What I want to do is the following
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
return 'Dialog text here.';
Ext.Msg.confirm("ConfirmaciĆ³n", "Seguro que quieres salir", function (btnText) {
if (btnText === "yes") {
}, this);
that is, I want that if the person leaves the browser to be able to delete or do some action from the server and notify the person who will have some consequences for avandonar the form.
thank you very much
Try using below code:
Ext.EventManager.on(window, "beforeunload", function (e) {
Write your code here
}, this, {});
I have the following, script for the QuillEditor(I have multiple editors):
var editors = {};
function editors() {
var toolbarOptions = [
[{'list': 'ordered'}, {'list': 'bullet'}],
data.forEach(function (el) {
editors[el] = new Quill(el['editor'], {modules: {toolbar: toolbarOptions}, theme: 'snow', scrollingContainer:el['quill'] });
editors[el].on('text-change', copyText(el['text'], editors[el]));
function copyText(text, editor) {
text.innerHTML = editor.root.innerHTML;
To use it in backend, I'm copying the text from the editor to a textarea copyText(el['text'].
I need to always work, but it is coping text/html, only once when the function is executed. I'm expecting editors[el].on('text-change', to work like an event listener.
The scrollingContainer, doesn't a scroll. I check that the target exist, is the parent of the editor.
I am not sure if this part of the error but you have an extra } after after the editors function.
The main problem here is that instead of setting the event listener you are running the event listener which is why it is running only once.
So change the event-listener line to:
editors[el].on('text-change', function () {
copyText(el['text'], editors[el]);
I don't generally like creating functions in other functions and especially inside loops so I would recommend creating a function factory function that will create a new function for each element.
function createListener(text, editor) {
return function(){
copyText(text, editor);
And call it like this:
editors[el].on('text-change', createListener(el['text'], editors[el]));
I have a simple DelegateCommand from Telerik. I have a case,
I have a screen with a textbox and a button. Whenever I click save the button should be disabled and should not accept any clicks until the operation completes.
The implementation is as below,
public DelegateCommand SaveRemarksCommand
return _saveRemarksCommand = new DelegateCommand((r) =>
CanSaveRemarks = false;
(result) =>
return CanSaveRemarks;
Here I am manipulating the CanSaveRemarks as false until the SaveRemarks executes.
The problem now is if I click multiple times fast on the button the button accepts multiple clicks saving duplicates.
You can additionally check the CanSaveRemarks property in your command handler.
This property is already available to you, so you don't need to introduce something else.
new DelegateCommand((r) =>
if (!CanSaveRemarks)
CanSaveRemarks = false;
CanSaveRemarks = true;
(result) =>
return CanSaveRemarks;
I am planning to trigger a click event programatically when user presses a spacebar key. I have been used fireEvent('click') it is working for chrome, but It is not working for IE-11. I also tried, dispatchEvent for IE but it is throwing an error: "element does not support method or property dispatchEvent". Please follow below code.
onCustomRender: function(thisEl, args){
var fetchTrigger = thisEl.getTrigger('fetchID
if (e.keyCode === 32) {
//fetchTrigger.el.fireEvent('click'); //this is working in chrome //not working in IE and did not throwing error.
var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evObj.initEvent('click', true, false);
Please Help
Thanks in Advance
First of all you have syntax error in the code you provided...
Calling the function directly is easiest (as Evan said) but if you want to keep the logic in the controller you can fire events. Else you need some ugly code to get the controller first, then call the method...
I don't like fireing events and attaching listeners on the 'Ext.dom.Element' if you don't have to. Just use your ext elements..
Here is what I would do:
onCustomRender: function(thisEl, args){
var fetchTrigger = thisEl.getTrigger('fetchID');
fetchTrigger.on('keydown',function(trigger, e){
if (e.keyCode === 32) {
trigger.fireEvent('click', trigger);
Or even better, use the controller:
implement listeners
init: function () {
'#fetchID': { //you can optimize the componentQuery
keydown: this.onTriggerKeyDown,
click: this.onTriggerClick
and methods like this:
onTriggerKeyDown: function(trigger, e){
if (e.keyCode === 32) {
onTriggerClick: function(trigger) {
//do you thing!
I'am building single page using BackboneJS and I need to prevent router executing on back button in a browser. To be exact I need to show confirmation custom popup with the text "Do you really want exit room? [yes|no]". So if user clicks yes then default actions should happens but if no then user should stay in the current screen.
I use Backbone.router with pushState: true. Does Backbonejs provide something like before router event to be possible prevent router handling or how could I archive it?
I'm not sure if this is still an issue, but this is how I would get around it. It may not be the best way, but could be a step in the right direction.
Backbone.History.prototype.loadUrl = function (fragment, options) {
var result = true;
if (fragment === void (0) && options === void (0) && this.confirmationDisplay !== void(0))
result = confirm('Are you sure you want to leave this room?');
var opts = options;
fragment = Backbone.history.fragment = Backbone.history.getFragment(fragment);
if (result) {
this.confirmationDisplay = true;
return _.any(Backbone.history.handlers, function (handler) {
if (handler.route.test(fragment)) {
//We just pass in the options
handler.callback(fragment, opts);
return true;
return this;
Essentially checking if we have a fragment and options, if not, we can assume the app just started, or the user clicked the back button.
Backbone router has an execute method which is called for every route change, we can return false to prevent the current transition. The code will probably look like below :
With an asynchronous popup (untested code, but should work)
execute: function(callback,args){
if(this.lastRoute === 'room'){
callback & callback.apply(this,args);
callback && callback.apply(this,args);
showPopup: function(){
var html = "<<div><p>Do you really want to exit</p><button id='yes'>Yes</button><button id='no'>No</button></div>"
var promise = $.Deferred();
return promise;
With synchronous confirm popup
execute: function(callback,args){
if(this.lastRoute === 'room'){
var conf = confirm("Do you really want to exit the room ?");
//Change the route back to room
return false;
callback && callback.apply(this,args);
My validate function is not getting called in the code below:-
var Vehicle = Backbone.Model.extend({
color: 'green',
validate: function (attrs) {
var validColors = ['white', 'red', 'blue', 'yellow'];
var colorIsValid = function (attrs) {
if (!attrs.color) return true;
return _.contains(validColors, attrs.color);
if(!colorIsValid(attrs)) {
return "color must be one of: " +validColors.join(",");
var car = new Vehicle();
car.on('error', function (model, error) {
car.set('color', 'muave');
Please see fiddle
Can someone tell me why the validate function is not getting called?
In Backbone.js validate is called automatically on save but not on set.
If you want validations to run when setting a value you will need to use the validate option. e.g.
car.set('color', 'muave', {validate: true});
See http://backbonejs.org/#Model-validate
The error event is triggered when an error occurs, typically on the server, when trying to save the object. See http://backbonejs.org/#Events-catalog
If you want to catch validation failures try handling the invalid event:
car.on('invalid', function (model, error) {
Seems need to write some extra code for to run the validate.
like below:
car.set('color', 'muave', {validate:true});