PROPERTY LIST - Is it possible to Customize appearance in back office - episerver

I'm using a property list in the back office.
I have an image as one of the properties, the problem I have is it only shows the content Id in the property list table, this is a really poor UI experince.
In addition one of the properties are a URL, again instead of showing a friendly URL it shows and internal URL, again not a very good UI experince for a content editor.
Is there a way to change this?
I am new to EPI server and though I have come accross some good features, what is kind of disapoiting are elements of the UI, a property list table like this could look much much better than this.
Can I customise it?


How to assign custom class to PropertyGridControl.SelectedObject at design time

How could I assign a custom class (Customer, Order, etc) to a DevExpress PropertyGridControl (or native Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid) at Design Time?
The PropertyGridControl.SelectedObject's dropdown list shows only the other Controls used in the form, but not custom fields declared by me. For instance:
Dim oCustomer As new Customer
I'd like to customize MultiEditorRows, styles, etc at design time to show my object properly.
At runtime it's as easy as:
myPropertyGridControl.SelectedObject = New Customer
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please excuse my bad english.
At design-time only components that exist on a form can be selected as the grid's SelectedObject. Of cause, you can make your object a Component descendant and drop it onto a form to select it. But, I don't think that you really need this. As far as I understand, you need to generate grid rows at design time to customize them. If so, it's better to use the Rows Page designer to manually add the required rows and customize them.

Views, add fields, limited options

I have recently developed an odd behaviour in my views. I am trying to generate a simple view that simply lists all entered data of that content type in a table. I have stripped all bells and whistles from the view to get it working but it just won't.
When I create a new view, I can add the relevant fields for the content type, filters etc. It all works as expected. If I then save and try to create another page view for the next content type, all my fields disappear (including the original fields used in the original view). The only fields available are core fields like content:type, content:title, content:post date etc.
I have checked permissions, display values in the content type, searched extensively online. Most people's issue is the relationship hasn't been established but my view doesn't rely on a relationship, it is a simple display view.
Any help or pointers would be truly appreciated.
Thanks in advance Nelle
Drupal 7.22
Views 7.x-3.7
This is a bug in Views. See this bug report for a work-around (disable Views caching and UI Javascript).
Did you tried to remove filters from new page?
There is an important option when you use the same view to create many pages or blocks :
when you edit a field or filter, you should choose where to apply modifications (For All displays or this page (override)

How to put data onto this Silverlight Timeline Control

I've got the following problem: in our teams software you can navigate to a site (journal) which loads a individual history (journal entries). The history entries are currently shown in a grid. If you change the SelectedItem, additional data (details of the journal entry) is shown below the grid.
Now my team finds this Silverlight Timeline Control (Silverlight Documentation) pretty good for displaying historical data. I think this either.
My problem is that the only way to put data onto this timeline control is via XML files. That's not a viable solution for our project. Do you see a way to "bind" this to something like ItemsSource? The reason for this is that we have lots of "journals". And every journal you open shows a different history of journal entries. You also can add/edit/delete entries.
You can do this through ResetEvents method. Timeline control calculates event positions, so it needs all events to calculate position of any. It loads them quickly, though, so 10k of events should not be a problem. Please use timeline forum for more help.
Yes, add propery which calls reset events. This could be observable collection, subscribe to events of this collection and call reset events from there also. Makes sense?

Change filter in Silverlight Pivot Viewer to use AND instead of OR

I need to modify the way the filter acts in the Silverlight Pivot viewer.
I have this filter:
x Keyword a
_ Keyword b
x Keyword c
_ Keyword d
_ Keyword e
The filter generates “Keyword a OR Keyword c”. What I need is “Keyword a AND Keyword c”.
Is that possible?
Any help is appreciated!
What Poker Villain says is quite right but that doesn't mean the PivotViewer is not a solution for you. I had a similar problem with a system I've been working on and managed to find a suitable way of making the PivotViewer play nice. This will only work for JIT collections though since it relies on re-fetching the data.
Essentially the system I've been working on is a case management system. Much of the data associated with a case is mutually exclusive and so fits the model of the PivotViewer but there is also the ability to add 'tags' to a case and like you suggest, often the user will want to combinational logic there. Here's what I did to fix the problem.
First off,'re gonna want a copy of Silverlight Spy. Now in the explorer tab of SSpy, you can drill right down the Visual Tree and look at the guts of the PivotViewer. Here's how mine looks...
You can see I've drilled right down into the control named 'PART_FacetPane'. Below that there's a bunch of CustomAccordianItems. Essentially, you just need to subclass the PivotViewer (that's why mine says PivotViewerEx) and override the OnApplyTemplate method.
In here you will be able to use GetTemplateChild or some other means to navigate the VisualTree and add another control yourself. In my project, I used a simple tag cloud control I'd previously built.
What I do is handle the events of the tag cloud control and append querystring values to the URL used to build the CXML and filter the data based on these parameters. It's not as fluid as being able to filter the data 'live' as it were but it's a solution for now.
It's probably worth mentioning that depending on your circumstances, you may need to add a final, randomly generated querystring value to the CXML URL so you don't get a cached copy of the data.
HTH, Stimul8d.
bottom line ... NO.
You get what you get with this control. (for now)
but you could generate a "dummy" facet that was the concatenation of all the keywords for an item. But if you had more than a few keywords, it would look very ugly.

MVVM - Closing a tab when a record is deleted

I'm not really sure how to do this in the best MVVM way...
Basically, my main app opens up a search window that shows all records in a TabPanel. Then if a record is double clicked a new tab is opened with that record. Now, I'm trying to keep things MVVM, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to close the gui tabitem when a person deletes the record (why keep it open if the record is gone).
The only way I can figure out how to do it now is to pass the instance of the TabItem as a parameter of the DeleteCommand, which to me seems like a big no-no, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to accomplish this.
If you were going to do this in the true MVVM sense, then double-clicking a record would, behind the scenes, add a record to a collection of records. That record collection is the datasource for the tabs in your control. Simply removing that item from the list (usually an ObservableCollection<T>) would result in the UI updating and the tab being removed.
Which approach are you currently using to show the tab?
Edit (in response to comment):
That is not "true" MVVM. It doesn't matter if the tabs can be more than just records. You should create View Models which abstract those details, then just put your view model instances (RecordViewModel, ReportViewModel, etc) in an observable collection and bind to that. Use datatemplates to render the correct views for each tab's content based on the type of view model the current tab is being bound to.
Josh Smith wrote an amazing article describing how MVVM works. The sample application does something very similar to what you want to do.
The application displays a TabControl which displays 1 or more workspaces. The workspace area displays two different kinds of items. The tab items are closable. Take a look, I'm sure this will solve your problem.
WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern
