, widget);
// create neOptions object, then use jquery extend()
var newOptions = {};
$.extend(newOptions, widget.dataModelOptions, chartOptions);
widget.dataModelOptions = newOptions;
return deferred.promise;
I would appreciate your ideas on how to "pause" on each iteration, and continue once the called function has completed.
thank you,
******* UPDATED ************
My latest version of the iteration code include $q.all() as follows :
var promises = [];
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
promises.push(updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData));
.then(function () {
$timeout(function () {
// without a brief timeout, not all Kendo charts will properly refresh.
}, 100);
By chaining promises
The easiest is the following:
var queue = $q.when();
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
queue = queue.then(function() {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
return updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData);
queue.then(function() {
// all completed sequentially
Note: at the end, queue will resolve with the return value of the last iteration
If you write a lot of async functions like this, it might be useful to wrap it into a utility function:
function eachAsync(collection, cbAsync) {
var queue = $q.when();
_.each(collection, function(item, index) {
queue = queue.then(function() {
return cbAsync(item, index);
return queue;
// ...
eachAsync(widgets, function(wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
return updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData);
}).then(function() {
// all widgets updated sequentially
// still resolved with the last iteration
These functions build a chain of promises in the "preprocessing" phase, so your callback is invoked sequentially. There are other ways to do it, some of them are more efficient and use less memory, but this solution is the simplest.
By delayed iteration
This method will hide the return value even of the last iteration, and will not build the full promise chain beforehands. The drawback is that, it can be only used on array like objects.
function eachAsync(array, cbAsync) {
var index = 0;
function next() {
var current = index++;
if (current < array.length) {
return $q.when(cbAsync(array[current], current), next);
// else return undefined
// This will delay the first iteration as well, and will transform
// thrown synchronous errors of the first iteration to rejection.
return $q.when(null, next);
This will iterate over any iterable:
function eachAsync(iterable, cbAsync) {
var iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
function next() {
var iteration =;
if (!iteration.done) {
// we do not know the index!
return $q.when(cbAsync(iteration.value), next);
} else {
// the .value of the last iteration treated as final
// return value
return iteration.value;
// This will delay the first iteration as well, and will transform
// thrown synchronous errors of the first iteration to rejection.
return $q.when(null, next);
Keep in mind that these methods will behave differently when the collection changes during iteration. The promise chaining methods basically build a snapshot of the collection at the moment it starts iteration (the individual values are stored in the closures of the chained callback functions), while the latter does not.
Instead of trying to resolve each promise in your _.each(), I would build out an array of promises in your _.each to get an array like:
promises = [gadgetDataService.sendAggGetRequest(url1), gadgetDataService.sendAggGetRequest(url2)....]
Then resolve them all at once, iterate through the results and set your models:
$q.all(promises).then(function(results){ // iterate through results here })

ng-if only works when referencing var direct from service, instead of var in controller scope

I am trying to understand why my ng-if statement doesn't work when I reference a local variable in my controller that is assigned to a value from a service, but it works properly if assigned directly to the value from that service.
For example, this works:
<div class="map" ng-if="interactiveMap.mapService.esriLoaded">
<esri-map id="map1"
with the following controller:
.controller('InteractivemapCtrl', function (map, config) {
var self = this; = {};
self.mapService = map;
self.mapOptions = {
basemap: 'mcgiStreet',
extent: config.globals.initialExtent,
sliderStyle: 'small'
self.load = function(){
map.getMap('interactiveMap').then(function(thisMap) {
console.log(thisMap); = thisMap;
But if I were to assign the "esriLoaded" var to a local var in the scope, like this:
<div class="map" ng-if="interactiveMap.esriLoaded">
<esri-map id="map1"
Controller here:
.controller('InteractivemapCtrl', function (map, config) {
var self = this; = {};
self.esriLoaded = map.esriLoaded;
self.mapOptions = {
basemap: 'mcgiStreet',
extent: config.globals.initialExtent,
sliderStyle: 'small'
self.load = function(){
map.getMap('interactiveMap').then(function(thisMap) {
console.log(thisMap); = thisMap;
Then it doesn't work. The value for "esriLoaded" is always false (which is the default value for esriLoaded). It's like it isn't updating the value of self.ersiLoaded when the value gets updated in the "map" service. Here is the code for the "map" service, just in case folks need it to answer this question.
.service('map', function (config, esriLoader, esriRegistry, esriMapUtils) {
// AngularJS will instantiate a singleton by calling "new" on this function
var self = this;
self.esriLoaded = false;
self.lazyload = function() {
// Make a call to load Esri JSAPI resources.
// A promise is provided for when the resources have finished loading.
url: config.globals.esriJS
}).then(function() {
// Set Loaded to be true
self.esriLoaded = true;
esriMapUtils.addCustomBasemap('mcgiStreet', {
urls: [''],
title: 'MCGI Street Map',
thumbnailurl: ''
if (!self.esriLoaded) {
self.getMap = function(id){
return esriRegistry.get(id);
That is actually not because of angular, but because of JavaScript. map.esriLoaded is a boolean value, a primitive and thus not an object, which leads to your local self.esriLoaded not becoming a reference (as only objects can be referenced), but just a plain copy of the boolean value contained in map.esriLoaded.
A short example to make it more clear:
var a = 5; //primitive
var b = a; //b just copies the value of a
a = 6; //This will change a, but not b
conosle.log(b); //will print 5
var a = { someValue: 5 }; //a is now a reference to that object
var b = a; //b also becomes a reference to the object above
a.someValue = 1337; //will change the object a is referencing, thus also
//changing the object b is referencing, as its the same object
console.log(b.someValue); //will print 1337

How to extend returned objects in the list returned by $asArray?

I'm having trouble decorate the objects in my list returned by $asArray in angularfire with a new method (not decorating the array itself).
The angularfire documentation seems to suggest that the right way to do this is to override the $$added method in the factory for $FirebaseArray, returning a new object that either encapsulates or extends the snapshot that gets passed in to that method. From the documentation:
// an object to return in our JokeFactory
app.factory("Joke", function($firebaseUtils) {
function Joke(snapshot) {
this.$id =;
Joke.prototype = {
update: function(snapshot) {
// apply changes to instead of directly on `this` = snapshot.val();
makeJoke: function() {
alert("Why did the " + this.animal + " cross the " + this.obstacle + "?");
toJSON: function() {
// since we didn't store our data directly on `this`, we need to return
// it in parsed format. We can use the util function to remove $ variables
// and get it ready to ship
return $firebaseUtils.toJSON(;
return Joke;
app.factory("JokeFactory", function($FirebaseArray, Joke) {
return $FirebaseArray.$extendFactory({
// change the added behavior to return Joke objects
$$added: function(snap) {
return new Joke(snap);
// override the update behavior to call Joke.update()
$$updated: function(snap) {
However, when I do this in my code, nothing ever gets added to the array, although I can see from outputting to the console that it is getting called.
var printMessageObjConstructor = function(snap) {
this.$id =;
this.snapshot = snap;
this.$update = function(snap) {
this.snapshot = snap;
this.printMessage = function() {
return + "'s question is: " + this.body;
var ref = new Firebase("");
//What Am I Doing Wrong Here?
var arrayFactory = $FirebaseArray.$extendFactory({
$$added: function(snap, prevChild) {
var x = new printMessageObjConstructor(snap);
console.log("I am being called from FirebaseDecoratedCtlOverloadAddedinNewObj.");
return x;
$createObject: function(snap) {
return new printMessageObjConstructor(snap);
$$updated: function(snap) {
var i = this.$indexFor(;
var q = this.$list[i];
var sync = $firebase(ref, {arrayFactory:arrayFactory});
var list = sync.$asArray();
list.$loaded(function(list) {
$scope.questions = list;
I've set up a new plunk stripped down to show the issue with a couple other use cases that I've tried. (The actual method I'm adding is more complex and isn't related to the view, but I wanted to do something simple to reproduce the issue.)
I think the issue is that I don't quite understand what exactly $$added is supposed to return, or what additional behavior beside returning the value to be stored $$added is supposed to have. There also doesn't really seem to be an $$added on the prototype or on $FirebaseArray to call as a super to get the default behavior. Can someone point me in the right direction?
For the benefit of others, after reviewing the like that Kato posted, I was able to solve the issue by adding the following, almost all copied directly from the source except for the commented line below.
$$added: function(snap, prevChild) {
var i = this.$indexFor(;
if( i === -1 ) {
var rec = snap.val();
if( !angular.isObject(rec) ) {
rec = { $value: rec };
rec.$id =;
rec.$priority = snap.getPriority();
$firebaseUtils.applyDefaults(rec, this.$$defaults);
//This is the line that I added to what I copied from the source
angular.extend(rec, printMessageObj);
this._process('child_added', rec, prevChild);
For the benefit of others, after reviewing the link that Kato posted, I was able to solve the issue by adding the following, almost all copied directly from the source except for the commented line below.
$$added: function(snap, prevChild) {
var i = this.$indexFor(;
if( i === -1 ) {
var rec = snap.val();
if( !angular.isObject(rec) ) {
rec = { $value: rec };
rec.$id =;
rec.$priority = snap.getPriority();
$firebaseUtils.applyDefaults(rec, this.$$defaults);
//This is the line that I added to what I copied from the source
angular.extend(rec, printMessageObj);
this._process('child_added', rec, prevChild);

Checking if object is empty, works with ng-show but not from controller?

I have a JS object declared like so
$scope.items = {};
I also have a $http request that fills this object with items. I would like to detect if this item is empty, it appears that ng-show supports this... I enter
and magically it works,I would also like to do the same from a controller but i can't seem to get it to work, it appears I may have to iterate over the object to see if it has any properties or use lodash or underscore.
Is there an alternative?
I did try
alert($scope.items == true);
but it always returns false , when the object is created and when populated with $http, so its not working that way.
Or you could keep it simple by doing something like this:
alert(angular.equals({}, $scope.items));
In a private project a wrote this filter
.filter('isEmpty', function () {
var bar;
return function (obj) {
for (bar in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(bar)) {
return false;
return true;
<p ng-hide="items | isEmpty">Some Content</p>
describe('Filter: isEmpty', function () {
// load the filter's module
// initialize a new instance of the filter before each test
var isEmpty;
beforeEach(inject(function ($filter) {
isEmpty = $filter('isEmpty');
it('should return the input prefixed with "isEmpty filter:"', function () {
expect(isEmpty({foo: "bar"})).toBe(false);
Use an empty object literal isn't necessary here, you can use null or undefined:
$scope.items = null;
In this way, ng-show should keep working, and in your controller you can just do:
if ($scope.items) {
// items have value
} else {
// items is still null
And in your $http callbacks, you do the following:
$http.get(..., function(data) {
$scope.items = {
data: data,
// other stuff
another simple one-liner:
var ob = {};
Object.keys(ob).length // 0
If you couldn't have the items OBJ equal to null, you can do this:
$scope.isEmpty = function (obj) {
for (var i in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) return false;
return true;
and in the view you can do:
<div ng-show="isEmpty(items)"></div>
You can do
var ob = {};
Only if your browser supports ECMAScript 5. For Example, IE 8 doesn't support this feature.
See for more infos
if( obj[0] )
a cleaner version of this might be:
if( typeof Object.keys(obj)[0] === 'undefined' )
where the result will be undefined if no object property is set.
Or, if using lo-dash: _.empty(value).
"Checks if value is empty. Arrays, strings, or arguments objects with a length of 0 and objects with no own enumerable properties are considered "empty"."
Check Empty object
$scope.isValid = function(value) {
return !value
you can check length of items
